The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, April 2, 2015. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick, Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati and Commissioners William D. Burke, Kenneth L. Laytin, Walter E. Morrison, Jr., Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Also present was Airport Manager Thomas Maher.
Approve Minutes of February 5, 2015 regular meeting– Commissioner Burke made the motion to approve the minutes as written. Vice Chairman Crociati seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
Dubois & King, Inc.
Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler, DuBois & King, Inc. was unable to attend the meeting so Manager Maher updated the Commission on the following items.
EA/EIR, update – The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requested a copy of the deed relative to the land purchase and they continue to review and request documents relative to the Variance Request. Manager Maher advised that Mr. Adlerstill feels optimistic that a variance will be issuedmid to late April.
Land Acquisition Beaton Bog, update–The process of transferring the management of the conservation land to the Wildlands Trust is being coordinated with the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Army Corps of Engineers.
Runway project final design –With the Grant deadline quickly approaching Mr. Adler is recommending that the bid process continue as scheduled despite the lack of approval for the Variance.He feels that they have adequately prepared by taking past variances’ issued for like projects and incorporating those conditions into the current bid package. When theactual variance is issued if there is anything unique to Plymouths’ project Mr. Adler will issue an addendum to the bid. Mr. Adler provided the following timetable for the bid: April 7, 2015 for advertising the bid, April 22, 2015 for the pre-bid conference and May 7, 2015 for the bid opening. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been kept in the loop and is agreeable to extending the May 1st grant date, if necessary. The Final Design is complete and been approved by FAA and Mass Dot.
Plymouth Airport Plaza, LLC request – Mr. Hallisey requested a modification to his existing lease to add additional parking for the Plaza due to a new tenant that requires 30 parking spaces. Manager Maher suggested that to keep in compliance with the grant assurances we would be required to charge the lessor for the additional land. The fee is $864 annually or $72.00 monthly.Vice Chairman Crociati made a motion to approve. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
Commissioner Smith suggested that a new agenda item be added to discuss current leases reflecting the actual exclusive use by thelessor.
Administration building, update- Manager Maher recommended a meeting with Chris Willenborg, Mass DOT Aeronautics, to discuss the building process.
New Hangar Construction, update
Driftway Realty (Mike Orla), update - Mr. Orla advised that the final survey for the septic line was complete. Stumping and grading will begin once the culvert pipe is delivered. Chairman Fosdick requested that Mr. Orla attend the next meeting.
Rick Ellis/Richard Carrera, update – No Update.
Rick Stefani, update – Building plans are complete and the Town of Carver has been contacted. Manager Maher will have Jeff Adler look at that site and general area for recommendations due to a subsequent request for a building at this location.
New Request near 276 S Meadow Rd.: Dr. John Young requested first refusal on the lot next to 276 S Meadow Road for an 80’ x 80’ multi-use building, hangar and retail space. Due to the late submittalthe Commission deferreddiscussion until the May meeting.
FAA obstruction survey, Runway 24, update– Continuing item.
Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review–For the months of February and March there was only 1 complaint regarding a Coast Guard Helicopter, a JayHawk, which is a big helicopter. Manager Maher spoke to Otis AFB regarding evening approaches near noise sensitive areas.
Airport Infrastructure update- Snow operations have taken precedence the last few months and damaged Runway Lights are being repaired now that they are no longer covered by the snow. Repairs to infrastructure will begin again when possible.
Airport Hangar siting criteria – Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve the latest Hangar Construction Guidelines and Application. Vice Chairman Crociati seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
Coastal Partners LLC, proposed land lease SW area, update – Manager Maher advised that the proponents wanted to meet with the Higher Education group prior to attending the Commission Meeting.
Other Business
Approve T-Hangar Lease updates and renewals: The Commission discussed the amended lease and suggested additional changes, removal of t-hangars by Commission, subject to review and comments from Attorney Gilmore.
Manager Maher invited the Commission to meet with Spanish delegation of the FAA which will be visiting Plymouth Airport on April 23rd @ 10 A.M. They are interested in the integration of the airport with the FAA.
Tom Hurley advised the Commission that the Aero Club had a successful movie night @ Alpha One May 1stand their next event will be the annual May Flour event. Additionally the Aero Club isseeking applicants for their Scholarship and the deadline for submittal is April 30th.
As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.
Kenneth E. Fosdick
Plymouth Airport Commission