National objective 1: Reception/Asylum / AMIF Article 5
National objective 2: Evaluation / AMIF Article 6
National objective 3: Resettlement / AMIF Article 7
Specific action 1: Transit Centres / AMIF Annex II.1
Specific action 2: Access to Asylum / AMIF Annex II.2
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 2: Integration/Legal migration
National objective 1: Legal migration / AMIF Articles 8 and 10(a), (c), (d)
National objective 2: Integration / AMIF Article 9
National objective 3: Capacity / AMIF Articles 10 (c), (d), (e) ,(f),(g)
Specific action 3: Joint initiatives / AMIF Annex II.3
Specific action 4: Unaccompanied minors / AMIF Annex II.4
Specific action 8: Legal migration / AMIF Annex II.8
National objective 1: Accompanying measures / AMIF Article 11, 12(g)
National objective 2: Return measures / AMIF Articles 12 (a) to (e)
National objective 3: Cooperation / AMIF Article 13
Specific action 5: Joint return / AMIF Annex II.5
Specific action 6: Joint reintegration / AMIF Annex II.6
Specific action 7: Joint family unity and unaccompanied minor reintegration / AMIF Annex II.7
National objective 1: Relocation / AMIF Article 7.2
Competent authorities responsible for the management and control systems (Article 25 of Regulation (EU) No 514/2014).
Identification and contact details:
Name of the authority / Head of the authority / Address / Email address / Date of designation / Activities delegatedResponsible Authority / Ministry of the Interior, Finance and Purchasing Office, European Funds Service, Project Unit for Internal Security and Migration Funds / Erik Kern / Štefanova 2, SI-1501 Ljubljana, Slovenia / / N/A
Audit Authority / Ministry of Finance, Budget Supervision Office of the Republic of Slovenia (BSO) / Božidar Hlebec / Fajfarjeva 33, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia /
Delegated Authority 1 / Ministry of Finance, Budget Directorate, Department for Management of EU Funds / t.b.d. / Beethovnova 11, 1000 Ljubljana / / On the spot controls, payments
Delegated Authority 2 / Ministry of Justice, Investments and Real Estate Directorate, Investments Division / Lucija Remec / Župančičeva 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia / / Small investments and upgrading of BCPs infrastructure; Improved working standards at BCPs; Management and maintenance of BCPs infractructure
Delegated Authority 3 / Ministry of Foreign Affairs / t.b.d. / Prešernova cesta 25, SI-1001 Ljubljana, P.P. 481, Slovenia / / Activities in the field of common visa policy (ISF)
Delegated Authority 4 / Police (Body within the Ministry of the Interior) / Karol Turk / Štefanova 2, SI-1501 Ljubljana, Slovenia / / Activities in the field of crime prevention, combating cross-border, serious and organised crime including terrorism, coordination and cooperation between law enforcement authorities (ISF)
Activities in the field of integrated border management and tackling of illegal migration (ISF)
Activities in the field of return (AMIF)
Delegated Authority 5 / Internal Administrative Affairs, Migration and Naturalization Directorate (Internal organizational unit within the Ministry of the Interior) / Bojan Trnovšek / Štefanova 2, SI-1501 Ljubljana, Slovenia / / Activities in the domain of the Common European Asylum System, solidarity and responsibility sharing between the MemberStates, and legal migration and integration of third-country nationals, including beneficiaries of international protection (AMIF)
Delegated Authority 6 / Ministry of Defence / t.b.d. / Vojkova cesta 55, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia / / Activities in the domain of managing security-related risks and crisis, preparing for and protecting people and critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks and other security related incidents (ISF)
Attached document: notification of designation with:
a) the main division of responsibilities between its organisational units;
b) where appropriate, its relationship with delegated authorities, the activities to be delegated, and the main procedures for supervising these delegated activities; and
c) a summary of the main procedures for processing financial claims from beneficiaries and for authorising and recording expenditure
Please provide a summary description of the envisaged management and control system (Article 14(2)(g) of Regulation (EU) No 514/2014).
