

Notice is hereby given that the Salt Lake City Civil Service Commission

will hold a meeting at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 17, 2014

at 451 South State Street, Room 118, Salt Lake City, Utah


  1. Approve Minutes from the Leonard Iversen Pre-hearing Conference
  2. Approve Minutes from the June 19, 2014 regular meeting
  3. Approved Minutes from the July 2, 2014 conference call
  4. Approval & Certification of entry-level Firefighter Eligibility Register
  5. Approval & Certification of entry-level Paramedic-Firefighter Eligibility Register
  6. Fire Department Personnel Changes
  7. Police Department Personnel Changes for June 2014 - July 2014.
  8. Request to Remove Names from Police Officer Eligibility Register.
  9. Request to Approve Police Information Specialist Eligibility Register.

The Commission may vote to close the proceedings at any time to discuss matters confidential in nature. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodations no later than 48 hours in advance in order to attend this regular meeting of the Civil Service Commission. Accommodations may include alternate formats, interpreters and other auxiliary aids. This is an accessible facility. For questions, requests or additional information, please contact Patty Baker at (801) 535-7900; TDD (801) 535-7218.

Notice Posted: July 16, 2014 by Patty Baker

3rd Floor, City & County Building, 451 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah

and The Utah Public Notice website:


Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 p.m.

Agenda Item #1

Submitted by: Patty Baker

 For Information Only  For Discussion  Action Needed  Materials Attached



Action Requested:

Minutes of the Civil Service Commission Leonard Iversen Pre-hearing Conference held on June 19, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. in room 118 of the City & County Building, 451 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.

The following Commission members were present:

Tina Hose Commissioner

Julio Garcia Commissioner

Elena Dicus Commissioner

Bryan Scott Attorney for Commission

Patty Baker Secretary

Others present:

Samantha Slark City Attorney

Betsy HawsCity Attorney

Thomas Riddle Fire Union Representative

Steven Hoffman Fire

The City and Mr. Riddle have reached an agreement on the Proposed Statement of Undisputed Facts and the Commission will receive an updated, amended copy as soon as the changes are made.

The City submitted their list of witnesses. Mr. Riddle will add some additional witnesses,Jack Tidrow, Steve Hoffman, and Robert Layton.

Mr. Riddle made a motion to exclude documents on pages 1-21 Policy 02-06. The City feels the documents are relevant in that Mr. Iversen didn’t inform the Police Department that he worked for the Fire Department. He instead gave another employer’s name, which is recorded in the Police report. Mr. Iversen does have other employment besides the Fire Department and Mr. Iversen stated that he did let his Fire Department supervisor know of the impending charges.

On a motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Hose the commission moved into closed session.

On a motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Hose the commission moved into open session.

Commissioner Garcia made a motion to deny the request to remove the documents 1-21 containing the information about Mr. Iversen’s other employment. Commissioner Hose seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The city will resubmit a condensed version of the document without the redaction with the relevant employment information on it.

Mr. Riddle would like to make a motion to exclude disciplinary letters pages 21-33 dated 04/06/2006. It was a violation of rules and regulations and the Fire Department duties of a Captain. Another letter dated 04/11/2012 was a violation of eight policies of a Firefighter and 7/18/2011 violation of policy 3-02-02.

The City believes the disciplinary letters include a 48 hour discipline to indicate some sort of consistency in the discipline, and to show the discipline within the Fire Department is progressive.

The Commission’s responsibility is to weigh two factor’s 1) do the facts support the charges and 2) do the charges warrant the sanctions imposed by removing this they will not address the second item unless it is brought up by both sides where at that time it will be re introduced.

On a motion by Commissioner Hose, seconded by Commissioner Garcia the motion was denied to exclude the documents with the caveat that during the hearing they will address their relevance at that time. The vote was unanimous.

Mr. Riddle made a motion to remove documents 55-58 due to lack of relevancy to the appeal.

The city doesn’t have an objection to removing documents 55-58.

On a motion by Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Hose documents 55-58 will be removed. The vote was unanimous.

Mr. Riddle made a motion to admit additional documentation about the chain of command policy in the Fire Department.

The City doesn’t object to admitting the documents, but the city would like to reserve the right to object to a line of questions if the subject becomes irrelevant.

On a motion from Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Hose the commissionapproves including the additional documents. The vote was unanimous.

