PCTL How to Improve Codes
Possible / Suggested Targets
A – Active Participation
To raise your hand at least once every lesson. To quietly ask the teacher if you do not understand.
To speak with the teacher outside the lesson if something is concerning you.
B – Behaviour
To settle down quickly at the start of lessons To receive no more behaviour warnings.
To raise your hand before speaking out in class. To listen respectfully to all members of the group.
To sit away from ______to avoid distracting others and being distracted
C – Concentration
To attempt a task before asking for help. To read and re-read questions before starting a task.
To persevere and try again with challenging tasks. To sit away from students who you find distracting.
D – Dedication To Task
To try to complete work as accurately as possible. To avoid talking to my friends while working
To plan new activities and tasks independently. To talk through, review and modify work.
E- Equipment
To pack your bag with equipment the night before. To receive no more ‘E’ warnings.
To have a space at home where equipment is stored.
F- Fully Committed But Some Subject Specific Concepts Need Work On
To speak to your teacher and find out a list of key terms for the next module being taught.
To do weekly practices of key terms from a subject.
To learn new concepts using the subject moodle page
M – Meeting Deadlines
To record all tasks accurately in ELR To complete homework in school rather than home
To have a quiet place to carry out tasks at home. To receive no more ‘H’ or ‘M’ warnings.
To do homework on the night set To write down homework, not just check moodle.
To speak with your teacher to ensure that you understand the work before you leave the lesson.
P – Presentation
To take care over presentation of diagrams. To rub out or cross out errors neatly.
To take pride in your work and take care over presentation.
T – Timekeeping and/or Attendance
To leave home earlier to ensure you arrive on time. To organise equipment / uniform the night before.
To use break and lunch times to visit the toilet, get drinking water etc.
Please note these are suggestions…it may be that there are other targets that would be more helpful.