** Please refer to the guidance atbefore completing this form****

Earthmovers 2011 Initial Nomination Form (Part A)

(Judged category)

Outreach activity or event of the year: to recognise a group for work undertaken throughout the past twelve month, aimed at developing or building alliances with other groups/individuals, engaging new people with the environmental issues and/or working with new or different organisations, groups or individuals in order to put on events that meet the needs of a particular section of the community the group is part of.

How to use this form
Use this form to nominate a group for the Outreach activity or event of the year category, answering the questions to outline what this group has achieved and why this group should be nominated for the award.
There are two parts (Part A and Part B) for nominations in this category.
  1. Initial Nomination Form (this form). This is the first step- to be completed by the person making the nomination.
Local group members, volunteers and staff can use this form to nominate, and you may nominate the group you are a member of or another group.
  1. Nominee Information Form. This step is to be completed by the nominated group. Usually Part A will be returned to us first, and then we will then contact the nominated group so that they can complete the Nominee Information Form. This provides more in depth information which will be used to judge the nominations. If you are nominating your own group please include your contact details, or the contact details of the group coordinator, and we will contact you for further information.
Initial Nomination Forms (Part A) must be received by Friday 8 July 2011.
This is to allow time for nominees to complete Nominee information forms (Part B). Nominations can still be made after this date, however only nominations where both the Initial Nomination Form (Part A) and the Nominee Information Form (Part B) are completed and submitted together will be accepted.
The deadline for submitting Nominee Information Forms (Part B) is Monday 8 August 2011.
The deadline for submitting an Initial Nomination Form (Part A) and Nominee Information Form (Part B) together is Monday 8 August 2011.
***A nomination is not complete unless both forms (Part A and B) have been submitted***
Please ensure you answer all questions, with your total response for all questions being no more than 500 words in length. This is a maximum; so if you can answer the questions using fewer words, please do so. You are welcome to use bullet points to help you answer a question more succinctly.
** Please also refer to the guidance notes at before completing this form**
Name of Group nominated
Title or description of the outreach activity/events undertaken by the group
Please state why you have nominated this group.
What activities has the group undertaken that have engaged new/different audiences?
How has the group built alliances over the past year?
Who has the group worked with successfully over the past year?
(use no more than 500 words)
Group Coordinator's contact details:
(Requiredfor follow-up information) / Name:
Phone number:

Your contact details (in case we need to check any part of the nomination with you):

Name: / Group (if applicable):
Tel. No: / Email:


Return to: by Friday 8 July 2011 (if submitting this form without the Nominee Information Form) OR by Monday 8 August (if submitting both forms together).