Down Referee Class- 12/17/11

  • Required to get two evaluations from a R1
  • Player is responsible to present R1 with the Certification Card
  • If certified last year, player only needs 1 passing grade this year


Do not:

  • make call for serve because you should be looking the serve return.
  • make calls for serve into the net.
  • watch server for foot fault.


  • Check the line-ups
  • Line-up Check- Use score-sheet and read numbers starting with person who served last/ put players in position if out of position
  • Watch for:
  • center line violations
  • ball hitting antennae
  • Do not make calls on opposite antennae
  • safety hazards/ signal “replay” (ex: ball/foreign object on court)
  • Recognize and Time the Time Outs and Time In-Between Games
  • Need a Whistle and Stopwatch **No Phones
  • In Between Games
  • 3 min
  • Line-ups have to be in 30 seconds before game
  • Time- Outs
  • 2 each team/ 30 sec each
  • Signal T and then point to team
  • Time it
  • Blow whistle at end of 30 sec
  • Show # of TO used to R1
  • IR= Improper Request
  • Coach asks for 3rd Timeout

Captains Meeting

  • Must be present at meeting
  • Find out server
  • Find out rules
  • Find out length of warm-up period
  • Start and Time Warm-Up Period


  • First Warm-up Goes to Team Receiving
  • Give info to Score Keeper (Team for Serve and Receive)
  • Warm-up period varies
  • Usually 6 minutes/ 1st time on court (find out at Captains Meeting)
  • End of 5 min/ give coach 1 min warning
  • Line-ups must be in 2 min before end of warm-up period

Check Line-ups

  • Use line-up sheet to check each teams line-up
  • Phantom Sub- Wrong # on court/ charge with a sub and change line-up
  • Players Out of Position Have coach correct them
  • Indicate Captains to R1
  • Hand to chest- point to captain/ Showing # can be helpful

Game Time

  • Ready signal to R1- two hands high with palms to R1
  • Remember to NOT lean on the post
  • Coach can always ask for a line-up check and sub count during game
  • During Game:
  • Watch Net Play/ Always on Receiving Side
  • Net Foul- only if player touches top tape of net while blocking or playing ball
  • Violation- other part of net while interfering with play
  • Do not call hair into the net
  • Anything outside the antennae is off court/ no violations
  • No violation if ball pushes net into opponent
  • Center Line Violations
  • One foot completely crossing the center line
  • Body interferes with play
  • Net Violation Signal- hand to net with open palm then show #
  • Center Line Violation Signal- point to center line then show #


  • Blow whistle and signal sub by rolling arms
  • Sub Zone= between center line and 10ft line
  • Say the # going in for the # then “Go ahead” turn to R1 and give information/ give ready signal to R1 when ready
  • Liberos
  • do not count as subs/ sub between end line and 10ft line
  • 2 liberos can be on roster and can play in the same game but not on the court at the same time
  • Do not listen to coaches call for subs/players must in Sub Zone
  • 12 subs are allowed in each game
  • Sub #9-12 tell coach: “You have ______subs left.”

Coin Toss

  • If there is a 3rd Game, Court Captains come to meeting either held by R1 or R2