The system will stay similar to the current system under the SOLID funds. The Project Unit for Internal Security and Migration Funds will be the Responsible Authority. The current Certifying Authority (Department for Management of EU Funds within the Ministry of Finance) will continue to perform its role as a delegated authority authorizing payments from EU budget (this task has to be delegated according to Slovenian legislation); it will also take over the on the spot checks. The function of the Audit Authority will continue to be carried out by the Office for Budgetary Control at the Ministry of Finance. Three line ministries, namely the Ministry of foreign affairs, Ministry of defence and Ministry of justice will be delegated tasks of project preparation, implementation and first (100%) control for those actions falling within their respective competencies.type=‘S’ maxlength=‘900’ input=‘M,''decision='N'[1]
CCI / <0.1 type="S" maxlength="15" input="G">
Title / The national programme of the Asylum, Migration and Integration fund for [MemberState]
Version / <0.3 type="N" input="G">
First Year / <0.4 type="N" maxlength="4" input="M">
Last Year / 2020
Eligible From / 1 January 2014
Eligible To / 30 June 2023
EC Decision Number / <0.8 type="S" input="G">
EC Decision Date / <0.8 type="D" input="G">1
Please provide an overall summary of the entire programme, highlighting national strategies, main goals and results to be attained.
ASYLUM: The mMain goals of the Slovenian multiannual programme are improved quality and speed of the asylum decision-making (including through training of staff), quality monitoring, continuous internal/national evaluation of the asylum procedures, and contingency planning. Assistance and support to asylum seekers will encompass provision of information and various services (legal, translation, interpretation, social, medical etc.). As regards reception capacities, actionsActions will further be aimed at improving reception infrastructure, services and conditions, continued implementation of alternatives to detention, provision of sufficient means of living for those asylum seekers residing outside the reception centres, as well as the identification and improved conditions for vulnerable persons. Improvement of general public awareness will be ensured through various training, information campaigns and events.INTEGRATION: Slovenia will continue the implementation of the national policy framework on integration of third-country nationals (TCN) including beneficiaries of international protection, and will put a special focus especially on vulnerable persons such as women, children, and elderly persons. Actions will be aimed at achieving the highest level of inclusion for TCN and persons under international protection in all crucial areas of integration policy: education, training, employment, knowledge of the language, society, as well as an active participation in social and political life.
Actions will be aimed at improving the awareness of the general public, authorities, and migrants themselves, of integration issues. Info-point for immigrants will offer all available information on life and work in Slovenia, whilst special integration programmes will facilitate active participation of target groups in all the spheres of social life in Slovenia (language courses and examinations, civic orientation courses, education, vocational training, housing, medical and psychological assistance, social and work-related counselingcounselling, recognition of diplomas and qualifications, providence of information on rights, duties and possibilities of participation in integration programmes).
As regards persons under international protection, integration assistance will be provided through an individual approach based on a personal integration plan. Measures will encompass a variety of possibilities, such as education, employment, recognition of education, accommodation, participation in the Slovenian language courses, knowledge of Slovenian culture, history and constitutional order, and other.
Capacity building will further support integration measures through sustainable cooperation amongst relevant stakeholders, training of staff working with immigrants (particularly inter-cultural competences) as well as training for policymakers, officials and other staff indirectly involved in integration issues. The programme will further support the improvement of infrastructure, services and conditions of stay for TCN in integration houses, which represent a unique approach to tackling initial integration in Slovenia. Practical cooperation amongst Member States will also be promoted.
Actions will also be aimed at analysis and evaluation of existing integration mechanisms.
RETURN: Actions will focus on a fair and effective return policy with both its voluntary and forced return components. Preferential use of voluntary return in cooperation with NGOs, competent international organizations and countries of origin will be encouraged. Particular attention will be given to provision of judicial review of detention and cooperation with other Member and Frontex (e.g. identification procedures, joint return flights operations, exchange of know-how, knowledge and expertise).
