Oakwood PTA Meeting Minutes


1:00 - 1:52 pm


Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance led by Suzanne and Ramona

Business to be Conducted

Approval of budget

The budget was presented by Kimmy VanderLinden. Motion to approve, Suzanne Hatch. Seconded by Heather Ellefsen. A vote was conducted and the motion to adopt the budget passed.

Approval of audit

The audit was presented by Kimmy VanderLinden. Motion to approve, Suzanne Hatch. Seconded by Heather Ellefsen. A vote was conducted and the motion to adopt the audit passed.

Vote in PTA Executive Board

The PTA executive board was presented by Suzanne Hatch. Motion to approve, Candace Heward. Ramona Bailey seconded the motion. A vote was conducted and the motion to adopt the PTA Executive Board passed.


Dianne Phillips - absent today - at a district meeting

Teacher's Report - Teachers are wondering what the PTA fundraiser will be for the year. Heather Ellefsen reported that we will not be doing a fun run, but we are working on other ideas, possibly an art-a-thon.

Reflections (Susan Gedge) - Kick off assembly was a hit! Look for an email about signing up to help. The process for sending home projects will be streamlined.

Historian Report (Lauren Biesinger by Suzanne) - The yearbook was discussed. Lauren is hoping to get a bigger variety of pictures. Teachers and Room Moms can upload pictures to Lifetouch. Lauren will send out the link. We want every child to be represented in the book.

Thank Yous

Cathy Smith for successful room parent tea.

Kelsey Nichols and committee for successful registration. It was noted that it had a positive and welcoming atmosphere.

Kelsey Nichols for Boo Hoo-Woo Hoo

Carrie Peterson for great start to MTM. A few dates were changed. An updated email will be sent.

Upcoming Events

Book Fair - Sept 18-28, (Kimmy VanderLinden) – Volunteers needed! - Look for an email about signing up.

Grandparents Day – Sept 20-21, (Alex Pack) - Volunteers needed - Look for an email about signing up. If Grandparents will bring lunch, it will streamline the process. Pictures are very much appreciated.

SEP Dinners – Sept 26-27, (Kathy Capps and Tara Covili) - Dinner needed for 25ish.

Vision Screening – Thursday, Oct 5, (Ramona Bailey) – Volunteers needed - 10 needed - signup genius - Needs to be rescheduled or relocated due to Reflections. Ramona will follow up.


- Sign ups and emails can be sent through Suzanne this year.

- There was confusion on the first day of school about where to line up. It would be appreciated to have some organization to help parents and students find their way.

- Discussed Proposition One, which is a bond to fund updates and maintenance in Granite School District.

21st Century Education/Prop.1

Granite School District needs help from our PTAs in educating voters about the 21st Century Education/Prop.1 bond which will be on the November 2017 ballot. The $238 million dollar bond is a 10 year commitment for 15 remodels and 14 rebuilds of Granite District schools. Upgrades to schools will bring them up to a 21st century school, especially in technology and safety. It is essential that we all have a “Help Everyone mentality” so that all of our school’s needs are addressed. The cost to taxpayers will be appox. $15/mo. on a 250K home. Every voter in Granite District will be able to vote on the bond. Register to vote atwww.vote.utah.govmore information on the bond can be found atwww.GSDfuture.org.

- Kari Sikorski brought up the management of the lunchroom. Shutting off the lights has been upsetting to some students. Erika Boardman is gathering information about this.

- Parking in the drop-off lane and other parking lot issues were discussed - especially around the "kindergarten" areas.

- Next meeting will be held October 9, 2017 at 1:00 pm.


PTA Calendar

Contact List

PTA Membership Cards

PTA Meeting Roll 9/11/2017

Candace Heward

Heather Ellefsen

Ramona Bailey

Carrie Peterson

Kari Sikorski

Genevieve Clark

Michelle Cannon

Susan Gedge

Kristen Bay

Sara Flegal

Kimmy Vanderlinden

Suzanne Hatch

Kelsey Nichols