6th Annual

MYMMemorial Scholarship

In loving memory of:

Marhoom Sadig Hussain Al-Cemawi

Marhooma Um Majed

Marhoom Sadig is an inspirational youth who had dreams of pursuing a career in medicine. In addition to his academic success, he was an athlete and played on his high school basketball team. He was every parent’s dream of a son, an overall amazing individual with a big heart. We pray that Allah (SWT) grants him the afterlifealongside the Holy Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt (AS).

Marhooma Um Majed is an inspiration to anyone who has met her and known her. She dedicated her life to serving Allah (SWT) and His cause. She served her family, friends and community members. She helped anyone who needed help. She helped many new immigrants settle in Canada and was one of the founder ladies at Alkawthar Islamic Association. She used to recite Quran, duas and the stories of Ahlulbait (AS) at majlises for the sake of Allah (SWT). She loved and enjoyed worshipping Allah (SWT). She spent most of her day and night worshipping Allah (SWT), while barely resting, even during her sickness. We pray to Allah (SWT) to grant her the highest status in Jannah with whom she loved and admired all her life, Prophet Muhammed (SAAWS) and ahlulbait (AS).

In memory of our Marhoomeen, the Muslim Youth in Motion is awarding fouryearly scholarships, in the amount of $500.00 each,to members of the MYM community pursuing post-secondary education. This scholarship is open to any youth in their final year of secondary school, or those currently enrolled in post-secondary studies.

لا تزول قدما عبد یوم القیامة حتی یسأل عن أربع، عن عمره فیما أفناه و{عن} شبابه فیما أبلاه وعن الما ل من أین اکتسبه و فیما أنفقه وعن حبنا أهل البیت.

A servant of God will be asked about four (things) on the Resurrection Day before he can move: how he spent his lifetime, what he used his youth for, how he earned his income and how he spent it and about his love for us, the members of the Holy Household.

-Hadith from the Ahlul Bayt (Al Khisal)

MYM Memorial Scholarship


Eligibility Criteria:

1.Resident of the Greater Vancouver Area

2.Active member and participant with theMuslimYouth in Motion Community

3.High school graduate accepted to attend an accredited post-secondary institution or currently enrolled post-secondary student

4.First time recipient

Supporting Documents:

1.Reference letter from a teacher or community leader (with no connection to MYM memorial scholarship)

3.Letter of admission at an accredited post-secondary institute or proof of enrolment

4.A copy of your current resume

5.Form F – (See Page 3)

6. All documentation must be received in original format

Application and required documents mustbe e-mailed to: [Office1]

Application Deadline: May30th, 2018

Please note that applicants are responsible for submitting all required materials. Incomplete application will not be reviewed nor will applicants be contacted to request missing materials.

As a courtesy to other applicants we request that the recipients of the scholarship attend the awards ceremony and in the event that they cannot attend they should make arrangements to have a proxy accept the scholarship on their behalf.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please send inquires to

MYM Memorial Scholarship Application
Pages – 1 of 2
Date / Application # (Admin only)
Legal Full-Name
Last Name / First Name / Middle Name


Number, Street, and Apartment Number
City / Province / Postal Code
Home Telephone / ( )
E-mail address
Date of birth / Age
Name of Institution Enrolled
Your undergraduate major(s)
1.A statement of interest, which outlines exemplary qualities or achievement in community service and or education (max. 300 words).
Applicant Name / FORM F
Pages – 2 of 2
2. Describe your financial need as well as the impact this scholarship will have on your pursuit of education.
3. How do you plan to contribute to the MYM in the future.


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