As there is only one detention centre in Slovenia, the investment into infrastructure, maintenance, services and improved living conditions will be focused on these premises. The persons detained in the centre will be granted necessary social, psychological, medical and other forms of assistance. An important task is also strengthening of the monitoring system of forced return as well as analysis and evaluation of return mechanisms and practices, which haves to take place in cooperation with NGOs.
In terms of pre-return assistance, consulting services and information campaigns will take place. Post-return assistance will encompass daily allowances as well as reintegration measures such as secondary transportation, first necessary housing, medical assistance, etc.
Support to return operations will encompass cooperation with third countries' consular authorities and international organizations, use of advanced parties, support to liaison officers in third countries, and administrative preparation of return operations. Age assessment procedures facilitate family reunification, investigation of THB and family tracing.
Finally, capacity building, education and training of staff is planned (e.g. language courses, human rights and liberties trainings, cultural awareness and intercultural competencies oriented trainings, regular trainings for escorts etc.).
1.0 type="S" maxlength="5000", input="M">
The baseline situation is a summary of the state of play as of December 2013 in the MemberState for the fields relevant to the Fund. This section shall include:
a) a description of the baseline situation in the MemberState, completed with the necessary factual information to assess the requirements correctly;
b) an analysis of requirements in the MemberState, including the key issues from the outcome of the policy dialogue;
c) measures undertaken so far, including measures implemented with the former Home Affairs Funds;
d) national needs assessment, including challenges identified in relevant evaluations; and
e) annual resources from the national budget, broken down by specific objectives set in the national programmes.
The information must be self-contained and cannot refer to information in attached documents or contain hyperlinks. A document may be attached with additional details.
Any attached document will not form part of the Commission decision approving the national programme referred to in Article 14(7) of Regulation (EU) 514/2014.
ASYLUM: In 2013, 272 applications for international protection have been filed, 31 of which werere-applications and 23 were returned for reconsideration. In total, 372 applications for international protection have been resolved. The most common countriesy of origin of applicants wereasSyria (62), Kosovo (34) and Algeria (22). In comparison to previous years, the total number of applications is slightly decreasing (304 in 2012, 495 in 2011), whilst the number of resolved applications remains on a similar level (328 in 2012 and 392 in 20211). 37 persons were granted the status of international protection in 2013 (23 were granted refugee status, and 14 subsidiary protection status); the most common countries of origin beingSyria, Afghanistan, Eritrea and the Russian Federation. In the period 1995-2013, 304 persons were granted the status of international protection altogether.
All applicants for international protection in Slovenia are provided with adequate accommodation, care and treatment, and . In addition, they enjoy all procedural guarantees necessary for an efficient implementation of the international protection procedure. Past activities in the area of asylum were focused on the improvement of asylum reception conditions and procedures (reception capacities, quality and accommodation standards, expanded lifespan of facilities, easier access to information, participation of applicants in procedures, linguistic assistance, psychological care, training of staff, legal assistance, improvement of decision-making procedures in terms of quality and reducing of errors, procedural guarantees, better wellbeing of applicants, investments in reception capacities), and were financed with a substantial support from EU Funds (European Refugee fund). These activities contributed also to significant improvements in terms of length of the procedures for granting international protection (the average procedure for international protection at the first instance in 2012 lasted 99 days whilst in 2011 it lasted on average 156 days). In parallel, continuous improvement of international protection standards in national legislation took place (e.g. pocket allowance for applicants for international protection and legal representation for unaccompanied minors were introduced).
All planned activities in the field of asylum should take into account the achievements and activities financed under the European Refugee Fund. Over the past few years, significant improvements have been achieved in terms of length of the procedures for granting international protection (the average procedure for international protection at the first instance in 2012 lasted 99 days whilst in 2011 it lasted on average 156 days), provision of free legal assistance at first instance, age assessment procedures, translation and interpretation services etc.
