
Area1: Infrastructure(Structures,SoilsandConstruction)

Area2: TransportationandGeodeticEngineering

Area3: WaterResourcesandEnvironmentalEngineering

Upto3total hours of Additional Technical Electives, such asindependent study, undergraduate research, internship in CE, CE seminar, etc., canbeusedtowardstherequiredtechnicalelectiveshours.

1.Infrastructure (Structures,Soils and Construction)

Course# / CourseTitle / Cr Hrs. / Offered / Prerequisites
CIVILEN4310 / StructuralAnalysis / 3 / AU / CIVILEN3310
CIVILEN4320* / StructuralSteelDesign / 3 / AU/SP / CIVILEN3310
CIVILEN4340 / BehaviorofStructuralElements / 3 / SP / CIVILEN3310
CIVILEN4350* / ReinforcedConcreteDesign / 3 / AU/SP / CIVILEN3310
CIVILEN4552 / DesignandConstructionofFlexiblePavements / 3 / SP / CIVILEN3510; and MATH 2177 or 2415
CIVILEN5162 / IntroductiontoLaminatedCompositeMaterials (cross listed in MECHENG) / 3 / AU / MECHENG2020or2040;or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5168 / IntroductiontoFiniteElementMethod / 3 / SP / CIVILEN2060, MATH2568 or MECHENG 2850
CIVILEN5310 / MatrixStructuralAnalysis / 3 / SP / CIVILEN4310
CIVILEN5320 / IntermediateStructuralSteelDesign / 3 / SP(even) / CIVILEN4310; and CIVILEN4320
Course not currently in rotation
CIVILEN5350 / IntermediateReinforcedConcreteDesign / 3 / AU(odd) / CIVILEN4350
CIVILEN5360 / BridgeEngineering / 3 / SP (odd) / CIVILEN4310; and CIVILEN4320
Course not currently in rotation
CIVILEN5370 / PrestressedConcreteDesign / 3 / AU / CIVILEN4350
CIVILEN5561 / PrinciplesofSoilandRockMechanics / 3 / AU / CIVILEN3540/3541
CIVILEN5571 / PrinciplesofFoundationsAnalysis / 3 / SP / (can be taken concurrently) CIVILEN 3540 and 3541; and CIVILEN5561; or permission of Instructor
CIVILEN5810 / ConstructionSafetyForensics / 3 / SP / CIVILEN2810; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5820 / ConstructionEstimating / 3 / AU / CIVILEN2810; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5830 / ConstructionScheduling / 3 / SP / CIVILEN2810; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5840 / ConstructionContractsandClaims / 3 / SP / CIVILEN2810; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5860H / SustainableAncientConstructedFacilities / 3 / AU18(only) / Honorsstanding; or permission of instructor
MECHENG5144 / EngineeringFractureMechanics / 3 / SP / MECHENG 2020 or 2040; and MATH 2177, 2174 or 2415

*Courses may be used towards either the CE requirements or the TE requirements, but not both.

2.Transportation and Geodetic Engineering

Course# / CourseTitle / Cr Hrs. / Offered / Prerequisites
CIVILEN5001 / IntroductiontoGeographicInformation
Systems / 4 / AU / CIVILEN 2050 andsenior standing; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5300 / AirportPlanningandDesign / 3 / SP / Aviation3000; or permissionofinstructor
CIVILEN 5410 / Engineering Surveying / 3 / AU / CIVILEN 2410; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5420 / RemoteSensingofEnvironment / 3 / SP / CIVILEN2410; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5422 / TerrainAnalysis / 3 / AU / CIVILEN2050; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5441 / Introductionto GPS:Theory and Applications / 3 / SP / MATH1172 or 2153; and junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN 5461 / Geospatial Numerical Analysis / 4 / AU / CIVILEN 2410
CIVILEN5700 / UrbanTransportationDemandForecasting / 3 / AU / CIVILEN3700; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5720 / TransportationEngineeringDataCollectionStudies / 3 / AU / CIVILEN3700; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5730 / HighwayLocationandDesign / 3 / SP / CIVILEN3700; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5740 / DesignandOperationofRoadTraffic Facilities / 3 / SP / CIVILEN3700; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5750 / Instrumentation,Signals,andControl in TransportationApplications / 3 / AU(even) / CIVILEN3700; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5760 / NetworkMetricsandControlinTransportation Systems / 3 / AU(odd) / CIVILEN3700; or permission of instructor
CIVILEN5770 / UrbanPublicTransportation / 3 / SP / CIVILEN3700; or permission of instructor

