March 12, 2015

Location: Clark Justice Center, Fire Conference Room

303 East 3rd Street

Joplin, MO 64801

Welcome and Introductions

Dan welcomed everyone to the meeting and everyone introduced themselves.

Secretary/Treasurer Report

Current U.S. Bank Balance

Wendi was not able to make the meeting today. She sent her report to Dan King. He gave a brief report on our 501c3 status. The balance in the COAD account is $41,697.08. Steve Patterson made a motion to accept the treasurer report, Kathy Lewis second, all were in favor and the motion passed.

Approval of December minutes

Tammy Walker presented the minutes from the December 2014 minutes for approval. A motion was made by Steve Patterson and seconded by Stephanie Brady, all were in favor and the motion passed.

City of Joplin Update

Dan Pekarek reported he is very busy. A question came up regarding bird flu. There was discussion regarding the recent cases in the area. There are still funds available through the Health Department for lead remediation.

Agency Updates and Announcements

MO University Extension: Spring programming has started.

Legal Aid: Work continues on tornado cases.

Fuller: Work continues on minor remodels. New home applicants are needed. Next week there will be 12 to 15 volunteers needed. April 4th –hundreds of volunteers will be in town.

MSSU: Working on building captain program and CPR training.

United Way: The deadline for the last round of Long Term Recovery Tornado funding has past. Funds will be announced in April. They received about 18 applications.

Crosslines: The big move is coming up for Crosslines this month.

State Emergency Management: SEMA. A lot of people retiring and new employees. There is a conference coming up in March. They are working through regional processes.

Americare: Erica gave an update on the Cottages atFox berry Terrace which are now completed. National Volunteer day is April 20th. They will be hosting a volunteer appreciation evening. You can contact her if you would like to honor any of your volunteers during this event. There is also a Walk to End Alzheimer’s coming up as well. A flyer for the volunteer event will be sent out at a later date.

South Baptist Disaster Relief: Training for volunteers for the upcoming tornado season. The Blue Hat Roundtable will take place March 13-14 in Jefferson City. Regional training will take place on April 25th and 25th. Steve talked about a news story called No Plan No Problem – Spontaneous Order. Where was God? and Stories of HopeAfter the Storm will be playing in limited theaters in Jefferson City and Columbia.

Independent Living Center: Applied for more funds to do emergency kits for persons with disabilities.

Catholic Charities: They have a SSVF grant for veterans. Their Home Repair program is still operating. They are starting two builds. They are still accepting referrals for repairs. They will have funds available in April for home repairs for up to $10,000.

Red Cross: The Red Cross Hero’s Ceremony is coming up soon. They are working on the pillow case project and fire protection programs. Julie’s territory has increased.

Ozark Center: Regular crisis services continue. They participated in a three day exercise, the MO Disaster Response Mass Fatality Exercise(Mortuary). They participated in three different simulations. Deborah reported that the training was very good.

Lafayette House: Safe rooms have been installed. They are working on policies and procedures as well as doing tornado drills.

Volunteer Village:Debbie reported on the number of volunteers that will be coming to the area this spring. There are a few groups coming in to work in June and July as well. If you have unskilled projects let her know. World Renew is the organization sending the volunteers.

Emergency Management: Keith reported on the Sonic fire this morning. State Wide Emergency tornado drill went well. SWMO wide tornado activation policy has been implemented. (Joplin Jasper county policy) Testing date has been moved to the second Wednesday of each month.

  • Only activing when a severe weather event is approaching
  • Activate sirens multiple times during severe weather
  • No all clear siren will be sounded
  • Second Wednesday each month (3 minute tests)
  • No make-up datefor activate the sirens

The coordination and adopting of the new policy has been well received.

Habitat for Humanity: Continues to work on homes. In the spring they will start on 4 to 6 homes.

Old Business

Website Update

Stephanie gave an update on the website. There are new things that have changed so everyone is encouraged to check it out. Send information to Stephanie if they want to have something posted to the website. She continues to work on getting the Facebook pages merged.

Jasper County COAD Web EOC Basic Training – March 18th @ 9:00 a.m. – email Keith if you want to attend.

The training was rescheduled due to weather. Wi-Ficompatible device is needed for the training.

Web EOC is an Internet based and organization tool. It allows you to log in to Web EOC if you are not able to actually show up in person when a disaster actually happens. The training allows for a lot versatility and access. The tool has been used to coordinate events and disasters. Mercy’s move into the new hospital will be run through the Web EOC as one event as well.

New Business

Jasper County / American Red Cross Sheltering Plan

Dan Pekarek provided an overview of the Joplin/Jasper County American Red Cross General Population Shelter-community support plan. Dan gave some history on the plan. It is coming out the Emergency Healthcare Coalition. Members include: Health Department, Red Cross, EMS, Hospitals, etc. They meet monthly for planning and training. The Red Cross is the shelter for the community and we all follow their lead. Short term shelters of last resort. Dan gave an overview of the 70 page plan and how everyone communicates during an actual event. Transportation is also outlined in this plan as well. He pointed out areas where the COAD could assist where training is not required. Training is available through the Red Cross if working in the shelter is something of interest. Pet sheltering is also outlined in the plan.

Everyone is encouraged to look over the plan and provide comments to Dan Pekarek.


Next meeting: June 4th @ 1:30 p.m. @ Habitat for Humanity