Student Teacher Induction Period and Supplementary Tasks

BA Physical Education and Teaching


SCHOOL ______

The following tasks are to be undertaken both during the provisional visit period and throughout the duration of the practice. Please ensure that you have completed all of these tasks by the initialling and dating of the appropriate box, and providing evidence in your teaching file of having done so via cross-referencing. Collection and filing of materials is important. Make certain that everything is appropriately headed.

Have you handed the School Experience Documentation to your mentor?

Do this on your first day in school

Have you collected copies of:-

The school staff handbook or staff lists, whole school policies, school
development plan, plan of the school, school calendar, school management structure, composition and role of the governing body: lines of responsibility, school guidelines, rules.
The school prospectus
Departmental policy documents - changing, collection of valuables,
safety procedure, sanctions, non participant activity
Units of Curriculum in operation
If you are staying in accommodation, have you completed your
Accommodation questionnaire and returned it to the Partnership Office?

Have you made yourself known to:-

The Headteacher, administrative staff, departmental colleagues
Site Manager/caretaker, Ground staff

Do you understand rules and procedures concerning:-

Staff Absence
Sanctions – whole school
Assessment and recording of pupils’ achievement: collect working samples of departmental procedures. Use these for continuous assessment of pupils for both exam and mainstream groups.
Changing and showering
Registration of pupils
Special needs: how are these identified? What are the mechanisms in place for support?
Are you familiar with:
Location of First Aid box and names of qualified first aiders
First Aid arrangements
Precautions/procedures regarding hazardous substances
Manual handling procedures regarding lifting and strenuous activities
Emergency procedures
Safety policy received or location known
Fire procedures and location of fire extinguishers
Accident reporting and location of accident book
The smoking policy

Are you familiar with:

The nature of the school day
Lesson times
Facilities (plan of gym, sports hall)
Equipment (list of equipment relating to activities to be taught and instructions on the equipment you will be using)
Rules relating to dress and appearance
Parking arrangements (where applicable)
Break and lunch arrangements
Community links of department
Extra-curricular activities provided by school/department
IT related to the department: On this experience have you used:(tick)
Video equipment
Audio equipment
Computer equipment
Other (identify


School Partnership Office, Arran House, Bognor Regis Campus, Bognor Regis, PO21 1HR

Tel 01243 812181 Fax 01243 812153

For additional copies of documentation go to :-
