Estate Planning Questionnaire

King & Navins, P.C.

20 Walnut Street, Suite 101
Wellesley, Massachusetts 02481-4102
Telephone: 781-237-0150
Facsimile: 781-237-1165

DATE: ______

1. Family Information

Spouse #1


Date of birth: SS#: U.S. citizen: Y / N


Telephone: (home) ( )

(work) ( )

(cell) ( )

Previous Marriages? Y/N

Occupation: ______

E-Mail Address: ______

Siblings Name(s): ______

Living Parents Name(s): ______

Spouse #2

Name: ______

Date of birth: SS#: U.S. citizen: Y / N


Telephone: (home) ( )

(work) ( )

(cell) ( )

Previous Marriages? Y/N

Occupation: ______

Email address: ______

Siblings Name(s): ______

Living Parents Name(s): ______

Date of marriage: Any pre-marital agreement?______(Please provide a copy)

Child #1

Legal name: Date of birth:



Grandchildren names and ages:

Child #2

Legal name: Date of birth:



Grandchildren names and ages:

Child #3

Legal name: Date of birth:



Grandchildren names and ages:

Child #4

Legal name: Date of birth:



Grandchildren names and ages:

Special Considerations for children or grandchildren: (prior marriages; special education or health needs; extraordinary financial obligations; spendthrift issues; adoption) ______




2. Asset Information

Please list your assets, even if jointly held with another person or in a trust. Please use the following codes to identify whose name is on each asset:

S1 Titled in Spouse #1’s name individually

S2 Titled in Spouse #2’s name individually

JT Titled jointly (between Spouses, unless otherwise indicated)

T Titled in the name of a trust (please specify name of Trust)

Real Estate

(1) Property address:

Title: Mortgage: Current Value:

Year purchased: Purchase price:

Annual taxes: Insurance premium:

Do you have a Declaration of Homestead on your primary residence: Y/N

(2) Property address:

Title: Mortgage: Current Value:

Year purchased: Purchase price:

Annual taxes: Insurance premium:

(3) Property address:

Title: Mortgage: Current Value:

Year purchased: Purchase price:

Annual taxes: Insurance premium:

Bank Accounts

Title Name of bank Type Current value






IRAs/401(k)s/other retirement accounts

Owner Name of institution/ Beneficiaries Current value

Type of Acct.





Stocks/Bonds/ Brokerage Accounts

Title Name of company/brokerage house Current value






Life insurance

Insured Name of company Cash surrender Death benefit









Individual Long Term Care Insurance or Disability Insurance

(1) Name of insurance company______Daily benefit $______

Number of Years______Home Health Benefit? $______Year of Purchase ______

(2) Name of insurance company______Daily benefit $______

Number of Years______Home Health Benefit? $______Year of Purchase ______

Automobiles/boats/motor homes, etc.

Title Year/make/model Loan value Current value




Other Assets

Title Description Current value



Have you ever gifted any property in excess of the annual gift tax exclusion to anyone (currently $14,000 per donee per year)? Y/N

If yes, please specify names of beneficiaries, dates & amounts:

Name Date Amount





Was a gift tax return filed for any of the above-listed gifts? Y/N

Is either Spouse the beneficiary or trustee of any trust, or does either Spouse anticipate receiving a substantial inheritance? Y/N

If yes, please specify:





Is either Spouse named as power of attorney for anyone? Y/N

Income Information

Please list monthly gross income figures.

Spouse #1 Spouse #2 Total

Wages $ $ $

Social Security $ $ $

Pension: $ $ $

Other: ______$ $ $

3. Document Information


Who would Spouse #1 like to nominate as Personal Representative (the individual responsible for managing your estate after death; Spouses usually nominate each other)?

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______

Who would Spouse #1 like to nominate as alternate Personal Representative, in the event the person named above is unavailable (Spouses usually nominate the same alternate)?

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______

Who would Spouse #2 like to nominate as Personal Representative?

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______

Who would Spouse #2 like to nominate as alternate Personal Representative?

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______

Who would you like to nominate in your Wills as Guardian(s) (the individual(s) who takes care of your children in the event of both Spouses’ death)? Spouses should always nominate the same Guardian(s).

Name: ______

Full Address: ______

Phone Numbers: ______

Who would you like to nominate as alternate Guardian(s), in the event the person named above is unavailable? Spouses should always nominate the same alternate Guardian(s).

Name: ______

Full Address: ______

Phone Numbers: ______


Who would you like to appoint as Trustee to oversee the trust established for your minor children in the event of both Spouses’ death? Spouses should appoint the same Trustee.

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______

Who would you like to appoint as an alternate Trustee, in the event the person named above is unavailable? Spouses should appoint the same alternate Trustee.

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______

Would you like your spouse to act as sole Trustee of your Trust after your death, or would you like your spouse to act with a co-Trustee? ______

Would you like property to be held in a pooled trust for your children until the youngest reaches a certain age, or would you like their separate shares established immediately after the surviving spouse’s death? ______

Would you like your children’s shares to be distributed outright at a certain age or should the disinterested Trustee decide when to make final distributions? ______


Would you like your children, once they reach a certain age, to have any say over who serves as Trustee of their Trust?______


In the event you are not survived by any member of your immediate family, who would you like to name as your “backstop” beneficiary/beneficiaries?




Who would Spouse #1 like to appoint as Attorney-in-Fact (the individual to make financial decisions for you in the event that you are incapacitated; Spouses usually appoint each other)?

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______

Who would Spouse #1 like to appoint as alternate Attorney-in-Fact, in the event the person named above is unavailable (Spouses usually appoint the same alternate)?

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______

Who would Spouse #2 like to appoint as Attorney-in-Fact?

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______

Who would Spouse #2 like to appoint as alternate Attorney-in-Fact?

Name: ______

Address (City & State): ______


Who would Spouse #1 like to appoint as Health Care Agent (the individual to make your health care decisions for you in the event that you are incapacitated; Spouses usually appoint each other)?

Name: ______

Full Address: ______

Phone Numbers: ______

Who would Spouse #1 like to appoint as alternate Health Care Agent, in the event the person named above is unavailable (no need for Spouses to appoint the same alternate)?

Name: ______

Full Address: ______

Phone Numbers: ______

Who would Spouse #2 like to appoint as Health Care Agent?

Name: ______

Full Address: ______

Phone Numbers: ______

Who would Spouse #2 like to appoint as alternate Health Care Agent?

Name: ______

Full Address: ______

Phone Numbers: ______


A living will is a set of instructions that memorializes your wishes if you do not want extraordinary life-sustaining measures used in the event you are terminally ill or in an irreversible coma. Although they are not recognized in Massachusetts by statute, living wills are still encouraged because they help instruct your health care proxy agent as to how to carry out your wishes regarding terminal illness.

Would Spouse #1 like to sign a living will? Y/N

Would Spouse #2 like to sign a living will? Y/N

SPECIAL CONCERNS OR PROVISIONS: Please provide any information about concerns you may have or unique provisions you would like placed in your estate planning documents.

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