Cairo Governorate Department : English

Nozha Directorate of Education Grade : 1st Sec.

Nozha Language Schools Revision Sheet

“Ismailia Road” Branch Second Term 2011-2012

* Vocabulary:

aim to / = intend
aim at / = point towards
cater for / = provide its need
solution to
inconvenient / X convenient
have an alternative
meet the deadlines
virtual / = set of images and sounds by computer
take notes
make notes
hold surprises
make predictions / = predict
expectation / = expect
-extent (n) / Size
-undergo (v) / go through
-radical (adj) / Extreme
-residential / having private houses
-drawback (n) / Disadvantage
-commute (v) / travel regularly / commuter
-pace yourself / to be careful not to do sth too quickly not get tired

*Collocations with set:

- set out

-set a date

-set a price

-set a goal

-set the clock

-set a good / bad example

-set a trap

-set a task

-set standards

*Words easily confused:

-suburbs (n) / the outer area of a town.
-outskirts (n) / the areas that form the edge of a town or a city.
-Zone (n) / an area which has special characteristics or is used for a special purpose.
-neighbourhood (n) / the area of a town where people live.
-habitat / the natural environment where an animal or a plant lives.
-residence / officially a home.
home / the house where you live .
house / a building which people( usually one family) live in

Exercises on unit 5

*Choose the correct answer from a,b,c and d:-

1- It is hard to make ……… about what may happen in the area in the coming years.

a- forecasts b- expectations c- predictions d-descriptions

2- Contrary to all ………………. , Tunisia was able to pass the transitional period

a- expectations b- forecasts c- descriptions d-predictions

3- My grandfather lives on the ………… of the town. It takes us along time to get to him

from the city centre.

a- zone b- neighbourhood c- outskirts d-areas

4- My uncle has a clinic in a very famous ……… where there are other famous companies'


a- block of flats b- office block c- house d- storey

5- By using the skill and talent the prime minister set a …for the new to elected minister .

a- trap b- task c- date d-block

6- Shop assistants should set the ……… of goods so that customers won’t be cheated.

a- traps b- prices c- goals d- clock

7- Although the police set a perfect ……… for the criminal, they failed to arrest him.

a- trap b- goal c- task d- example

8- Teachers should set a good ……… for their students. They are role models .

a- date b- example c- price d- task

9- The ………. forecast says that it's going to be rainy tomorrow.

a-climate b– atmosphere c – weather d- location

10- My uncle owns a big farm in the ………………. of Alex.

a-zone b– suburbs c– neighbourhood d- desert

11- The location of the president's ………. isn't far from the city centre.

a-habitat b– flat c– residence d-palace

12- Setting a ………… before you start working is a good advantage as it helps you achieve it.

a-goal b– trap c – clock d-standard

13- The manager set a …………….. for each one of the employees to achieve properly.

a-trap b – task c– clock d-time

14-The reason ………… all this Chaos and mess is the irresponsibility of some members .

a-of b– to c – for d-about

15- The ever increasing problem of pollution is a real global …………

a-description b– threat c – advantage d-conception

16- Polar bears are adapted to the …………. cold.

a-major b– extreme c– radical d-residential

17- In …………… with all African football teams, ours is the greatest.

a-comparison b – advantage c– description d-description

18- If you want to take fair decisions, there should be no ...... for anyone .

a-description b– exception c– expectation d-organization

19-It's preferable for animals to live in their natural…………………………

a-residences b-homes c-habitats d- resorts

20-By using the skill and talent the Prime Minister set a………………..for the newly elected Minister.

a-trap b-task c-task d- example



1- The sky is cloudy. It ……… rain soon.

a- will b- is going to c- would d-does

2- I intend to visit my uncle I ……… him next week.

a- will see b- am seeing c- am going to d-saw

3- Tomorrow at this time I ……… to London.

a- will fly b- will be flying c- am going to fly d-flew

4- By the end of this month we ……… five units.

a- will study b- are going to study c- will have studied d-study

5- As soon as Mona finishes her H. W, she ……… her sister.

a- will help b- will be helping c- is going to help d-had helped

6- By next year we ……… English for 12 years.

a- will study b- will have been studying c- are going to study d-will be studying

7- We ……… to London next Sunday. Everything has been arranged for our flight.

a- are flying b- are going to fly c- will fly d-flew

8- We ……… take a taxi to school. We are very early.

a- mustn't b- shouldn't c- don't have to d-need to

9- When the traffic light is red, cars ……… move.

a- shouldn't b- needn't c- mustn't d-don't have to

10- You ……… come late again or you won't be let in.

a- had better not b- don't have to c- needn't d-must

11- We will move to the new flat as soon as we ……………..

a-will have it painted b – have it painted c– had it painted d-painted it

12- …………. in the club tomorrow at 7 pm.?

a-Are you playing b– Would you play c– Will you be playing

d-Were you playing

13- I hope I …………. a famous doctor.

a-am going to be b – would be c– will be d-am

14- We …………….. finish our exercise. Shall we do anything else?

a-were about to b– are about to c- were to d-were

15- By next month, I ………….. my friend Mona for seven years.

a-will have been knowing b– will be knowing c – will have known d-will know

16- It's 6 pm. now. By 9 pm. I …………….. chemistry for 5 hours.

a-will have been studying b– will be studying c– will study d- have studied

17- We …………….. catch our flight soon, otherwise there'll be no empty seats.

