/ Health and Safety

Health and Safety Executive

Proposals for amendment of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2000

Completing this questionnaire

You can move between questions by pressing the ‘Tab’/’Shift-Tab’ or ‘Page Up’ / ‘Page Down’ keys or by clicking on the grey boxes with a mouse. Please type your replies within the rectangular grey boxes or click on the square grey boxes to select an answer (eg ‘Yes’ or ‘No’).

Part 1: Your Details

Job title:
Are you a safety representative?
Yes No
Are you responding as: (please choose one option):
A member of the public
An employer
A local authority employee/councillor
A representative of an industry association
A representative of a trade union
A representative of a charity/voluntary organisation
If you chose ‘Other’, please specify:
Please put a cross in the box if you do not wish details of your comments to be available to the public. (NB if you do not put a cross in the box they will be madepublic. This takes precedence over any automatic notes on e-mails that indicate that the contents are confidential.)

Part 2: Your Response

Q1. Do you think that the proposed amendments to the regulations are clear?

Yes No

Q1a If no, how could this be improved?

Q2. Do you agree with the assumptions and estimates used by HSE in the Impact Assessment and the conclusions reached on costs to dutyholders?

Yes No

Q2a If no, how could this be improved?

Q3. Please provide any additional comments that you may have on the proposals

Q4. Is there anything you particularly like or dislike about the questionnaire?

Please send your response by 31 May 2010 to:

Craig Bell

Health and Safety Executive

5S.2Redgrave Court

Merton Road


Merseyside L20 7HS

Tel: 0151 951 3325

Fax: 0151 951 4532


Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire

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