In-Home Childcare

Providing Peace of Mind for Mommy




1.Childcare Philosophy, Background, Experience

a) Philosophyb) Background Experience


a) Enrollmentb) Transition Period

3.Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation

4.Arrival and Departure

a) Arrival/Departure

b) Information on picking up your child

5.Behavior Management and Discipline

a) Behavior Managementb) Discipline

6. Clothing

7. Communications

8. Daily Program

a)Holidayc) Summer

b) Scheduled) Television/Computer

9.Non-Discrimination Policy


a) Evacuation Plans

b) Emergency Preparedness Plans

c) First Aid/CPR/HIV and Bloodborne Pathogens

11.Financial Arrangements

a)Depositf) Holiday Pay

b) Family Discount g) Refund

c) Feesh) Termination d) Registration Feei) Time Offe) Extra Charges

12.Food Program

a) Mealsb) Allergies

13.Health and Safety

a) Medical Emergencye) Medications

b) Hand-washing/Hygienef ) Pets

c) Illness/Bloodborne Pathogens g) Sanitization

d) Lice

14.Hours/Dates of Operation

15.Infant/Toddler Care

a) Clothing d) Feeding

b) Diapering/Potty training e) Napping

c) Diaper Bags




19.Rest Time

20.Right to Access

21.School District


23.Special Notes




a) Philosophy Mission

The Edmonds Daycare Childcare would like to welcome you and your child/ren. We understand that choosing the right care for your child/ren is very important to you. The purpose of this childcare/preschool shall be to provide a positive environment for ages 6mo – 12 years. We offer values and materials that encourage stimulation and exploration through creativity, production, challenges, and outdoor physical movement. Our creative environment is to build social and emotional values, self esteem, self control and a sense of self worth. We offer information and opportunities that are beneficial to the children, their total family, and the community that surrounds them. We work with foreign exchange programs, artwork and gardening. (During the school year, we offer a before and after school club for the school aged child.)

b) Background Experience/Yearly Training

This childcare is owned and operated by Cheryl Shelton. Background Child Experience is in Human Resources and Child Development

College Experience: Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management

Early Childhood Experience:Edmonds Lutheran Preschool

I participate in 10 hours+ yearly training in early childhood education, maintain current CPR, First Aid Training, HIV/AIDS & Bloodborne Pathogen.

I am participating in 10 hours per year of Managerial skills and Early Childhood/School age education

This childcare has been licensed by the Washington State Department of Early Learning and operates with the requirements set. Ten hours of training/education is required each year.

2. ADMISSION/ENROLLMENT(Forms available @

a) Enrollment

Your child’s adjustment is important to everyone involved. To help your child ease in we ask that you bring the child in for an introductory visit. Children must shows signs of good health daily.

The following must be filled out prior to admission:

1) Child Care Home Registration

2) Consent to Medical Treatment

3) Agreement and Acceptance of Fee

4) Health Status

5) Parent Checklist

6) Permission Authorization

7) Certification of Immunization Status (WA CIS Form)

8) USDA Food Program

This information will be checked yearly and must be kept current. Please notify us in writing immediately if any changes occur. This childcare reserves the right to make changes in the body of the contract/policies as the need arises both for purpose and financial situations. While the normal renewal time is in September of each year, contacts may be amended during the year of which you will receive a 30 days notice.

b) Transition Period

There is a two week trial period for all children to give us the opportunity to evaluate whether or not the new situation will be one in which we all feel comfortable. Please feel free to discuss any concerns during these two weeks. We will only terminate in cases when the child is totally disruptive to the group structure, is not ready for a childcare setting, if there are financial issues, or when problems cannot be resolved.


Our staff is required by the State of Washington (RCW 26.44.030(1), and civil immunity under the law for good faith reporting to the Department of Social Health Services (licensor), Child Protective Services, or law enforcement, and instance where there is reasonable cause to believe that child abuse, neglect, or exploitation may have occurred.

For any cases of sexual contact between two or more children, even if it is questionable, the parents will be notified and determination will be made to contact D.E.L.and C.P.S.


a) Arrival and Departure

Our hours are 7 am to 7pm.Parents need to arrive and depart at the proper hours they have agreed upon. Parents must bring their child/ren directly into the childcare personally and sign their child in and out using their full signature. This ensures that children go promptly into the building and do not wander back outside, and parents will not miss out on any information or calendar events that are posted.Parents are responsible to call for if you are running late.

b) Information on picking up your child

No one other than those noted on the registration form will be allowed to pick-up your child/ren without prior permission. If the person is not known to us, ID will be required. If changes need to be made, it is up to you to do so in writing. There will be an additional charge for picking your child/ren up after your scheduled time. Non-custodial parents have the same rights, unless I have a court document on hand in your child’s file stating otherwise. If we have suspicion in regards to abuse, anger, the influence of alcohol or drugs upon picking up your child, we will not hesitate to call 9-1-1.


We have set rules, limits and logical consequences for a positive behavior management and discipline approach that will teach respect for all people and our property. We ask parents to follow the same rules on our premises and are not permitted to hit, spank, slap, or jerk their own children. At no time will “Corporal Punishment” be accepted on the premises.

a) Behavior Management

1. Children will be encouraged to exhibit courtesy,

manners, consideration for others, positive choices,

and to work out problems on their own.

