The False Prince

1) The book the False Prince is the first book in what trilogy? answer: The Ascendance Trilogy

2) Who wrote the False Prince? answer: Jennifer A. Nielson

3) In the book False Prince, how much did the man pay the butcher for the roast that Sage stole at the

beginning of the book and to turn Sage over to him? answer: Fifty garlins

4) In the book the False Prince, what was Sage stealing when the book began? answer: A roast

5) In the book the False Prince, How many orphans lived in Mrs. Turbledy’s orphanage for

disadvantaged boys in? answer: Nineteen (ranging in age from three to fifteen)

6) In the book the False Prince, what was the name of the man who met Sage in the street stealing a

roast and came to take Sage from the orphanage? answer: Bevin Connor

7) In the book the False Prince, what did Sage tell Bevin Connor and Mrs. Turbeldy his father had done?

answer: He said his father was a musician

8) In the book the False Prince, what did Sage tell Mrs. Turbeldy when he came to the orphanage?

answer: That he was the son of a duke and would pay her a coin each week to keep him

9) What does the map at the beginning of the False Prince book depict?

answer: Carthya and Neighboring Lands Chapter Two

10) Which of the other boys that was with Sage coughed a lot? answer: Latamer

11) Who took Sage’s apple out of his lap when his hands were tied up? answer: Roden

12) What happened to Sage after he got his hands untied and put a noose around Latamer’s head?

answer: Cregan hit him over the head right before he escaped

13) What was Sage’s first clue about why Conner had taken him and the other boys?

answer: Conner said, “Patience, Sage. Patience is the mark of a ruler.” Chapter Three

14) In the book the False Prince, how did Sage know Tobias before they came together after Conner

took them from the orphanages? answer: Sage had been in Gelvins Charity Orphanage with Tobias for a short time

15) In the book the False Prince, what did Tobias remember of Sage’s time at Gelvins Charity

Orphanage? answer: Sage locked the headmaster out of the orphanage for an entire night

16) In the book the False Prince, what happened to the other orphans after Sage left Gelvins Charity

Orphanage? answer: They went hungry for the rest of the week because Sage had given out a week’s worth of food

17) In the book the False Prince, out on the lonely, desolate plain outside of Gelvins, who got up to leave when Conner offered them a chance to leave? answer: Latamer

18) In the book the False Prince, what happened to Latamer when he asked to leave?

answer: He was shot by an arrow by Cregan

19) In the book the False Prince, on the desolate plain outside of Gelvins, why did Connor tell Sage they

had the meeting before they ate? answer: So they wouldn’t waste their food (on Latamer, who was killed) Chapter Four

20) In the book the False Prince, what did Tobias say when Connor asked him what he would do in a

battle to the death with someone better than he? answer: Beg mercy

21) In the book the False Prince, what did Roden say when Connor asked him what he would do in a

battle to the death with someone better than he? answer: Fight to the death (“I will not live as a coward.”)

22) In the book the False Prince, how did Roden learn to fight with a sword?

answer: From an old Carthyan soldier who lived near his orphanage

23) In the book the False Prince, what did Sage say when Conner asked him what he would do in a battle to the death with someone better than he?

answer: Beg mercy, then finish the battle when the opponent lowered his sword

24) In the book the False Prince, why did Sage say that Connor was willing to murder to win?

answer: Because he killed Latamer

25) In the book the False Prince, why did Roden claim he never won any rounds against the soldier who

taught him to fight? answer: Because the soldier would stop teaching him if he ever won

26) In the book the False Prince, when Sage awakened to find himself chained to someone in the night,

who was he chained to? answer: Mott

27) In the book the False Prince, when Connor offered bread for correct answers, who did Sage answer

was the King and Queen of Carthya? answer: King Eckbert and Corinne

28) In the book the False Prince, what was King Eckbert’s queen’s name? answer: Erin

29) In the book the False Prince, how many regents sat in King Eckbert’s court? answer: twenty

30) In the book the False Prince, what was the name of the crown prince when King Eckbert was ruling