3.Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

Course# / CourseTitle / Cr Hrs. / Offered / Prerequisites
CIVILEN 5130 / AppliedHydrology / 3 / AU / CIVILEN3160
CIVILEN 5220 / OpenChannelHydraulics / 3 / SP / CIVILEN 3160; and MATH 2177 or 2415 and 2568
CIVILEN 5230 / TransportPhenomenaInWaterResourcesEngineering / 3 / SP / CIVILEN 3160; and MATH 2173, 2177, or 2415
CIVILEN 5240 / Groundwater Engineering / 3 / SP (even) / CIVILEN 3130; or permission of instructor
Course not currently in rotation
ENVENG3210 / EnvironmentalEngineeringUnitOperations / 3 / SP / CHEM1220or1250;and CIVILEN3130; or permission of instructor
ENVENG 4600 / Assessment for Human Rights and Sustainability / 3 / AU / None
ENVENG5110 / EnvironmentalEngineeringBioprocesses / 3 / AU / ENVENG3200
ENVENG5120 / BioremediationofGroundwaterandSoil / 3 / SP(even) / A course in microbiology; orpermissionofinstructor
ENVENG 5140 / AirQualityinEngineering / 3 / SP / CHEM 1220 or 1250; and MATH 2177, 2174 or 2415; or permission of instructor
ENVENG5170 / SustainabilityandPollutionPreventionPractices / 3 / SP / ENVENG3200; or permission of instructor
ENVENG 5195 / Engineering Design for Environmental Health / 3 / SP / MATH 1151 or 1161; and CHEM 1210 or 1250; or permission of instructor
ENVENG 5217 / Applied Mathematical Ecology / 3 / SP (even) / CIVILEN 2060; and ENGR 1221; or permission of instructor
ENVENG 5218 / Measurement and Modeling of Climate Change, the Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Ecosystem Fluxes / 3 / SP (odd) / CIVILEN 2060; and ENGR 1221; or permission of instructor
ENVENG5410 / HazardousWasteManagementandRemediation / 2 / AU(odd) / ENVENG3210; or permission of instructor
ENVENG5600 / Science,Engineering,andPublicPolicy(cross-listedwithPUBAFRS) / 3 / SP / Junior or senior standing; or permission of instructor
FABENG 5310 / EcologicalEngineering and Science
(cross-listed inENR and ENVENG) / 3 / SP / At least one course in biology, ecology, engineering or geology; and junior standing
PUBHEHS7365 / PrinciplesofRiskAssessment / 3 / SP / None

Additional TechnicalElectives –No more than three (3)credithours fromthese options

Course# / CourseTitle / Cr Hrs / Offered / Prerequisites
CIVILEN/ENVENG2193 / Independent Study / 3 / AU/SP / Permissionofinstructor
CIVILEN 2405** / Graphics for Civil Engineering (CAD) / 1 / AU/SP / Enrollment in pre-civilen program or permission of instructor
CIVILEN/ENVENG4193 / Independent Study / 3 / AU/SP / Permissionof instructor
CIVILEN /ENVENG4998 / UndergraduateResearch,NoThesis / 3 / AU/SP / Permissionofinstructor
CIVILEN /ENVENG4999 / UndergraduateResearchwithThesis / 3 / AU/SP / Permissionofinstructor
CIVILEN 5610.01 / Sustainable Infrastructure for Developing Rural Communities / 3 / SP / Permission of instructor
CIVILEN /ENVENG5880 / Seminar / 3 / AU/SP / Permissionofinstructor
ENGR5050 / HumanitarianEngineering / 3 / SP / ENGR 1182 or 1282H; or permissionofinstructor
FABENG 3171** / Computer Graphics Using AutoCAD / 2 / SP18 (only) / ENGR 1182, 1186, or 1282H
MECHENG3501 / IntroductiontoEngineeringThermodynamics / 3 / AU/SP / MECHENG 2850; and MECHENG 2900; and CHEM 1220 or 1250; or permission of instructor
NUCLREN4505 / IntroductiontoNuclearScience and Engineering (cross-listed in MECHENG) / 3 / SP / MATH 2173, 2177 or 2415;andPHYSICS1251; or permissionofinstructor