2. Children will be redirected to other areas and friends

if they have trouble getting along with a particular

child or group.

3. Teachers or assistants may point out solutions to

problems by listening, guiding, or redirecting.

b) Discipline

1. If problems are reoccurring and consistent, the child

will take time to think in any areas away from the

other children. This may include reading or coloring,

or a nap period for younger children that may be


2. Extreme or very consistent problems will require

parent participation. The childcare reserves the

right to terminate any family if a solution cannot be

worked out.

3. Corporal punishment or humiliation will not be

used. Physically holding a child may be necessary if

the child poses harm to themselves, another child, a

teacher, an assistant, or is out of control.


All Children are expected to bring clothing appropriate for the weather. Always bring shoes and at least a sweater or sweatshirt as the weather here is forever changing. It is up to the parent to provide an extra change of clothes in the daycare for those accidents that may occur. Please write your child’s name clearly on all items. For summer, it is necessary to bring the following items each day; bathing suit, towel, shoes, (optional sun screen; with permission form, and name,clearly printed, on the sun screen)


In order for this childcare to provide the best possible care for your child, it is essential that we maintain an open line of communication on the well being and development of your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to talk for a few minutes, set up an appointment, or call preferably after 12:00noon. Only in this manner can we work together for the good of the child/ren.


a) Holidays

We will be closed for the following holidays:

  • January 1 - New Year's Day
  • 3rd Monday in January - Martin Luther King Day
  • 3rd Monday in February - Presidents' Day
  • Last Monday in May - Memorial Day
  • July 4 - Independence Day
  • 1st Monday in September - Labor Day
  • November 11 - Veterans' Day
  • 4th Thursday in November - Thanksgiving
  • 4th Friday in November – Black Friday
  • December 24 – Christmas Eve
  • December 25 - Christmas Day
  • December 31st – New Years Eve

b) Projected Schedule

7:00-- 8:30Free time - school age breakfast

8:00-- 8:20Breakfast

7:45-- 7:55School age leave for the bus

8:40-- 9:00Split Shift Breakfast

9:00-- 9:30Free time (learning to be social and


9:30-- 10:00Circle time (story/puppets)

10:00-- 10:30Arts and Crafts

10:30-- 11:00Circle time (music/exercise/manipulative)

11:00-- 11:30Physical Needs (outdoors)

11:30-- 12:00Lunch (learning about health needs)

12:00-- 2:00Rest period (quiet activities)

2:00-- 4:30Art, outdoors, games, snacks

4:30-- 5:00Free time, finish projects, clean up

5:00-- 7:00Prep for dinner, math, nutrition

We try to maintain our schedule as noted above, unless the children are totally involved in their projects, at which time I would not stop them. Children do not move at the same speed and we try to make allowance for them to complete their projects.

c) Summer Program

The summer program will include: water fun, picnics, games, outdoor fun, and gardening.

d) Television and Computer Use

We have a NO TV Policy

Educational videos may be used. We use a phonics preschool game that has 3 videos.

9. Non-DISCRIMINATION (WAC 388-155-400)

We provide employment for adults and services for all children regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, religion, differing physical or mental abilities, use of dog or service animal (unless due to allergies) disabled person, communication and learning styles.


a) Evacuation Plans

This childcare holds monthly drills for staff and children to ensure a safe evacuation in case of fire, earthquake, etc. Children are instructed to walk safely to the back gate and wait for me, an educator, an assistant, or a parent to instruct them further. For the safety of everyone, all children are also trained in dialing 9-1-1 in case of emergency, and how to go to a neighboring contact if necessary.

b) Emergency Preparedness Plans

In the case of natural disaster, this childcare is highly prepared to assist your child/ren. We have the following on hand: radios, first aid supplies, fire extinguisher, battery operated lights, propane fireplace, food pantry, sleeping bags, drinking water, non-perishable foods, diapers and formula, emergency documents and phone numbers, and a wood stove to cook in if needed. We are less than one mile from the fire station. Out of area phone number

(701)265-4108 Joy Geiger (Cheryl’s Aunt)

Each child will have a kit on the premises provided by the daycare with the following: water bottle, snack bar, space blanket, flashlight, general first aid supplies, and a book. We request a family photo and/or message from the parent.

c) First Aid/CPR/HIV/Aids

For large bumps, bruises, cuts, or if there is a questionable injury which a parent or childcare provider may feel needs further medical attention, the parent will be called. If a child should have a serious injury requiring immediate and/or emergency attention, the childcare policy will be as follows:

1. First aid will be administered, at the same time

contacting 9-1-1 if required.

2. The parent and/or emergency contact will be

notified immediately.

3. The child will be transported to the nearest hospital (StevensHospital, Edmonds)

4. Report to D.S.H.S. (Department of Childcare


All staff are required to maintain current CPR, First Aid, and HIV/Aids & Bloodborne Pathogen’s Training.


This childcare is a business. In order to meet our bills, to maintain care, insurance, and food for your child/ren, we need to have payment in advance of each week.