a-should b – may c– can d- need

18- …………. you carry this bag for me, please?

a-May b – Must c– Could d- Have

19- You ………….. smoke in hospitals. It's banned.

a-shouldn't b– mustn't c– don't have to d- needn't

20- It was raining heavily yesterday, so I ………. stay at home all day.

a-must b– should c– had to d- need


Vocabulary :

British English / American English
at the weekend / on the weekend
city centre / down town
film / movie
chips / fries
cafeteria / restaurant / diner
favourite / favorite
flat / apartment
mobile phone / cell phone
underground / subway
realised / realized
petrol station / gas station
pavement / side walk
Pharmacy /chemist's / Drug store
secondary school / high school
in a team / on atom
football / soccer
match / game
marks / grades
Maths / Math
university / college
autumn / Fall
specialise / major


1- It isn't easy to predict the future. [prediction]


2- Can you solve this problem, please. [solution]


3- I'd like to know why you were absent yesterday. [reason]


4- All members of my family are doctors. But my father isn't. [exception]


5- I think that the film we saw was wonderful. [opinion]


6- We are going to sell our old flat, but we haven't decided on how much it is yet. [set]


7- This luxurious hotel provides service for all family members even children. [cater]


8- A loud noise was heard a few minutes ago because of the bomb. [explosion]


9- If you have problems doing something, your plan needs to go through some changes.



*Rewrite the following sentences:

1- My father has decided to buy a new car. [is]


2- We intend to spend the next summer holiday in Hurghada. [are]


3- What do you intend to this evening? [are]


4- Everything has been arranged for my sister's wedding next Thursday. [getting]


5- Tomorrow at 6 pm. I'll go on a voyage to Venice. [sailing]


6- It was necessary for us to take a taxi when our car broke down. [had]


7- It isn't allowed to use your mobile phone during driving. It's against the traffic rules.



8- It's advisable to brush your teeth daily or you'll have tooth decay. [should]


9- It is unnecessary for you to answer five questions. You can answer just four. [needn't]


10- It's advisable for you to report the theft to the police. [ought]


11- By the end of this year, I (learn) ………………. French for five years. [correct]

12- I promise to get you a prize in case of your success. [will]


13- We plan to travel to London next summer. [are]



Write two paragraphs of not less than 18 lines on the following :

Different means of communication used by people nowadays .












Language Functions

Write a dialogue of at least six exchanges on the following situation :

- A tourist asked the receptionist about the most important historic places in Egypt

which he could visit .







Reading Comprehension

Read the following passage , then answer the questions :

The people of Kiribati are afraid that one day in the not too distant future , their country will disappear from the face of the earth literally . Several times this year , the Pacific Island nation has been flooded by a sudden high tide . These tides , which swept across the island and destroyed house , came when there was neither wind nor rain .

" This never happened before ," say the older citizens of Kiribati .

What is causing these mysterious high tides ? The answer may well be global warming . When fuels like oil and coal are being burned , pollutants are released ; these pollutants trap heat in the earth's atmosphere . Warmer temperatures cause water to expand and also create more water by melting glaciers and polar ice caps .

If the trend continues , scientists say many countries will suffer . Bangladesh , for example , might lose one fifth of its land . The coral island nations of the Pacific , like Kiribati and the Marshall Islands , however , would face an even worse fate they would be swallowed by the sea . The loss of these coral islands would be everyone's loss . Coral formations are home to more species than any other place on earth .

The people of these nations feel frustrated . The sea , on which their economies have always been based , is suddenly threatening their existence . They don't have the money for expensive technological solutions like seawalls . And they have no control over the pollutants , which are being released mainly by activities in large industrialized countries . All they can do is to hope that industrialized countries will take steps to reduce pollution .

Choose the correct answer :

1- Glaciers are …………………..

a- icebergs b- polar birds c- ice rivers d- snow

2- The economy of coral island nations depends mainly on ……….

a- fishing b- industry c- tourism d- agriculture

3- Industrialized countries shouldn't ……………….

a- take steps b- build seawalls c- stand still d- reduce pollution

4- The island was flooded when it was …………….

a- windy b- rainy c- both windy and rainy d- normal

5- What problem did the people of Kiribati face ?



6- How should they solve this problem ?



7- Why couldn't they overcome the high tides ?



8- What's causing global warming ?



Module 3 ( Unit 6 )

Building the Future

* Vocabulary:-

ecological / relating to the environment
take part in / participate
take place / happen
be accessible for / easily got
pavilion / building near a sports centre
urban / X rural
ice-skating rink / large flat surface for skating
be aware of
awareness / ( boost awareness )
operate on
admit / / admission
be subject to change / is an issue which might change
power / Authority
field / grassland / area of interest
atmosphere / feeling or mood of a place layer of air or gases around a place
wastes / rubbish / use too much of sth.
poles / long piece of metal to support sth ./ southern or northern point of a planet .
nature / forms of life / character
spring / seas on / place where water comes up through the ground .
exhaust / make sb tired/ gas produced by an engine
cutting – edge / Advanced
ramps / artificial slopes
generate (v) / Produce
dwelling (n) / Home
renewable (adj) / natural and never ending
boost (v) / Promote
Verb + on / Verb + in / Verb + to / Verb + with
depend / result / amount / supply
concentrate / specialize / refer / mix
Comment / invest / relate / combine
insist / involve / contribute / replace
spend / succeed

*Verbs starting with "RE"