The Honourable Steve Ashton

Manitoba Minister of Conservation

450 Broadway

333 Legislative Building

Winnipeg Manitoba, R3C 0V8

Phone: 204-945-3730, 3522

Fax: 204-945-3586


Re: Urgent: Environmental Review and Assessment of Manitoba Hydro

Dear Minister Ashton:

Please support or order a public panel review of Manitoba Hydro’s “Whole Project”. This includes what is already built, which is the Churchill River Diversion Lake Winnipeg Regulation (existing segment). It also includes what is presently contemplated to come in the future (the future segment, which includes Wuskwatim).

I understand that Manitoba Hydro’s operation of the existing segment may be in violation of provincial environmental law, and several federal statutes. The existing segment has never been subject to an environmental review or assessment. It clearly should be reviewed now as the basis for issuing licences and permits that may be required to remedy the violations.

I understand that an assessment and review of one element of the future segment – Wuskatim generating station and transmission line – has been called (Public Registry files 4724 and 4725). The Manitoba Clean Environment Commission has authority to broaden the scope of this review, to consider the Whole Project.

This is the only way in which environmental damage that has already occurred can be known and mitigated. It is the only way to know whether any part, or which part, of the future segment should be approved, and if so, under what conditions. Each part of this one integrated hydro project is connected to and affects other parts.

If the CEC refuses to exercise its authority, you can and should order it to review the Whole Project. Whether the CEC elects or is ordered to conduct such a review, you can and should order Manitoba Hydro to provide full, accurate and transparent information required for such a review, and ensure that the panel review is conducted with proper expertise and quasi-judicial procedures.


The Honourable David Anderson

Federal Minister of the Environment

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6

Phone: 613-996-2358

Fax: 613-952-1458


Re: Urgent: Environmental Review and Assessment of Manitoba Hydro

Dear Minister Anderson:

Please order a full public panel review of Manitoba Hydro’s “Whole Project”. This includes what is already built, which is the Churchill River Diversion Lake Winnipeg Regulation (existing segment). It also includes what is presently contemplated to come in the future (the future segment, which includes Wuskwatim).

I understand that Manitoba Hydro’s operation of the existing segment may be in violation of several federal statutes, including the Fisheries Act, the Navigable Waters Protection Act, and the Migratory Birds Convention Act. It may also be in violation of provincial environmental law. The existing segment has never been subject to an environmental assessment or review.

Permits under federal law are required for the existing segment to continue, and such permits trigger the need for an environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.

I understand that an assessment and review of one element of the proposed future segment – Wuskatim generating station and transmission line – has been called (Public Registry files 4724 and 4725).

The scope of the review must be broadened to consider the Whole Project. This is the only way in which environmental damage that has already occurred can be known and mitigated. It is the only way to know whether any part, or which part, of the future segment should be approved, and if so, under what conditions. Each part of this one integrated hydro project is connected to and affects other parts. The existing segment must be reviewed as the basis for any permits to be issued under federal law.

Due to the importance and precedent-setting nature of what has happened and what is being planned, nothing less than a full federal panel review will do.
