Marilyn Manson Quotes

--Could you explain the vision and concept that you had for Marilyn Manson when you first formed the band?- MTV Europe MM:"Well, the idea, I was writing a lot of lyrics five or six years ago and the name Marilyn Manson, I thought really describes everything that I had to say, you know, male and female, beauty and ugliness, and it was just very American. It was a statement on the American culture, the power that we give to icons like Marilyn Monroe and Charles Manson and since that's where it's always gone from there. It's about the paradox. Diametrically opposed archetypes.

--Idea - Kerrang Magazine December 14 1996 MM:"I've always looked at everything I do as if it were my favorite band, you know, I like to present things with every element possible. From the image to the music, to politics, to philosophy, to the religious aspects."

--The Band's concept - Huh Magazine October 1996 MM:"The whole concept of this band is to present the ugly truth about society - warts and all and let the chips fall where they may."

--Envisioned World - Huh Magazine October 96 MM:"In the world that I envision, Marilyn Manson isn't necessary. But that's not the world we live in."

--Darker Half - Request Magazine MM:"I've rarely had people ask me about my interest in Marilyn Monroe, yet they always gravitate towards the darker half. I think that is a part of the statement of Marilyn Manson itself."

--What is Man's greatest flaw? - American Online Interview MM:"His inability to acknowledge and control his animal instincts."

--Make a Difference - Hit Parader December 1996 MM:"Find out what's really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference."

--Societys Scapegoats - Huh Magazine October 1996 MM:"Society has traditionally always tried to find scapegoats for its problems. Well, here I am."

--How is Marilyn Manson gonna make the world a better place? - Guitar World Magazine MM:"It's something people are gonna have to do for themselves. I'm just gonna make them want it. Everybody has the ability. Every man and woman is a star. It just takes the time to realize they need the personal strength to acknowledge what they are, and I'm just trying to wake that up in everybody."

--People hating Marilyn Manson - XS June 29 1994 MM:"What good would Marilyn Manson be if no one hated Marilyn Manson."

--Think - British NME Interview, August 30th, 1997 MM:"I just try to make people think. I don't try to shock them or scare them. I just try and get them to question."

--Pissed off - MTV Europe Headbangers Ball December 10 1996 MM:"So anybody with any bit of intelligence has got to be pissed off because if they see how things are in the world, they're not going to be happy with it."

--Corrupting Youth - Huh Magazine October 1996 MM:"Parents and legislators love to blame people like us for corrupting the youth of this country, but the kids were corrupted long before we ever got to them."

--Image - CMJ January 1997 MM:"I'm not anything like Brad Pitt or Antonio Banderas, but maybe it's the taboo element of my image, which is almost deathlike, that attracts them. I should be the last person that they should be attracted to."

--Selling out to the Mainstream - Backstage Interview Salt Lake City show MM:"That's part of being a band, being entertainers. The more people that we reach, the better. I don't want to remain an underground secret. However we still want to hang onto what we're about."

--What are your views on Drugs and Drug users? - America Online Interview MM:"I respect strong people. Some people can handle drugs and some people can't. I don't respect drug addicts."

--Marilyn & Manson - Circus Magazine - June 1997 MM:"Nothing is just black or just white. I combined the word "Marilyn" {Monroe} as the white, positive aspect - the light - with the word "Manson" {Charles} which is the black, negative aspect. Light and darkness, life and death are simply two inseparable parts of life. Without darkness you wouldn't know the light and without evil, you wouldn't know what's good. Good and evil go hand in hand, you can't seperate them."

--Journalism - Circus Mag May 1997 - Band Member: Twiggy Ramirez TR:"Marilyn Manson himself was a journalist but I think he just got so fed up with all the crap people fed him and listening to the same shit over and over that he decided to do the talking."

--Right Answers - Metal Edge Magazine - August 1997 MM:"I just thought that I had all the right questions and no one had the right answers, and I knew that I had the right answers, so I thought it would be much more beneficial for me to be answering the questions instead of asking them."

--Do your fans seem to be getting this complex message? - Select Magazine June 1997 MM:"They'll see it. And it doesn't matter if they don't. It's only Rock & Roll. But I do intend to move more into the Mainstream. Marilyn Manson is just the First phase."

--What impression do you want to make on Americas youth? MM:"If I could just get them to WANT AN ANSWER, then they'll find it on their own. I don't have any answer for them. There is a distinct lack of leadership, idols, icons, and superstars for kids to identify with. When I was a kid there was a lot of people that I could look to or look up to and it just seems like there's not that anymore.

--Growing up what did you want to be? - CFNY May 30 1996 MM:"I use to want to be a writer, I wanted to write stories, but I tried that, and found that this was the way to get things across this way."

