2013Sole Proprietor Income and Expenses Organizer

Please use additional copies for other businesses

Please use only for income and expenses earned or paid for as a sole proprietor

Please use the Business Entity Organizer for income and expenses under an S or C corporation

(or an LLC taxed as an S or C corporation)


General Information

1. Check ownership[] Taxpayer[] Spouse[] Joint

2. Business name______

3. Business address______


4. Principle business/profession ______

5. Employer ID number______

6. Accounting method [] Cash[] Accrual [] Not sure

YesNo Not Sure

7. Did you materially participate in the operation of the business in 2013? [] [][]

8. Did you acquire or start the business in 2013? [] [][]

9. Is all of the investment in this activity at risk? [] [][]

10. Did you use a car or truck for business? [] [][]

If yes please complete the Car and Truck Expense Organizer

11. Did you have a home office for this business? [] [][]

If yes please complete the Home Office Organizer

12. Did you purchaseor lease any equipment, furniture or vehicles? [] [] []

If yes please complete the new asset acquired sheet at the bottom of this organizer

13. Does your business flip real estate?[] []

If yes please complete the real estate flipping supplement

14.Did you make any payments in 2013 that would require you to file Form1099?

[] [][]

15. If yes did you or will you file all required forms?[] []

Special Note: Please understand that just because you may believe you have a business it does not mean that the IRS will believe that you have a business. In order for this activity to be considered a business by the IRS you must have a profit motive. The IRS determines your motive based mainly on 9 objective standards. If your business has a loss and especially if the business had little or no income your profit motive may be questioned. For more information go to watch my video Is Your Business a Business.


Please send QuickBooks Backup File or complete the income and expense questions below

What is the QuickBooks username______

What is the QuickBooks password______


Gross income or sales______

Returns or allowances______

Other Income______


Cost of Goods Sold – If Applicable Use this section only if you sell items for which you keep an inventory on hand

Inventory at the beginning of the year______

Inventory purchases for 2013______

Cost of labor______

Materials and supplies______

Other costs______

Inventory at end of year______

Cost of goods sold (if you don’t know we will

calculate it for you)______



Books & Publications______

Commissions and fees______

Contract labor______

Dues & Subscriptions______

Education & Seminars______

Employee benefit programs______

Insurance – other than health ______

Health insurance for taxpayer (not employees)______

Health insurance for employees (not taxpayer)______


Mortgage ______


Legal and professional services______

Office expenses______

Pension and Profit –sharing plans ______

Rent or lease

Machinery and equipment______

Other business property______

Repairs and maintenance______

Supplies not included in cost of goods sold______

Taxes and licenses______


Meals subject to 50% limit______

Meals not subject to limit______



Other expenses





Qualified pension plans start-up costs______

Cell Phone Expense

This is another area that the IRS is focusing on. Cell phone expenses must be apportioned for business and personal use. The IRS does not believe that cell phones are used 100% for business unless you have a separate cell phone for each. We must report the personal and business use percentage on the tax return. These percentages should be supported by a written record such as your cell phone bills with calls marked as business or personal.

Total Cell Phone Expenses______

Business % ______Personal % ______

Real Estate Flipping Supplement

Please do not include any of the information on this page in the expenses on the previous page.

Property Purchases

Address ______Purchase Price ______Purchase Date ______

Property Taxes paid ______Interest Paid ______Repairs & rehab ______Other exp ______Sale price ______Sale Date ______Selling costs (commissions, closing costs, etc) ______If you carried back the financing on the sale Down payment ______Principle payments ______Interest ______

Address ______Purchase Price ______Purchase Date ______

Property Taxes paid ______Interest Paid ______Repairs & rehab ______Other exp ______Sale price ______Sale Date ______Selling costs (commissions, closing costs, etc) ______If you carried back the financing on the sale Down payment ______Principle payments ______Interest ______

Address ______Purchase Price ______Purchase Date ______

Property Taxes paid ______Interest Paid ______Repairs & rehab ______Other exp ______Sale price ______Sale Date ______Selling costs (commissions, closing costs, etc) ______If you carried back the financing on the sale Down payment ______Principle payments ______Interest ______

Address ______Purchase Price ______Purchase Date ______

Property Taxes paid ______Interest Paid ______Repairs & rehab ______Other exp ______Sale price ______Sale Date ______Selling costs (commissions, closing costs, etc) ______If you carried back the financing on the sale Down payment ______Principle payments ______Interest ______

Address ______Purchase Price ______Purchase Date ______

Property Taxes paid ______Interest Paid ______Repairs & rehab ______Other exp ______Sale price ______Sale Date ______Selling costs (commissions, closing costs, etc) ______If you carried back the financing on the sale Down payment ______Principle payments ______Interest ______

Address ______Purchase Price ______Purchase Date ______

Property Taxes paid ______Interest Paid ______Repairs & rehab ______Other exp ______Sale price ______Sale Date ______Selling costs (commissions, closing costs, etc) ______If you carried back the financing on the sale Down payment ______Principle payments ______Interest ______

Address ______Purchase Price ______Purchase Date ______

Property Taxes paid ______Interest Paid ______Repairs & rehab ______Other exp ______Sale price ______Sale Date ______Selling costs (commissions, closing costs, etc) ______If you carried back the financing on the sale Down payment ______Principle payments ______Interest ______

Address ______Purchase Price ______Purchase Date ______

Property Taxes paid ______Interest Paid ______Repairs & rehab ______Other exp ______Sale price ______Sale Date ______Selling costs (commissions, closing costs, etc) ______If you carried back the financing on the sale Down payment ______Principle payments ______Interest ______

New Assets Acquired Sheet

Please complete if you have purchased any equipment, furniture, vehicles, fixtures or real estate

Business ______Your Name ______

Asset Description CostDate Cost included in

expenses above