Mr. Riddle will contact the Commission Secretary as soon as he has contacted his witnesses with a date that works for them to schedule a hearing.

Meeting dismissed.


Commission ChairSecretary


Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 p.m.

Agenda Item #2

Submitted by: Patty Baker

 For Information Only  For Discussion  Action Needed  Materials Attached



Action Requested:

Minutes from the regularly scheduled meeting held on June 19, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. in room 118 of the City & County Building, 451 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.

The following Commission members were present:

Tina Hose Commissioner

Elena DicusCommissioner

Julio Garcia Commissioner

Patty Baker Secretary

Others present:

Candace RobertsHR Consultant for Police

Jennifer SykesHR Consultant for Fire

Bryan Scott Council for Civil Service

Angie Newson Petitioner

Paul Smith

Jill Mathis

Krista Dunn Deputy Chief

Fred Ross Deputy Chief

Paige Christiansen Human Resources

Brian Dale Deputy Chief

Approve the May 15, 2014Regular Meeting Minute

On a motion from Commissioner Hose, seconded by Commissioner Dicus the May 15, 2014 minutes were approved. The vote was unanimous.

Approve Minutes from the James Valdez Pre-Hearing Conference

On a motion from Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Hose the minutes were approved. The vote was unanimous.

Firefighter and Firefighter/Paramedic Process

Information only.

There were 2602 names on the interest list. 580 Diverse Candidates -198 female – 54 African American -213 Hispanic -93 Asian/Pacific Islander – 22 Native American. There were three nights of Orientation for Prospective candidates. There will be consideration for allowing minorities on duty to participate in the Orientation for more diversity in the process. The Written test Registration period was from April 1, 2014 through April 25, 2014. There were 1323 names on the Registration List. 272 Diverse Candidates-85 Female-20 African Americans-107 Hispanic-49 Asian/Pacific Islanders-11 Native American

The written test was held May 12-16, 2014.The Fire Department has not utilized the cutoff score recommended by the written test consultants in order to avoid adverse impact.The Department explained that staff resources and budgetary constraints does not allow for processing the number of candidates that would be inclusive of the 131 diverse candidates that participated in the written exam. The resulting list is expected to includea very low representation offemale and minority candidates.

The Department explained that they will continue to do better recruitment in light of the survey data collected at time of registration, when they askcandidates how they found out about the opportunity to test. All recruitment fundingwas spent promotingthe Fire Department's test on, with only 5% of the written testing pool utilizing that source. The greatest number (46%) located testing information from "Friends, Relative or Firefighters" which the department committed to utilize for diverse recruitment/successful testingin the next entry level testing process.

B-Pad test was conducted this week and finished up just this morning. Therefore there are no details at this time.

Update on the James Valdez Appeal

The Commission secretary has been informed that the parties have reached a settlement in the James Valdez Appeal. No hearing will be needed for this matter.

Police Department Personnel Changes for May 2014-June 2014

Information Only

Police Department Personnel Changes for May 2014-June 2014


04/20/2014 Julie OsburnCrime Scene Technician I

02/02/2014 Noel Petersen Police Information Specialist

06/07/2014 Dawn BehuninPolice Information Specialist

06/09/2014 Eric MoustsosPolice Officer III


03/30/2014 Kevin JoinerPolice Officer III *23 Years of Service

06/06/2014 Richard FindlayDeputy Chief * 20 years of Service

06/09/2014 Charles GivensPolice Officer III *23 Years of Service

06/15/2014 Steven HuffakerPolice Sergeant *20 years of service

Request to Remove Names from the Police Information Specialist Register:

On a motion from Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Hose the removal of Stephanie Sollie, Angie Newson, Trisha Anderson, Donna Varley, Hilda Gonzalez, Sharlene Johnson, Laura Olschesky, and Amanda Pearson’s names from the Police Information Specialist Eligibility Register was approved. The vote was unanimous.

Request to Approve the Reinstatement of Police Officer III, Darren Sipes:

Police Officer III, Darren Sipes, resigned from the Police Department on 6/15/2013 to pursue another position outside the City. Mr. Sipes has asked Chief Burbank to be reinstated to his former position. Chief Burbank would like to recommend the Commission’s approval to reinstate Mr. Sipes to his former position.

As per rule 2-6-3, an employee who resigns may request reinstatement within twelve (12) months of resignation. On a motion from Commissioner Garcia and Seconded by Commissioner Hose the reinstatement of Officer Sipes was approved by unanimous vote.