You will receive one month FREE if you choose fulltime care paid by the month.

a) Deposit

Your child’s position is reserved upon receipt of 4 week’s tuition deposit.

b) Family Discounts

2 children in fulltime care, there will be a 10% reduction in the rate of the eldest child.

(no deductions or changes for illness, holidays, or vacations.)

Attendance over 10 hours in any one day is charged at $0.33 per minute.

d) Registration Fee

I require a non-refundable registration fee of $150 to cover

set up costs, This is charges after the 3rd month of care. A $50 fee annually for ongoing curriculum expenses will apply.

Your payment is based on the agreement that you have supplied us with: a schedule and when payment will be made prior to starting childcare. Additional charges for extra days or overtime will be added to your next bill. You will receive 30 days notice if any rate changes go into effect.

You will receive a W-10 at the end of the year if we have proper address information.

e) Extra Charges

  • Bad check charge (NSF) fee is $50 plus any banking fees incurred due to NSF check. After 2nd bad check,cash or money order will be the only form of payment accepted.
  • Late payment fee of $2 per day will be charged
  • Late pick-up fee will be $0.25 per minute past your scheduled pick-up time.
  • Activity fees will be noted prior to need.
  • Holding fee will be charged to maintain the space for someone that is expecting a baby. This is the onlyway I can ensure the space is available. A hold fee is equal to ½ the cost of a month tuition.
  • If a child breaks something that is costly, and I believe it to be deliberate, it will be added to the parent’s bill.

f) Holiday Pay

Regardless of part time care, part week care, or having vacation scheduled during posted holidays, everyone will be charged for the major holidays.

g) Refund

There is no reduction in payment for changes that you make in your schedule that is already set. In extreme cases of extended illness/hospitalization, considerations may be made if this is discussed prior to the incidents.

h) Termination

Parents must notify this childcare in writing, four weeks prior to terminating your care here. Parents that do not give fourweeks’ notice will pay the childcare fourweeks’ severance pay in lieu of proper notification. Our agreement and policies are legal and binding documents. Conditions that can lead to termination are: continual late arrival or departure, late payments, child behaviors that require continuous disciplineor issues that are not being resolved.

i) Time Off/Illness, Vacation or other

Please notify me if your child will be out ill, there is still the normal daily charge. You will be allowed two weeks of vacation for the year. All vacations through the year must be in writing four weeks in advanceor you will be charged. Your monthly tuition is calculated to include two week vacation. Additional vacations will be charged as usual. If my entire staff is ill you will be notified. For backup care contact:

Volunteers of America

Child Care Resource & Referral

(425) 258-4218


a) Meals

All meals and snacks follow the USDA requirements. We have Organic produce delivered weekly by Full Circle Farms.

Listed below is a basic meal plan for the day.

We serve Breakfast, snack, lunch, afterschool snack.

Sample Menu:

Breakfast:Milk, breakfast cereal, peaches

Lunch:Snack: Yogurt, granola, mango

Snack:Lunch: Chicken breast, wheat bread, lettuce, apples, milk

Late afternoon snack: Celery, cream cheese, raisins

My policies are never to force a child to eat, however I highly encourage them to take a bite of everything I serve. I discourage children from saying they hate certain foods at the table, because it discourages others from eating.

I do not allow outside food, because it can causescomplications with other children. There is, however, a time where we ask you to bring a favorite cultural food or dessert to share. For Birthday’s; candles are not acceptable per D.S.H.S. WAC. Please let us know ahead. ABSOLUTELY no gum or hard candy. If children are chewing gum, they must remove it prior to arrival at childcare.

b) Allergies

Any food allergies or special food notification must be discussed and in writing, reasons noted, also may require a form from the doctor.We post these allergies on the kitchen mirrors so all staff keep in in mind at each meal.


a) Medical Emergency

Parents will be notified of cuts, bruises, and falls that are treated. In the event of serious injury or emergency, 911 will be called, and parent notified immediately. If injury results in medical treatment or hospitalization, I will submit an Injury /Incident Report to my D.E.L. Licensor and contact CPS.

b) Hand-Washing/Hygiene

Children and staff will wash after toileting, diapering, attending to an ill child or medication, before and after the preparation or eating of food, handling pets, or after handling contaminated materials. Faucet water will be kept at 120’ or lower (requirements by D.E.L.).

c) Illness/Bloodborne Pathogens

Children should remain at home if they are contagious, or they will be separated from the other children until the parent picks them up if any of the following conditions exist, or if they are found to be detrimental to the health and safety of the other children.

●Diarrhea – 2 or more watery stools in a 24 hour period.

●Vomiting – 2 or more occasions within the past 24 hours.

●Rashes – with high fever, severe itching, or unknown


●Eyes– thick mucus, matted or pink.

●Cold – with fever, running nose with continuous green

discharge, chronic cough, sore throat with fever or

swollen glands.

●Lice – must be treated, all nits removed, full instructions


●Temperature – 100.4° + unless doctor’s proof of an ear

infection or non- contagious infection.

●Contagious: chicken pox, ring worm, etc.