بسم اللة الرحمن الرحيم
Elham Al_Bassam SYLLABUS 108/51x English Composition
Office Hours: 12:30-13:30 Mondays and Wednesdays or by Appointment at the Lounge or in my Office
Website : elmbsm108.yolasite.com or elmbsm108.weebly.com
Second Semester 2014/2015 Contact email:
Office Hours: 12:30-13:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays at the Lounge ( Room 107)
This course aims at familiarizing students with the processes and techniques necessary for the preparation
of research papers and academic reports. Emphasis is placed on summarizing and paraphrasing, critiquing
ideas and information. A library orientation is a required part of the course.
Exam 1 Wednesday March 11, 201 5 23%
Exam 2 Wednesday April8, 2015 23%
Two short Essays 14%
Final Exam As Scheduled by the University (TuesdayMay12, 2015 at 11:00) 40%
Syllabus: start on MondayJanuary26 , 2015 and end on MondayMay3, 2015.
Week 1 and 2 Introduction: writing sentences , types of sentences, types of parts of speech,
common mistakes and exercises : writing Sentences and correcting Sentences. Paragraphs and
Paragraph Structure : parts of paragraphs
Weeks 3 and 4 Paragraph Unity, Paragraph Outlying, and Paragraph Coherence (concrete support). Exercises on writing paragraphs and editing paragraphs
Week 5 Evaluating Sources, Synthesizing Ideas and Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing Writing
Paragraphs:Summaries and Paraphrases
Week 6 and7 Writing different types of Paragraphs: the Descriptive, narrative, argumentative, compare and contrast paragraphs
Week 8 WritingEssays: Nine ways to develop Essays and Paragraphs:
1. Description 2. Narration 3.Examples 4. Process
5. Cause and Effect
6. Comparison and Contrast 7.Definition 8. Division and Classification
9.Argumentation and Persuasion.
Week 9 Writing an Essay: The parts of an Essay: The Outline, Introduction, the Body, and the Conclusion
Week 10 Strategies: Beginning and Ending, Guiding Your Reader, and Analyzing Causes and Effects
Week 11 Arguing,Classifying and Dividing and Comparing and Contrasting
Week 12 Defining, Describing and Dialogue
Week 13 Explaining Processes, Narrating and Reading Strategies
Week 14 Taking Essay Exams. Doing Research: Developing a Research Plan and Finding Sources
Week 15 Evaluating Sources, Synthesizing Ideas and Quoting, Paraphrasing and Summarizing
Acknowledging Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism, Documentation and MlA and APA Styles
Oshima.Alice and Ann Hogue.Writing Academic English.USA :Pearson Education. 2005.
Nine ways to develop Essays and Paragraphs: 1.Description 2. Narration 3.Examples 4. Process 5. Cause and Effect 6.Comparison and Contrast 7.Definition 8. Division and Classification 9.Argumentation and Persuasion .
Exam: Choose the right answer and explain your reasons in detail.
1... / Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view. ( unnecessary Shift in Tense)/ a) / Following the Holocaust, Jews and others call for a Jewish state in the Middle East. United States foreign policy supported the call, and the State of Israel came into being in May 1948. Charges that Jews forced Palestinians from the land led to a war between Israel and Arab states
/ b) / Following the Holocaust, Jews and others call for a Jewish state in the Middle East. United States foreign policy supports the call, and the State of Israel came into being in May 1948. Charges that Jews forced
Palestinians from the land led to a war between Israel and Arab states.
c)- / Following the Holocaust, Jews and others called for a Jewish state in the Middle East. United States foreign policy supported the call, and the State of Israel came into being in May 1948. Charges that Jews forced Palestinians from the land led to a war between Israel and Arab states.
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2. / Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view.
/ a) / To understand the Korean War, which started in 1950, you have to know that the Soviet Union backed the northern occupation zone.
/ b) / For one to understand the Korean War, which started in 1950, you have to know that the Soviet Union backed the northern occupation zone.
- / c)- / To understand the Korean War, which started in 1950, you have to know that the Soviet Union is backing the northern occupation zone.
3.. / Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view.
/ a) / Americans waited anxiously in 1962 when Russia pointed missiles in Cuba at the United States. One wondered how the Russians would respond to the American demand for removal of the missiles.