--Would you like to be on Oprah? - RIP Magazine November 1996 MM:"I don't believe that Oprah deals with any subjects of real value. Not that other talk shows do, but she seems to have gone to a different level and doesn't have the psychological ammo to provide an interesting conversation."

--The album Antichrist Superstar - Circus Magazine February 18, 1997 MM:"There will always be misconceptions, people will misconceive this record as being purely evil, either Satanic or Fascist. But it's so hard to put into any of those terms because it's extreme. Its positive and negative in its purest form."

--Looking past the Album title "Antichrist Superstar" MM:"Those who move beyond the Album's Title and most blatant aspects of what I do, will then understand what I am trying to say."

--What do you hope to accomplish with the album Antichrist Superstar?--Hit Parader Magazine - February 1997 MM:"We are a positive band and people aren't use to seeing the extreme negativity that we represent. I hope this record will have a positive effect on people. It's my personal study of looking at life. I came close to death and found my way back again. Our fans will understand."

--Album interpretations - Hit Parader Magazine February 1997 MM:"This album is a complete piece of art that changes with peoples interpretations"

--Changes in Society - Request Magazine MM:"I do feel the Cassandra Complex , where you know the future, but can't change it. I really want for things to be better, then I get depressed and pissed off and think. Fuck it, why bother? That's where Antichrist Superstar comes from. I expect to see some changes in Society from what I do, and I won't stop till I see a change."

--New Life - Details Magazine December 1996 MM:"So I hope each time The Album is played, it brings people one step closer to the end of the world in their hearts or in their flesh.

--And when they get to the end of the world what will they arrive at? MM:"The beginning of a new one that's better."

--That sounds kinda Christian Marilyn. MM:"That's the paradox (laughs) sometimes I think the most shocking thing I could do would be to behave politely and speak of Christian morality."

--On Antichrist Superstar - Guitar World Magazine December 1996 MM:"I consider it to be a record about individuality and personal strength, putting yourself through a lot of temptations and torments, seeing your own death and growing from it. In the end it has an even positive, even Christian element to it. But it's by seeing everything else that you get to that point. It's our Alpha and Omega.(Beginning and End)

--Awaken the Individual - Guitar World December 1996 MM:"The mythology of the Antichrist could be as something or someone disbelieving in God. They Make themselves and Antichrist as well. I look at myself as the person to awaken individuals. The record is a different interpretation of the classic story in the Holy Bible of the fallen Angel."

--Antichrist Superstar - Circus Magazine February 18 1997 MM:"The record is about seeing death and growing from it. In the end, It's about being Strong and being Alive. I know there are so many people out there who are so ready to jump on me and blame me for teen suicide when that's the farthest thing from my intentions."

--You've said that Antichrist Superstar was going to change the world, the way that the Manson murders did during the Summer of Love. Has it? - Penthouse Magazine May 1997 MM:"I think it is, and will continue to do that. The media and politics really made Charles Manson the scapegoat for a whole generation, and I see that tag being placed on me. And it's a tag I've almost accepted with Antichrist Superstar."

--Generation - Penthouse Magazine May 1997 MM:"What Antichrist Superstar will do in the next five years, you know, to my generation, is that it will make people realize the old ways are dead and there's time to be strong."

--Antichrist Superstar - Kerrang Magazine December 1996 MM:"You wont get to see Antichrist Superstar at his greatest, but even at it's weakest, it'll still be greater than most things you'll ever see."

--Do you think Portrait of an American Family is a lot more angrier than Antichrist Superstar? MM:"It's bleaker, you know, because there's a lot of moments of true pessimism, but I think in the end there is a shed of light at the end of the tunnel but it's for everybody to find on their own"

--Is Marilyn Manson a Racist? - Guitar World Magazine MM:"It's beyond fascism and it's beyond racism and sexism. If you were to say "I like only white people." There's a bunch of white people that suck and make it under the fence and they get a free ride. So I couldn't possibly like only white people. I judge people on their intelligence and on their personality. I think the only thing that counts in the world is what you can contribute to society. That's why in a perfect world, America would be run by artists, musicians, writers, and people of that nature because these are the people that make the world worth living."

--God - Penthouse Magazine May 1997 MM:"If I believed in an outside force that we wanted to call God - and I believe that there is one. I think God would appreciate what I say, because I can't see God wanting to create a world full of idiots."

-God - Raygun Magazine Dec/January 1998 MM:"I'm not against God. I'm against the Misuse of God.

--God - Long Hard Road out of Hell - His Book - Page 192 MM:"God works in mysterious ways."

--Religion - Rolling Stone Magazine - May 28, 1998 MM:"You can easily find more spirituality in art than in religion.

--Man's Soul - Hit Parader Magazine, September 1997 MM:"There is Good and Evil within all of us. I enjoy searching to bring that out through music. I like it that there are questions brought out by the music. People must look inside themselves for the answers. People are so scared of acknowledging that there is an Evil side to man's soul just as there is a Good side."