Carthya? answer: Darius The False Prince

31) In the book the False Prince, what kind of accent did Sage speak with?

answer: Avenian

32) In the book the False Prince, how many of King Eckbert’s regents inherited their positions?

answer: Thirteen (of the twenty regents)

33) In the book the False Prince, how many of King Eckbert’s regents were women? answer: three

34) In the book the False Prince, who did Connor tell Sage was second in power to King Eckbert?

answer: Lord Kerwyn, the high chamberlain

35) In the book the False Prince, who did Connor tell Sage was the most powerful of the regents?

answer: Santhias Veldergrath, the prime regent Chapter Six

36) In the book the False Prince, what was the capital of Carthya and home of the royal family?

answer: Drylliad

37) In the book the False Prince, where did Roden say he was born?

answer: Southern Carthya

38) In the book the False Prince, how many times had Roden left the orphanage in Benton before

Connor came for him? answer: Zero

39) In the book the False Prince, where did Tobias say he was born?

answer: A town near Gelvins

40) In the book the False Prince, who educated Tobias before he went to the orphanage?

answer: His grandmother

41) In the book the False Prince, how long did Connor say he was going to train the boys before their “test” at Court? answer: Two weeks

Chapter Seven

42) In the book the False Prince, what town was Connor’s estate several miles outside of?

answer: Tithio

43) In the book the False Prince, how many windows did the orphanage in Carchar have?

answer: none

44) In the book the False Prince, what did Connor call his home?

answer: Farthenwood

45) In the book the False Prince, what was the name of the servant assigned to Sage at Farthenwood?

answer: Errol

46) In the book the False Prince, how old was Errol when Sage came to Farthenwood? answer: twenty

47) In the book the False Prince, how old was Errol when he came to Farthenwood as a servant? ten

48) In the book the False Prince, why did Errol go to Farthenwood as a servant to Connor?

answer: To work off his family’s debts

Chapter Eight

49) In the book the False Prince, what did Sage offer Errol in exchange for getting Sage’s original clothes back for him after his bath? answer: A silver coin

50) In the book the False Prince, when Connor was teaching Sage table manners, why did he say you

scoop the spoon away from you when eating soup?

answer: So that, if you spill the soup, it will go onto the table, not onto your lap

51) In the book the False Prince, which hand did Sage naturally hold his soup spoon with?

answer: Left

52) In the book the False Prince, during the first dinner at Connor’s home, what did Tobias say that

Connor considered rude? answer: “I’m already full.”

53) In the book the False Prince, where do Carthyan orphanages get their operating money?

answer: Whatever money the orphan inherited upon the deaths of his parents, and a few private

donations, and occasionally orphans were purchased to be a servant until his debt was worked off

Chapter Nine

54) In the book the False Prince, when Connor first tells Sage, Tobias and Roden his plan, what does he

claim he is hoping to prevent? answer: Civil war

55) In the book the False Prince, how old was Jaron when he was sent north to Bymar on a ship from

Carthya? answer: Nearly eleven

56) In the book the False Prince, what was the “greatest secret of [their] lives” that Connor shared with

Sage, Tobias and Roden after their first dinner at Farthenwood?

answer: That the royal family is dead

57) In the book the False Prince, what were the regents telling people about the King, Queen and crown

Prince to keep their death a secret? answer: That they were on a diplomatic mission to Gelyn

58) In the book the False Prince, after their first dinner at Farthenwood, where did Connor tell Sage,

Tobias and Roden that three regents were traveling to seek proof of Jaron’s death or life? answer: Isel

Chapter Ten

59) In the book the False Prince, after the first dinner at Farthenwood, what problems did Conner tell

Sage he had in using Sage as Prince Jaron?

answer: Wrong hair color, preference for his left hand instead of right, not as tall or strong as

would be expected of King Eckbert’s son, he looks too old, and his Athenian accent

Chapter Eleven

60) In the book the False Prince, after Sage left the dinner table angry on the first night at Farthenwood,

where did Mott take Sage?

