Management Review Matrix5.6.1 (record) & 8.5 Date

(Not a decision to take action, but an assessment [at planned intervals described in the quality manual/Business Model]to determine if a decision to take further action is necessary)

Inputs 5.6.2include a review of actual or potential nonconformities 8.5.2a & 8.5.3bwith causes8.5.2b, potential causes8.5.3a or opportunities for improvement8.5.1and an evaluation of the need to take action 8.5.2c &8.5.3bincluded in decisions5.6.3, where applicable.

Follow-up of actions from previous meetings5.6.2e, 8.5.2f , & 8.5.3e
Check all that apply
Actions complete and found to be effective.
Most actions are done (closed out), with those still open carried over. / Action Item#
Most actions done (closed out), with those still open (some or all of the open items) closed out because we changed our mind. / Action Item#
Basis for decision or cause/potential cause(s) needing further action: / Process Performance/Product Conformity5.6.2c, 8.4b, 8.4c, 8.4d, 8.5.2a & 8.5.3a
Review of measurements from objectives and data related to process performance and quality (product conformity).
Check one
Considered acceptable or leaving it alone for now to see if actions by area management will improve (if below a set goal).
Deciding to take action as an opportunity for improvement and/or to “right the ship.” / Action Item#
Measurements reviewed and basis for decision or cause/potential cause(s) needing action:
a)Quality - With the goal being a First-Pass-Yield of 100%, review the nonconformances from the inspection log and the overall yield of inspections performed for product or process-related problems incurred this time, providing a conclusion here, if no action item is generated as a result of this information and it is believed to be necessary.
b)Productivity - With the goal being to maintain at least a 100% average performance rate.
Resourcefulness - A75% utilization, review the results and assess our overall productivity and resourcefulness, providing a conclusion, as needed.
c)Supplier Performance- With the goal being to have less incidents this period in time than the last, review the Opportunities & Issues Log for supplier-related problems incurred this time, providing a conclusion here, if no action item is generated as a result of this information and it is believed to be necessary.
d) On-time Delivery– With the goal of 90% on-time deliveries on the on-time delivery report/chart, evaluate the results and provide a conclusion here, if no action item is generated as a result of this information and it is believed to be necessary.
Customer (Feedback) Confidence5.6.2b, 8.4a, 8.5.2a & 8.5.3a
Review of measurements from objectives and data related to surveys/customer feedback and on-time delivery.
Check one
Considered acceptable or leaving it alone for now to see if actions by area management will improve.
Deciding to take action as an opportunity for improvement and/or to “right the ship.” / Action Item#
Basis for decision or cause/potential cause(s) needing further action:
Customer Satisfaction- With the goal being to have less incidents this period in time than the last, review of the Opportunities & Issues Log for customer-related problems incurred this time and provide a conclusion here, if no action item is generated as a result of this information and it is believed to be necessary.
. / Results of audits5.6.2a
Review of audit results (actual or summary)
Check one
Considered acceptable or leaving it alone for now to see if actions by area management will improve.
Deciding to take action as an opportunity for improvement and/or to “right the ship.” / Action Item#
Basis for decision or cause/potential cause(s) needing further action:
Status of preventive and corrective actions5.6.2d, 8.5.2f, & 8.5.3e
Review of corrective &/or preventive actions since the last review.
Check one
Considered acceptable or leaving it alone for now to see if actions by area management will improve.
Deciding to take action as an opportunity for improvement and/or to “right the ship.” / Action Item#
Basis for decision or cause/potential cause(s) needing further action:
a)Review a summary of completed Process Improvement Forms and completed entries on the Opportunities & Issues Log to ensure we are current (closing the loop), actions taken were effective, and to see if we can apply what we learned to other areas.
. / Business or structural changes affecting the QMS5.6.2f & 5.4.2b (maintaining the integrity of the QMS when changes occur)
Check all that apply
No business related or structural changes have occurred since our last meeting and none are planned.
We are doing things or are planning to do things that will affect our business model and need to evaluate the changes to ensure the integrity of the management system is maintained (Product Realization & Quality Planning can be used to facilitate considerations). / Action Item#
We are about to stop doing something that will affect our business model and need to evaluate the changes to ensure the integrity of the management system is maintained (Product Realization & Quality Planning can be used to facilitate considerations). / Action Item#
Basis for decision or cause/potential cause(s) needing action:
Recommendations for improvement (including changes to the policy and/or objectives) 5.6.1 & 5.6.2g
Describe any additional improvement opportunities we can realize in the box to the right. / . / Action Item#
Decisions Involving Actions (action items) 5.6.3, 8.2.2, 8.5.2d & 8.5.3c and Continuing Suitability, Adequacy, and Effectiveness 5.6.1
ISO Management Representative works with management to acknowledge issues raised during management review and to identify the action to be taken and when it will be done, so effectiveness can be re-evaluated. The types of actions are: CA = corrective action, PA = preventive action, and OI = opportunity for improvement. Correction/corrective and preventive action as called for by 8.2.2 (actions to eliminate), 8.2.3 (actions to ensure conformity), 8.5.2 (actions to prevent recurrence), and/or 8.5.3 (actions to prevent occurrence) are achieved through this process in conjunction with processes described in the AuditProcedure and ImprovementSystems. If there are no action items, the system (including the policy and objectives) is suitable, adequate, and effective.
If there are action items, they demonstrate what we are doing to make the system more suitable, adequate, and effective.
CA / PA / OI / Applicable Section /

Issue needing attention, cause/potential cause, and action to be taken

8.2.2 (cause/action), 8.2.3 (correction/corrective action), 8.5.1 (improvement opportunity), 8.5.2a-d, &/or 8.5.3a-d

/ 8.2.2 (without undue delay), 8.5.2d, & 8.5.3c / Results of actions taken 8.2.2 (verification results), 8.5.2e, & 8.5.3d / Verified as complete by? 8.2.2, 8.5.2f, & 8.5.3e
Who will make it happen? / When will it be done?
Root Cause –
Action –.
Management Review Attendees: (check all who are present, with the VP the only required attendee)
CEO / VP/ ISO Management Rep
President / Administrator
Sign-off: / Date:
Signifies management has attended, reviewed, and accepted the results of the management review, assigning any action items as necessary.

Action Items Closure:

/ Closed by: / Date:
The ISO Management Representative signs off after all issues have been closed out. This record (this form and any attachments) is maintained per the MasterControlPlan.

The back of this form or attachments to it can be used for additional questions and/or inputs or to identify issues, etc.

Management Review Matrix Revision: 5/16/2005 Page 1 of 3