West Austin Neighborhood Group

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Monday, July 11, 2016, 6:30 PM

Howson Public Library

Present: Mary Arnold, Joyce Basciano, Joe Bennett, Mike Cannatti, August Harris, Holly Reed and Blake Tollett

Absent: Elizabeth Adams, George Edwards, Haidar Khazen, Gunnar Seaquist

I.  Call to Order Cathy Kyle called the meeting to order at 6:36 PM

II.  Minutes A motion to approve the Minutes of the June meeting was made by August Harris, seconded by Joe Bennett and approved unanimously.

III.  Neighbor Communications District 10 Austin Parks Board member Alison Alter was invited to address the pending changes to the Parkland Dedication fees. The Parkland Dedication Ordinance requires developers to provide mitigation for the impact on city parkland created by their developments. The Board discussed the fact that the way the proposed rules have been written, developers will benefit throughout Austin, with the exception of the downtown area, to the detriment of the community. It was noted that the lobbyist for the developer of the Grove PUD was integral in bringing the proposed rules changes forward. Citizens may provide input on the changes through the end of July. Proposed rules for the administration of the 2016 Parkland Dedication Ordinance have been posted with the City Clerk at www.austintexas.gov/cityclerk/notices/occ_notices.htm. Citizens may comment through August 1st on the rules at www.austintexas.gov/PLDrules. It is expected that the rules will come back for adoption in December or January. Alter also noted that the Golf Enterprise Fund, to which operating income is deposited and operating expenses are paid, is going to be removed as a separate fund and merged into the City of Austin’s general revenue. Lastly, Great Austin Parks or GAP is bringing forward funding requests for $4 million primarily to address safety and security in our park system.

IV.  Land Matters No report

V.  Transportation No report

VI.  Membership Joe Bennett reported that he had produced new graphics for a WANG banner and presented several options for consideration by the Board. The Board approved a version and Harris agreed to make arrangements to have the banner produced and delivered before WANG Movie in the Park Night.

VII.  Newsletter Kyle advised that content would be due by July 22nd(???) in Haidar Khazan’s absence

VIII.  ANC Liaison Report Joyce Basciano reported that the Affordability Paper was being reviewed at the July 11 CAG meeting. She reminded all that ANC’s General Membership Meeting would be held July 27th from & to 9 PM. Headliners include AISD’s Paul Cruz and Trustee Gina Hinojosa.

VIII. Treasurer’s Report George Edwards reported in abstencia that as of July 6, WANG has $11,321.11 in its checking account and 1,206.34 in its Oak Wilt Account. The Tarrytown Fourth of July Parade received cash contributions totaling $5,000 versus operating expenses of $4,255.97 leaving $744.03. While there is no final determination, the remaining balance may be held as seed money for the 2017 Fourth of July Parade.

X.  Old Business

A.  Movie in the Park Night Kyle reported on Movie in the Park Night to be held Friday, July 15 featuring Inside Out. She will be manning a membership and information table. The new WANG banner will be displayed. Elizabeth Adams was recognized for her efforts in putting the event together.

B.  District 10 Parks Wish List Mike Cannatti reported that a list had been prepared and submitted to District 10 Parks Board Member Alter on behalf of CWANPA and while it included WANG items, it was not specifically from WANG.

C.  3706 Bonnie Road Blake Tollett reported that after getting an extension, an appeal had been filed and was expected to be heard on July 28th but in the meantime, the Acton School has withdrawn its application and relocated its campus to Westlake.

D.  Austin State Assisted Living Center Harris reported that the Texas Facilities Commission is undertaking a feasibility study on behalf of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission looking at both the ASALC and the Austin State Hospital on Guadalupe between 38th and 45th. An initial hearing on the Feasibility Study Regarding Austin State Hospital – Austin State Supported Living Center Location was held June 15, 2016. Page (formerly Page Southerland Page) has been contracted to undertake the study. There are six options being considered, some of which don’t involve ASALC at all and others that might increase operations at ASALC. Harris noted that the first hearing was the beginning of a lengthy public process.

E.  Shoal Creek Trail repairs Pended

F.  Red Bud Trail Bridge project Pended

XI.  New Business

A.  Annual Meeting Kyle opened discussion of the WANG Annual Meeting. The Board agreed that November 5 would be the best date for the meeting. The Board agreed that it precedes the November City Council election which may, in turn, create some interesting opportunities for programming.

B.  McMansion Ordinance Amendment Basciano reported on the proposed changes to the ordinance regarding the use of carports in the calculation of FAR

C.  Occupancy Limit Ordinance Pended

D.  Next Meeting – August 1, 2016

XII.  Adjourn Meeting Kyle adjourned the meeting at 8:17PM (????)