Email #1 to be sent on Tuesday morning

Subject Line:

Shocking Listing Presentation from Top Producer Exposed!

Body of email:

The listing presentation of one of the top producers in

the country will be exposed on an on-line workshop on Thursday.

Put your credit cards away, there will be nothing for you to buy

at this On-Line Workshop for Real Estate Agents.

Go Here Now to see it:
This class will show you no less than 7 specific strategies
that top producers are using to get virtually 100% success rate with their listing presentations.
You will see at least 3 that I bet you have never seen,
didn't even know existed......
These are the undercover strategies that the top producers
have been secretly using to have their best 12 months ever!!!!
We will also be answer the questions that you posted on our
InterNet TV Show.
But I warn you, this will not be a warm and fuzzy love fest.
If the phrase Tough Love makes you uncomfortable,
you may want to pass on this.
Be one of the 200 to see this (if there are any spots left)
Some of the things that will be covered will be
1. How to get more buyers than you could ever follow upon
2. How to get Virtual Tours done without paying $300 each
3. How to turn Craigs List into a printing press for money
4. How to guarantee your sellers will pass out your card to all their friends
5. How to work 3 hours a day and accomplish more than you do in 8 hours now
6.More strategies, but my fingers are getting tired!!!

PS.Please do not forward this to your agent friends.
As always, we limit the attendees to 200 to make room
for a 15 minute Q&A at the end.
Any more than 200 and it gets a bit crazy, so this is an invitation only event.


Email #2 to be sent out Wednesday Morning

Subject line:

Did you get your invitation?


I just wanted to make sure you got your invitation

to the on-line workshop.

This is the one where you will see

how to get free virtual tours for each of your listings.

There is nothing to buy, leave your credit cards at home.

You will see an insider secret way to get not just virtual

tours for free, but also a slick Craigs List posting tool too.

Go Here Now to see:

I know what you are thinking, what’s the catch…..

There is no catch.

It’s part of our bail out program, it’s yours for the asking.

Not a “free trial”, but the complete system is yours to take.

PS. This is an invitation only event for real estate agents.

Please do not pass this on to any of your friends.


Email #3 to be sent out Thursday morning

Subject line: Warning About Today’s Class

Body of email:

Just a quick warning about today’s On-Line Class

where you will see the complete listing presentation

that one of the top producing real estate agents is making.

I wanted to warn you that it will not be recorded, and if you

miss it, well, you will miss out.

Go Here Now to reserve your spot.

remember, nothing is being sold to you,

and you will have complete access to the presentation

so that you can swipe it and use it too.

PS. We do have permission for you to copy his presentation,

and you can literally use it within minutes of

watching this class today.