Angie Newson Petition:

Angie Newson was removed from the Police Information Specialist Register for failing the background check. She is petitioning the Commission to be placed back on the register.

On a motion from Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Hose the Commission went into closed session.

Commissioner Hose made a motion to return to open session. Commissioner Garcia seconded the motion.

On a motion from Commissioner Garcia, seconded by Commissioner Hose, the Commission denied Angie Newson’s request to be put back on the register. The vote was unanimous.

Remove names from Firefighter and Firefighter/paramedic list:

The Fire Department would like to remove names from the Firefighter and Firefighter/Paramedic list so they can go further down the list to continue the hiring process and get a newer pool of candidates to choose from.

Candidate Jason Sorensen has accepted a position with another department and asked that his name be removed from the Firefighter and Firefighter/Paramedic lists.

Candidate Clayton MacKay has accepted a position with another department and asked that his name be removed from the Firefighter and Firefighter/Paramedic lists.

Candidate Michael Scadden has accepted a position with another department and asked that his name be removed from the Firefighter list.

Candidate James Lampas has accepted a position with another department and asked that his name be removed from the Firefighter list.

On a motion from Commissioner Hose and seconded by Commissioner Garcia the removal of names from the Firefighter and Firefighter/Paramedic list was approved. The vote was unanimous.

Adam Ashton petition:

Adam Ashton claims he was not notified about the Fire test this year. He is requesting the opportunity to take the test. Adam Ashton was not available to attend the Civil Service meeting. Jennifer Sykes sent all applicants instructions concerning the testing process. The instructions are on the website. Mr. Ashton did not contact Jennifer Sykes until June 2014.

On a motion from Commissioner Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Hose the Commissioner denied Adam Ashton’s petition to take the written test. The vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned.


Commission ChairSecretary

CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 p.m.

Agenda Item #3

Submitted by: Patty Baker

 For Information Only  For Discussion  Action Needed  Materials Attached



Action Requested:

Minutes from the Conference Call held on July 2, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. in room 115 of the City & County Building, 451 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.

The following Commission members were present:

Tina Hose Commissioner

Elena DicusCommissioner

Julio Garcia Commissioner

Patty Baker Secretary

Others present:

Jennifer Sykes HR Consultant for Fire

Brian Dale Deputy Chief

Karl Lieb Deputy Chief

Gary McCarty Assistant Chief

Approval to remove names from the 2012-2014 Firefighters list:

The Fire Department would like to have the following names removed from the Firefighters list.

Michael Vaughan, Landon Nistler, and Michael Bawden did not respond to a notice of the department within five (5) business days as stated in Rule 2-5-3(2).

Boden Jessop and Christopher Byrne declined an invitation to interview with the deputy chiefs citing other employment opportunity.

On a motion by Commissioner Garcia and seconded by Commissioner Hose the removal of names from the 2012-2014 Firefighters list was approved. The vote was unanimous.

Meeting Adjourned.


Commission ChairSecretary


Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 p.m.

Agenda Item #4

Submitted by: Jennifer Sykes

 For Information Only  For Discussion  Action Needed  Materials Attached



Action Requested:

