Name ______Date Due ______

APUSH Unit 3 Writing Prompts:

Birth of a Nation

Background Information

I am expecting significantly more out of you in this essay. Go back and look at your first essay and the comments I wrote for you before you begin writing. Also, think carefully about what we have discussed in class. Take all of that in to consideration as you work.

At this point you are an experienced historical analyst. I expect nothing but greatness. Remember that the focus of your essay should be analysis. It is important that you provide me with specific information to support your argument, but do not simply provide factual information. You must show me that you understand and are analyzing the content. It may be necessary to discuss, or at least mention, material we studied in other units.

Be sure you use MLA format and include a works cited. Your essay should be between three and five pagesin length and must be both turned in as a paper copy and uploaded to by the due date.


This essay is worth 60 points and will be graded as follows:

- 10 points for a well developed thesis that fully addresses the prompt

- 10 points for writing style (MLA format, grammar, and proof reading)

- 10 points for your works cited and in text citations (your essay must include at least five sources, three of which must be primary documents; you must have a works cited that you will reference using in-text parenthetical citations as discussed on the MLA Guide)

- 30 points for content (accurate, thorough, and effective use of evidence to prove thesis)

Writing Prompts

1. Analyze the effectiveness of the Articles of Confederation with respect to two of the following:

Foreign relationsEconomic conditionsWestern lands

2. How does the Constitution reflect America’s experiences and struggles as British Colonies after the Seven Years War and later as an independent nation under the Articles of Confederation? In other words, how is the Constitution an attempt to address the problems and continue the successes America experienced after 1763?