--Satan - Movie Mirror Magazine October 1997 MM:"I've never been or never will be a Satan Worshipper, or someone who worships the Devil."

--Ripping Up Bibles - August 13, 1997 - Politically Incorrect TV Show. MM:"They're designed to make people Think. But the point with the Bible or a flag is to say, 'It's only as valid as you make it in your heart.' A piece of paper or a piece of cloth doesn't mean anything. It's what you believe and I want people to think about what they believe. I want them to consider if everything they've been taught, if that's what they want to believe or if that's what they've been told that they have to believe."

--Jesus Christ - Winston Salem, N.C. April 19, 1997 MM:"A long time ago, there was a man as misunderstood as we are and they nailed him to a fucking cross!"

--Is it harder to be an American Teenager now than it was in the past? --RIP Magazine November 96 MM:"Yes there's to much information. People are open to so many things to worry about. Prior to television, people didn't know how ugly the world was because they never had the chance to see it. People didn't know how ugly auto accidents were. People didn't get to see the effects of disease in full color. Children today are very desensitized."

--Desire to be Pure again.- Details Magazine December 1996 MM:"My desire is to be pure again and not dirtied by the world. But it's my duty to be as ugly and as filthy as I am, so the audience can experience what I have."

--On America - Metal Hammer Magazine MM:"I'm everything they're afraid of. Everything they hate. Everything they try and hide, and a lot more besides, I speak my mind and show people what's out there in reality. They're using me as a boogyman, but I'm reflecting it all back like a mirror."

--Your reality - Underscope Magazine November 1995 MM:"If your reality is the same as my reality, then you're in trouble."

--Stupidity - Rolling Stone Magazine January 23 1997 MM:"There's always been this underlying theme in the stuff I do. It's teaching people not to be so stupid"

--How would you react if some kid did something tragically stupid as a direct result of his exposure to a Marilyn Manson album or concert?

--Kerrang Magazine December 14 1996 MM:"I'd feel like they'd proven my point by mis-perceiving me. If somebody were to kill themselves or somebody else, that would just go to show how ignorant people were raised. You know. If they had to use a rock song as an excuse to not go on living, it's pretty weak. I'm creating music, and I'm saying what I experience and what's on my mind. How somebody relates to it is purely up to them. If people want to be like me then they should be themselves because ultimately that's what I'm doing."

--Stupid weak people - RIP magazine February 1995 MM:"I don't really have a place in my heart for stupid or weak people. There's to many people in the world, and they need to make way for the people who can actually contribute something to society."

--Ideal Utopia - Capitol BRM MM:"I think my ideal utopia would be to surround myself with people who are intelligent and responsible for themselves and not what television might want to impress on them. That would be my criteria for intelligence."

--Things have gone to far - Spin Magazine March 1997 MM:"There's days when I'd love everybody to realize that things have gone to far and that we need to be born again. So that we can appreciate the little things. Then there's other days when I think the world deserves to be destroyed. Why should I help anybody? Everybody's stepped on me my whole life. I've put on this crown, but I'm not sure If I want it."

--Love/Hate - SLC "F" Magazine MM:"A lot of people think that I hate everything, but there's some things in life that I love, and the things I do love are very important."

--About the Internet - SLC "F" Magazine MM:"I'm not really into the internet, it just seems to be a gossip column for people who have nothing else to do with their lives, but I'm sure they can turn it into something good eventually."

--A lot of what the album is about seems to be attempting to change peoples perspectives, which I think is a very interesting concept. Is that why the album, you can enjoy it on many different levels? - MTV Europe, Headbangers Ball December 12 1996 MM:"I hope so, I mean, I don't expect everyone to get something, you know, deep out of it. Some people can just listen to it for the music or get their aggressions out, but I think with any great painting or movie or album, or whatever, it's better if people can take what they need from it, that they're not expected to get some particular message.

--Would you like to have a family someday? MM:"I like the idea. I don't know if it's something that could come true or work out possibly. I don't know if I would want to bring a kid into the world, but I would like the opportunity to be a father"

--Understand Manson - Rolling Stone Magazine January 23 1997 MM:"I have people come up to me and ask me if they can cut me while I cut them, or if I can put out a cigarette on their face. I can understand that people are trying to make a first impression, but I think a lot of people don't understand what Marilyn Manson is about."

--Stupid People - Capitol Ballroom November 9 1995 MM:"I don't think stupid people should breed."

--Church of Satan - Huh Magazine October 1996 MM:"I don't want people to mis-conceive me as a spokesperson for the Church of Satan."

--Smoking - Underscope Magazine MM:"I don't believe in cigarettes, in fact when people smoke, I can't hear what they're saying. I've fine tuned myself to shut out the words of smokers. So I miss out on a lot of conversations."