Entry Level Firefighter Eligibility Register

Valid for two years – July 19, 2014 – July 18, 2016

1 / Herlevi / Jonathan
2 / Dunyon / Bret
3 / Hafen / T. Nicholas
4 / McGinnis / Christopher
4 / Taylor / Brad
6 / Rowley / Jordan
7 / Kalamafoni / Rockey
8 / Long / Harrison
9 / Davidson / Brian
10 / Richards / Marc
11 / Swenson / Molly
12 / Fraser / Patrick
12 / Johnson / Matthew
12 / Tolman / Derek
15 / Leftwich / Brian
16 / Copeland / Iley
17 / Mason / Tyson
18 / Ince / Taylor
18 / Wilde / Elliot
20 / Reynolds / Daniel
21 / Evans / Jacob
22 / Newland / Tory
23 / Brien / Krista
24 / Hendrickson / Chris
24 / Iversen / Neil
26 / Russell / Mark
27 / McCarney / Anthony
27 / Neil / John
27 / Smith / Derek
30 / Forsyth / Dallas
31 / Fuson / Joshua
32 / Fitzgerald / Evan
33 / Edwards / Donald
34 / Adams / Kasey
35 / Gordon / David
35 / Mendenhall / Dixie
37 / Henthorne / David
37 / Wood / Garrett
39 / Anderson / Josh
40 / Ward / Justin B.
40 / Withers / Bradley
42 / Ayers / Brock
42 / Spratley / Greg
42 / Williams / Alex
42 / Williams / Benjamin
46 / Miller / Christopher
47 / Moreno / Zachary
48 / Balian / Aaron
49 / Cormack / Kenneth
49 / Dirkmaat / David
51 / Nielsen / Ammon
52 / Flack / Landon
52 / Hall / Andrew
54 / Chadwick / Nolan
55 / Goodspeed / Tyler
55 / Leavitt / Tyler
55 / Smith / Adam H.
58 / Takeno / Robert
59 / Harwood / Todd
60 / Blaskowski / Jacob
60 / Johnson / Joseph
62 / Cousins / Michael
62 / Jensen / Collin
62 / Mattson / Sawyer
62 / Maxfield / Ryan
62 / Parrish / Nathan
67 / Friedman / Todd
68 / Bauer / Kincade
69 / Thielbar / Joshua
70 / Bettinger / Sean
70 / Lynch / Ryan
72 / Hayward / James
72 / Russell / Patrick
74 / Hebert / Louis
75 / Baird / Casey
75 / Berry / Christopher
77 / Cotting / Jason
78 / Luthi / Steven
79 / Barton / Connor
80 / DeBry / Braden
80 / Gossels / Andrea
80 / Wellman / Dakota
83 / McKay / Taylor
84 / James / Kristopher
85 / Pyper / Brandon
86 / Brown / Jonathan
87 / Buranich / Matthew
88 / Davis / Troy
88 / Marx / Matthew
88 / Thacker / Andrew
91 / Jorgensen / Daniel
92 / Olsen / Zach
93 / Miller / Jared
94 / Peterson / Jared
94 / Sharp / Nathan
96 / Fivas / Chance
96 / McDonagh / Austin
98 / Mills / Joshua
99 / Hall / Shaun
100 / Hatch / Aaron
100 / Kvasnicka / Joseph
100 / Mattson / Curry
100 / Webster / Matthew P.
104 / Lowe / Douglas
105 / Cuthbertson / Timothy
106 / Marks / Jason
106 / McLean / James
106 / Toyn / Collin
106 / VanEvery / Jordan
110 / Bullock / Bryce
111 / Schippers / Chris
112 / Runyen / Patrick
113 / Tolman / Kevin
114 / Andersen / Eric
115 / Sesma / RayErik
116 / Willmore / Scott
117 / Chauvet / Michael
118 / Cash / Zachary
119 / Simagna / Noi
120 / Merritt / Andrew
121 / Brinker / Andrew


Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 p.m.

Agenda Item #5

Submitted by: Jennifer Sykes

 For Information Only  For Discussion  Action Needed  Materials Attached



Action Requested:

Entry Level Paramedic-Firefighter Eligibility Register

Valid for two years - July 19, 2014 – July 18, 2018

1 / McGinnis / Christopher
1 / Taylor / Brad
3 / Rowley / Jordan
4 / Davidson / Brian
5 / Copeland / Iley
6 / Mason / Tyson
7 / Ince / Taylor
7 / Wilde / Elliot
9 / Reynolds / Daniel
10 / Fitzgerald / Evan
11 / Adams / Kasey
12 / Gordon / David
12 / Mendenhall / Dixie
14 / Nielsen / Ammon
15 / Flack / Landon
15 / Hall / Andrew
17 / Chadwick / Nolan
18 / Goodspeed / Tyler
18 / Leavitt / Tyler
18 / Smith / Adam H.
21 / Hayward / James
21 / Russell / Patrick
23 / Baird / Casey
23 / Berry / Christopher
25 / Cotting / Jason
26 / Jorgensen / Daniel
27 / Olsen / Zach
28 / Miller / Jared
29 / Willmore / Scott


Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 p.m.

Agenda Item #6

Submitted by: Jennifer Sykes

 For Information Only  For Discussion  Action Needed  Materials Attached



Action Requested:


Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 p.m.

Agenda Item #7

Submitted by: Candace Roberts

 For Information Only  For Discussion  Action Needed  Materials Attached



Action Requested:


Thursday, July 17, 2014 2:30 p.m.

Agenda Item #8

Submitted by: Candace Roberts

 For Information Only  For Discussion  Action Needed  Materials Attached