Current reception capacities for asylum seekers fulfil their needsare sufficient (i.e. one asylum centre witch the capacity to accommodate 203 persons and two so-called integration houses in Ljubljana and Maribor for persons granted the status of international protection). Nevertheless, overview of the asylum issue in Slovenia shows thethere is a need to further invest in effective functioning of the existing systems for regular evaluation of the asylum procedures, possible improvements of the quality and speed of the asylum decision-making, quality monitoring and improvement of reception capacities in order to provide the best accommodation conditions possible for asylum seekers (e.g. in the expansion of recreational facilities), as well as evaluation for a better understanding of existing asylum system. Its findings will serve as a basis for further development of the asylum system. As improvement of contingency planning does not existis required in Slovenia, allocation of funds for this purpose and assistance from the Commission are is needed.
INTEGRATION: The immigration policy in Slovenia is still in its early stage of development with only 5,3% of the total population being of foreign citizenship. On 31 December 2013 103.097 third-country nationals (TCN) had a valid residence permit or a certificate of residence registration. The most common purpose of their stay is work (21.769) followed by family reunification (13.658). The top four countries of origin are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, and Serbia, all former Yugoslav republics.
Slovenia has been actively implementing the integration programmes for TCN since 2008. Before, specific integration measures were designed only for beneficiaries of international protection. Most of the actions have been financed with the assistance from the European fund for the integration of TCN and European refugee fund; therefore it is important that continuity of actions and synergies with past projects are sought.
For a successful integration it is important that immigrants acquire basic knowledge of Slovene language, history and host country institutions, as well as to obtain information on their rights and obligations while living in Slovenia. This is precisely the purpose of programmes on Slovenian language learning and improving the knowledge on Slovenian history, culture and constitutional order, taking place since 2012. Nevertheless, analysis of the efficiency of integration measures showed that the level of participation was low despite the fact that as much as 64 percent of participants agreed that knowledge of the history and culture is an important factor influencing their life in Slovenia. For this reason,Slovenia prepared an integrated programme combining both Slovenian language courses and knowledge on the Slovenian society. The current programme titled "Initial integration of immigrants" is free of charge and is performed as a 180, 120 and 60 hour course in 22 locations all across Slovenia. TCN who participate in the Slovenian language learning programmes are also provided with a free Slovenian language test. 2.022 immigrants attended the programme, 589 participated in the Slovenian language examination (407 of which passed successfulysuccessfully). The Ministry further provides the necessary information to aliens in their integration into the Slovenian society though the website in six different languages (the page recorded 50.000 visiotrsvisitors in 2013) and brochures available at administrative units, Slovenian embassies abroad and the Info-point for aliens at the Slovenian Employment service.
In 2012 he MinistrySlovenia started to run several assistance integration programmes for specific target groups of TCN, such as information programmes for parents of primary school children with predominantly immigrant population, programmes for the promotion of the social inclusion of women and young people, and the programme for active participation of TCN through their employers (aimed at facilitating employers' participation in the integration process).
Integration assistance for persons under international protection is provided through an individual approach based on a personal integration plan (plans for 32 persons have been prepared in 2013). It is available during for the first three years after the international protection was granted after obtaining international protection and includes activities in various areas such as education, employment, recognition of education, accommodation, Slovenian language courses, knowledge of the Slovenian culture, history and constitutional order etc. Persons under international protection are entitled to a 300 hour course on Slovene language, history, culture and constitutional order. The Ministry further provides special services such as information on their rights and obligations, one-time financial assistance at the relocation from Asylum Centre, and accommodation at the Ministry's facilities (integration houses, which accommodated 28 persons in 2013) and financial compensation for private housing (60 persons received the compensation in 2013). As regards healthcare and welfare protection, education and training, the beneficiaries are equal to Slovenian citizens and they can exercise their rights on employment in line with the rules on employment and work of aliens. Through the European Refugee Fund the Ministry also provided several other assistance programmes for the integration of persons under international protection into the Slovenian society, namely for arranging their life situations, psycho-social assistance, study help, education for improving employment opportunities etc.