answer: To a courtyard with a wall of swords, where Mott taught Sage about sword fighting

61) In the book the False Prince, what was the significance of the sword that Sage chose when Mott

gave him his first jousting lesson? answer: It was a replica of the sword Prince Jaron once owned

Chapter Twelve

62) In the book the False Prince, what did Sage do to the bed near the window in the room shared by

Roden and Tobias? answer: He spat on the pillow so that Roden would have to sleep with his spit if he still wanted to sleep there

63) In the book the False Prince, why did Errol believe that Connor required Imogen to come work for

him to pay off the family debts? answer: Revenge for Connor’s mother refusing to marry Connor

64) In the book the False Prince, why did Errol tell Sage that Connor lost interest in Imogen?

answer: Because she is a mute and not particularly bright

Chapter Thirteen

65) In the book the False Prince, what was the name of Sage and Roden’s tutor at Farthenwood?

answer: Master Graves

66) In the book the False Prince, what did Master Graves insist that Sage do when Sage disrupted the

tutoring session by demanding a larger chair? answer: Write his letters an extra ten times

Chapter Fourteen

67) In the book the False Prince, who was Sage, Tobias and Roden’s history tutor at Farthenwood?

answer: Mistress Havala

68) In the book the False Prince, what did the servants bring Sage, Tobias and Roden to eat for lunch

during their history lesson with Mistress Havala at Farthenwood? Meat pie wrapped in a thick pastry

69) In the book the False Prince, who at Farthenwood gave Sage, Tobias and Roden riding lessons?

answer: Cregan

70) In the book the False Prince, what was the name of the wild horse that Cregan put Sage onto for his

first riding lesson?answer: Windstorm

Chapter Fifteen

71) In the book the False Prince, after Sage rode off on Windstorm, where did Mott find Sage?

answer: Lying on the banks of the river, legs half submerged in the water

72) In the book the False Prince, after Sage rode Windstorm, what did Mott instruct Sage on during

most of the ride back to Farthenwood? answer: How to manage a wild horse

Chapter Sixteen

73) In the book the False Prince, at Farthenwood, when Imogen first came to Sage’s room to bring his

dinner, what did Sage ask Imogen for? answer: A thread and needle

74) In the book the False Prince, at Farthenwood, where did Sage get a knife that he used to defend

Imogen in his bedroom? answer: He took it off of Mott on the horse ride back to Farthenwood

Chapter Seventeen

75) In the book the False Prince, at Farthenwood, why did Tobias ask the servant to build a fire in the

boy’s bedroom on a warm evening? answer: To burn the papers he had written on

76) In the book the False Prince, while at Farthenwood, what was the old saying from Avenia that Sage

said to Roden after Roden told Sage that he would never exceed Darius?

answer: Just because it’s calmer than a hailstorm doesn’t mean it’s calm

77) In the book the False Prince, what did Cregan claim that he was better at than teaching to ride

horses?answer: Swords (he said I’m a swordsman)

78) In the book the False Prince, according to Conner at Farthenwood, where was Prince Jaron’s sword

last seen? answer: Around his waist at supper the night before he boarded the ship that ultimately sank

79) In the book the False Prince, at Farthenwood, what did Sage do after Roden struck Sage in the chest

with a wooden sword during sword practice? answer: He lunged at him to punch him

80) In the book the False Prince, at Farthenwood, when did Roden propose an alliance with Sage to

sabotage Tobias? answer: After their fight during sword practice

81) In the book the False Prince, at Farthenwood, when did Roden propose an alliance with Sage to

sabotage Tobias?

82) In the book the False Prince, to whom was Prince Jaron betrothed?

answer: Princess Amarinda of Bultain

83) In the book the False Prince, who was Princess Amarinda of Bultain’s uncle? The king of Bymar

84) In the book the False Prince, why was there great controversy when King Eckbert married Queen

Erin? answer: Erin was from an inconsequential border town in southern Carthya and the king had