/ B- / Americans waited anxiously in 1962 when Russia pointed missiles in Cuba at the United States. They wondered how the Russians would respond to the American demand for removal of the missiles.
/ c) / Americans had waited anxiously in 1962 when Russia pointed missiles in Cuba at the United States. They wondered how the Russians would respond to the American demand for removal of the missiles.
4. / Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view.
/ A
correct) / The North Vietnamese and the Vietcong staged the Tet offensive in 1968. American and South Vietnamese troops won the battle but lost in the arena of public opinion.
/ b) / The North Vietnamese and the Vietcong were staging the Tet offensive in 1968. American and South Vietnamese troops won the battle but lost in the arena of public opinion.
/ c) / The North Vietnamese and the Vietcong staged the Tet offensive in 1968. American and South Vietnamese troops win the battle but lose in the arena of public opinion.
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5. / Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view./ a) / The antiwar movement, spawned by the Vietnam War, and the civil rights movement made the 1960s a decade of rebellion by young Americans. We called for social change.
/ B
correct) / The antiwar movement, spawned by the Vietnam War, and the civil rights movement made the 1960s a decade of rebellion by young Americans who called for social change.
/ c) / The antiwar movement, spawned by the Vietnam War, and the civil rights movement made the 1960s a decade of rebellion by young Americans who have called for social change.
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6. / Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view./ A
correct) / Western observers were horrified to see that Mao Zedong's so-called Great Leap Forward in China led to the starvation and death of more than twenty million people during the famine of 1958-1961. Later, the observers were shocked at the effects of Mao's Cultural Revolution of 1966-1968.
/ b) / Western observers were horrified to see that Mao Zedong's so-called Great Leap Forward in China led to the starvation and death of more than twenty million people during the famine of 1958-1961. Later, one was shocked at the effects of Mao's Cultural Revolution of 1966-1968.
/ c) / Western observers were horrified to see that Mao Zedong's so-called Great Leap Forward in China led to the starvation and death of more than twenty million people during the famine of 1958-1961. Later, the observers become shocked at the effects of Mao's Cultural Revolution of 1966-1968.
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Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view7. / .
/ a) / The lecturer explained to the audience how greenhouse gasses come about, and you soon wondered what you could do to forestall disaster.
/ B
correct) / The lecturer explained to us how greenhouse gasses come about, and we soon wondered what we could do to forestall disaster.
/ c) / The lecturer is explaining to us how greenhouse gasses came about, and we soon will wonder what we could do to forestall disaster.
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8. / Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view./ a) / What led us to personal computers in the late 1970s? Inventions and developments such as the transistor, integrated circuitry, the memory chip, and the floppy disk (now almost forgotten) contribute to the digital revolution one experienced back then.
/ b) / What led us to personal computers in the late 1970s? Inventions and developments such as the transistor, integrated circuitry, the memory chip, and the floppy disk (now almost forgotten) contributed to the digital revolution one experienced back then.
/ C
correct) / What led to personal computers in the late 1970s? Inventions and developments such as the transistor, integrated circuitry, the memory chip, and the floppy disk (now almost forgotten) contributed to the digital revolution back then.
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9. / Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view./ a) / Globalization has lowered costs for some products but demoralizes parts of the worldwide work force. We who lose jobs to lower-paid labor cannot purchase products even at lower prices.
/ B
correct) / Globalization has lowered costs for some products but has demoralized parts of the worldwide work force. Workers who have lost jobs to lower-paid labor cannot purchase products even at lower prices.
/ c) / Globalization has lowered costs for some products but demoralizes parts of the worldwide work force, including some of us here in the United States. Workers who lose jobs to lower-paid labor cannot purchase products even at lower prices.
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10. / Select the answer that has no unnecessary shifts in tense or point of view./ a) / In the 1980s, countries in eastern Europe overthrew their Soviet governments. The most symbolic move of the period was the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. It means, once and for all, the end of the cold war, which started in the late 1940s.
/ B
correct) / In the 1980s, countries in eastern Europe overthrew their Soviet governments. The most symbolic move of the period was the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. It meant, once and for all, the end of the cold war, which had started in the late 1940s.
/ c) / In the 1980s, countries in eastern Europe overthrow their Soviet governments. The most symbolic move of the period was the tearing down of the Berlin Wall. It meant, once and for all, the end of the cold war, which started in the late 1940s.
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