9 Dec 13

Charity No: T99/93

Minutes of the 79 (Whitchurch) Sqn ATC CWC (Civilian Welfare Committee)

held at Dodington Lodge 7.30pm

Flt Lt / Steve Corbett / OC No 79 (Whitchurch) Sqn ATC (SC)
Mrs Maggie Finlay CWC Secretary (MF)
Mrs / Jackie Corbett / CWC Chairman (JC)
Mrs / Charles McHugh
Gillian Grant / CWC Chairman (CM)
Mrs / Audrey Stewart / CWC Treasurer (AS)
Mr / Anthony Merrick (AM)
Karl Chesters (KC)
Item / Topic / Discussion & Decisions / Action
1. / Previous Minutes / Previous minutes were distributed to CWC members via email - a hard copy will be signed by the Chairman (CM) and held at the Squadron. / CM to sign minutes and forward to SC for safe keeping at Squadron
2. / Matters arising / It was noted by CM that there is a minimum requirement to hold one committee meeting each quarter.
CM suggested that CWC trial holding quarterly meetings, the next one being due in April. It was discussed that this plan may need to be reviewed during summer months due to increase in activities undertaken by cadets - more planning may be required.
There will be 4 x quarterly meetings plus AGM but extra meetings (virtual meeting) could be arranged (by email).
CM expressed concern over the amount of work that may be required to complete Wing return document - treasurer (AS) will be supported by committee members in this task.
SC offered to support from squadron. It was suggested that 1st April be designated to meet at squadron to work collectively on completing Wing return - support from any CWC members will be appreciated subject to availability.
SC to complete asset audit and inventory in preparation for this meeting.
Bag packing activity at Wem Co-op in December raised £702.99
Aiming to do 4 bag packs next year - Wem next Xmas and possible Easter - but may support Sainsbury's in Whitchurch in April.
It was agreed that SC should liaise with Sainsbury - SC to take lead and let committee know if support required.
Polo shirts? AS suggested Hi vis vests? SC stated that cadets need new polo shirts anyway and these could be used as a form of ID for official duties - option to order fleece instead for winter activities
SC to send circular
£250 has been spent on minibus over Xmas period / AS
CWC members
3. / Sqn Cdrs Report / See attached
Discussed again subs outstanding - see treasurer's report below for more detail on action to be taken..
Discussed rapport with supermarkets as source of income rather than increasing subs
AS suggested some form of payment card to record subs paid in cash
MF suggested cash payment to be made at each attendance SC commented that there is no specific guidance on subscription within AFP10
Training - 1st aiders need to attend re-qualification course at a cost of £80 per person - SC suggested CWC fund this
CM proposed that £160 provided for courses in January - seconded by GG agreed by those present
2 range conducting officers needed - SC to look into potential candidates to attend relevant training courses when available
Plaque in memory of Mrs Ankers - to be placed at squadron. Family to be invited to unveiling ceremony - proposed by JC seconded by MF voted in by majority. Date to be arranged.
SC liaising with Newport 83 Squadron re: field craft courses.
CM suggested itinerary for proposed activities April - Sept to allow for budgeting/funds
Flight simulator equipment (speakers) required - SC investigating cost for these
Programme to be set up re: flight simulator so more equipment required. flight controls £40 each (2 needed) - to broach at April meeting
3 sets of powered speakers needed SC to cost
Ceiling mounted projector will be required
- carry forward to next meeting when business model compiled
SC identified that Co-op mid counties offer grants of up to £500 - CM to look into this / AS
AS to provided funds to SC
4. / Treasurers Report / JC and AS now confirmed as signatories
Sarah Forster, Flt Lt Collins and Chris Simmons now taken off as signatories
Recommended that 2 are sufficient but additional signatories can be added at later date
£184.73 in current account
£502.99 banked £200 cash kept back for petty cash
£273 to be paid to wing by May 2014
£52.80 on 12th Jan BT bill
£1750 available in total
£100 to be placed in float for fuelling minibus agreed by all present proposed by AS seconded by JC
Amendments confirmed by AS (Treasurer) on 10.1.14
Balance as at 9 Jan - £1884.73
Payment to Wing by 3 Feb - £397.75
Authorisation for change to signatures has yet to come from the bank. AS will check again next Thursday 16th. / AS JC
5. / Social calendar / Calendar of proposals for this year's activities
·  Casino Evening - June MF to organise - approach Round Table at Bettisfield Village Hall
·  Halloween party - 31st October Bettisfield Village Hall
·  Dining in night - November 14th tbc
·  AGM - 12 December 2014 / MF to book venue and approach Round Table
MF to book venue
JC to book venue
6. / AOB / MF commented on use of abbreviations in minutes
7. / Meeting closed at 9.10pm
8. / Date of next meeting / Committee meeting Tuesday 1st April 7.30pm to work on Wing report -
Thursday 9th April 7.30pm at Doddington Lodge Hotel