Mock Trial:

Law Adversary

Ms. Nagle

Fall Semester2016-2017

Description of Course Content

Law and the Adversary System I is designed to demystify the operation of the law, court procedures, and the legal system. It will enable students to increase basic life and leadership skills such as listening, speaking, writing, and analyzing. Additionally, to build bridges of mutual cooperation, respect and support between the legal profession, students will prepare for and participate in the Mock Trial Competition.

Description of Expected Learning

1. Explain the role of a court in the judicial system.

2. Explain the concept of jurisdiction.

3. Determine which court has jurisdiction over a given type of legal action.

4. Outline the structures of the federal and state court systems.

5. Describe alternatives to litigation.

6. Explain the procedures followed during both the criminal and civil process.

7. Explain the entire process of a courtroom trial from the original complaint to the decision of the jury.

8. List and define the legal terms commonly used in adjudication.

9. Describe the role of each of the participants in litigation.

10. Delineate a line of reasoning based on the case brief.

11. Research, select, organize, and present information pertinent to a defense and prosecution.

12. Argue a case on its given data, including the application of pertinent basics of law.

13. Review videotaped performance of a competition.

14. Discuss the nature and sources of crimes.

15. Identify the penalty associated with each class of crime.

16. Describe the sentencing procedure in a criminal action.

17. Discuss the purpose of the sentence.

18. Discuss the pros and cons of capital punishment.

19. Discuss the career opportunities in the field of law.

Evaluative Means to Determine Mastery

1. Teacher prepared tests and quizzes

2. Student participation in classroom activities

3. Student participation in the Mock Trial

4. Student completion of reports and papers

Grading System

How will my grade be calculated?

Your grade in this class will consist of three (3) components including

1) Class Participation (40%)

2) Assessments (50%)

3) Homework (10%)

1)Class Participation: This will count for 40% of your grade. The majority of your class participation grade will be assignments that are to be completed during class time. These assignments may be Mock Trial handouts, a computer-based research project, group projects, or Google project.

2)Assessments: These will court for the final 50% of your grade. We will have three kinds of assessments in this class: Quizzes, Tests, and Mock Trials. Quizzes are shorter than tests and cover a smaller amount of information. Quizzes are typically announced the day before, however a pop-quiz is a possibility. Tests typically cover multiple topics that we’ve covered in class. Tests will count for three (3) times as much as a quiz and will be reviewed thoroughly before they are given. Finally, each of your Mock Trial performance will count as a Test grade.

3)Homework: Homework assigned throughout the semester and will count for 10% of your grade. Your homework assignments will actually receive 2 grades: 1 for doing it on time and 1 for class participation because I will grade it. Homework will be collected at the beginning of the period and it will be graded on a 100 point basis. If you hand it in on time, you will receive a 100. If you hand it in one day late, it will receive a 50. I will not take homework more than 1 day late. I will also grade the homework for accuracy. Whatever grade you receive will count as a class participation grade.

**Absent policy: It is the student’s responsibility to get all of the work missed due to absence. As per school policy, you have 5 days after the absence to make up all missed assignments. If a Mock Trial is missed an alternate research paper will be assigned.

Class Expectations

  1. You will be on time for class. (This means before the Pledge of Allegiance )

a. Your first late will result in a warning.

b. All other time you will be sent down to the office as a late arrival.

  1. Be prepared to work.

a. Have a pen/pencil ready for use on a daily basis. Be in your seats when the bell rings.

b. There is no official textbook for this class and therefore there will be many packets and print out. Students will need a 3-ringed binder to hold all papers.

  1. Respect the classroom equipment.
  2. Take care of the desk, computer, furniture, and other hardware as if it were your own.
  3. Chromebooks should be put back and plugged into cart after every use.
  4. Respect yourself, Me, And others.
  5. Do not call out answers; raise your hand. Profanity will not be tolerated in class. Use of profanity will result in a teacher detention.
  6. Students are no permitted to put their head down or sleep in class. While some teachers may not care, I find this extremely disrespectful
  7. Hand work in on time.
  8. See grading policy.
  9. No cheating!
  10. Anyone caught cheating will receive a zero for the entire assignment
  12. Please keep your cell phone away unless instructed so. A warning will be given and then phones will be taken away.
  13. School policies will be adhered to at all times.
  14. No beverages or food are allowed in the classroom.

Useful Websites

  • Genesis- obtain schedule, report cards, interim reports
  • GOOGLE CLASSROOM- Doc, Slides, Forms, and Sheets
  • CNN Student News- new segments can be accessed daily through

Video Usage

  • Sometimes students will need to be recorded and the footage will be shown to the class or school. Pictures may be posted according to school rules.
  • Videos/Movies/Documentaries may be shown in class as a learning tool and some may be rated R or PG 13. R videos will be approved ahead of time.

Mock Trial: Law Adversary Class

Ms. Nagle

Fall Semester 2016-2017

Phone: 732-833-4700



I have read the course syllabus, and I understand the course description, the teaching methods that will be employed and how the grades will be calculated. I understand that the student is responsible for all class work and homework, and that the student is expected to follow all school and class rules. I understand the consequences for violating school or class rules, including tardiness, truancy, as well as poor citizenship in class.


Student Printed Name Student Signature Date


Parent Printed Name Parent Signature Date

How do you prefer to be contacted: (please write 1 or 2 in order of preference)

______E-mail ______

Parent E-mail address

______Phone ______

Parent Contact Number


I acknowledge that my student needs to access the history textbook ONLINE using a computer, tablet, or other electronic device. Please sign and leave a comment you have concerns.


(Parent/ Guardian`s Signature)


I have read the video policy and I do give my child permission to watch approved videos.

I have read the video policy and I do give my child permission to be filmed and it be watched.

X ______

(Parent/ Guardian`s Signature)