St Mary’s Church School, Hadleigh

Tel: 01473 823268

Newsletter – 2nd July 2015

Please see below the Certificate winners for 19th June 2015

‘Working Well’ Certificate / ‘Our Christian Values’ Certificate / ‘Good Learning Behaviour’
Nursery / Aissata Lees Deme / Keira-Louise Norman / Macey Clements Smith
Ash / Chloe Bignell / Nicholas Watt / Lorenzo Carrington-Leeks
Oak / Frankie Noon / - / Erin Tillsley

Beech Class Assembly – Beech Class will be leading assembly on Friday, 3rd July at 9.10am. All welcome!

IMPORTANT - NO NUTS – PLEASE NOTE - could we please remind parents again NOT to send nuts or anything that contains nuts in their children’s packed lunches. We are a Nut Free school as we have pupils who would have a severe reaction to anything containing nuts. Please remember that foods such as cereal bars contain nuts so please check food labels and be vigilant. Thank you for your co-operation.

Summer Fair – Saturday, 11th July – 11am until 3pm

The tombola is always a fun stall at the Summer Fair for the children and we will be having a dress down day on Thursday, 9th July where children can choose to wear anything they like in return for a donation for the tombola or other stalls as follows:-

Oak / Beech / Chestnut – Bottles (e.g. drinks, shampoos, perfume – anything in a bottle!)

Nursery / Ash / Elm / Rowan / Willow - Sweets

Raffle tickets will have been sent home by now – one book per family. Please sell as many as you can. If anyone would like extras to sell please ask at the school office.

Aylmerton Fund Raising Stall – Yr5 are organising a stall at the Summer Fete on Saturday, 11th July. Please bring in any donations of books, toys etc in good re-saleable condition for them to sort on Monday 6th July.

Library Books – Can all library books please be returned to school by Wednesday, 8th July.

Achievement Assembly – Friday17th July - KS1 – 9.10am and KS2 (years 3, 4, 5, 6) at 9.45am. If your child has an award, medal or certificate that they have won outside of school then please bring them in by Thursday, 16th July. Please join us for these special assemblies if you can.

Leavers Service – Monday, 20th July at 2pm at St Mary’s Church, Hadleigh. All welcome.

Willow Class – Year 6 Leavers Lunch – Wednesday, 22nd July - Willow Class pupils are having a special celebration lunch on the last day of term. Please send in £2.30 by Friday, 17th July in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, class and date of the lunch. (If your child is in receipt of free school meals you do not need to send in any extra money). Thank you.

Menu Change – Wednesday, 22nd July – there has been a change to the menu on this date as it will now be Hotdog and Chips with baked beans or sweetcorn. The vegetarian option is a Quorn dog. Pudding will be a large biscuit and juice.

Willow Class Cake Sale – Willow Class will be holding their cake sale after school tomorrow, Friday, 3rd July. All donations of cakes would be most welcome!

Term Dates 2015/16:

Autumn Term 2015 – Thursday, 3rd September to Friday, 18th December 2015

Half Term: Week commencing Monday, 26th October 2015

Spring Term 2016 – Tuesday, 5th January to Thursday, 24th March 2016

Half term: Week commencing Monday, 15th February 2016

Summer Term 2016 - Tuesday, 12th April to Thursday, 21st July 2016

Bank Holiday: Monday, 2nd May 2016

Half term: Week commencing Monday, 30th May 2016

Please note that at the start of each new term the children in Nursery return one day later than the main school.



End of Term Disco – Friday, 17th July – information regarding the disco was sent out to all parents recently. If anyone would like a paper copy of the form to complete please ask at the school office. Details of the disco are as follows:-

Nursery, Ash and KS1 – 6pm until 7.15pm

KS2 – 7.30pm until 9pm

The disco will cost £2 per child - £5 for a family of 3. Price includes a drink and a biscuit.

Please Note – Nursery children can go to the 6pm disco if they wish.

KS2 Performance Dates – KS2 Parents should have received a letter with regards to the performance earlier this week. Please complete forms and return them as soon as possible. The dates for the performance are as follows:-

Tuesday, 13th July – 1.30pm – Dress rehearsal - younger children in school to attend. Parents welcome to bring pre-school children to this performance only.

Tuesday, 14th July – 2.00pm - Afternoon performance

Wednesday, 15th July – 6.30pm - Evening performance

Thursday, 16th July – 6.30pm - Evening performance

As in previous years, we urge you not to bring pre-school children to the actual performances, in order to minimise any disruption to our young performers. Every family is guaranteed a minimum of 2 tickets.

Pastoral Support Workers – As you will now know we have two Pastoral Support Workers, Miss Grimsey and Mrs Lee-Smith, who can help with any problems relating to your child(ren) and you can contact them directly via email at


Breakfast Club – Fri 3rd Jul – Table Tennis, Mon 6th Jul – Dinosaur Art, Tues 7th Jul – Art, Wed 8th Jul – Hall Games, Thurs 9th Jul – Playdough.

Yours sincerely

Andrew Frolish


The inclusion of details of extra-curricular, local and out-of-School activities in this Newsletter in no way implies that they are supported or endorsed by St. Mary's CEVAP School, its Governors or any member of Staff. Parents are advised to make the appropriate enquiries regarding supervision, insurance and other matters.