Mobile No 9818648548


TENDER NO: BL/LS/DEL/01/AUG16 Dated 10-08-2016


Tender Document for

Appointment of Transport and Allied Services Contractor

DUE DATE & TIME: [17/08/2016 at 17:00 Hrs]


1 / Index / 2
2 / Notice Inviting Tender / 3
3 / Special Instructions for Participation in bidding / 3-5
4 / Scope of Work / 6
5 / General Terms and conditions / 7-10
6 / Particulars of the organization / 11
7 / Price Bid / 12
8 / Annexure -1,2,3,4 – detailing pickup locations –Destination Place / 13-16
9 / Proforma of Bank Guarantee for Security Deposit / 17-18


Online / physical bids are invited from experienced vendors who fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned elsewhere in the tender document under the heading “General Terms and Conditions” and special terms and conditions, for undertaking the subject contract for Appointment of Transporter for transportation of vehicles, equipment from Delhi and Mumbai to Mumbai port.

Tenderers are advised to download Notice Inviting Tender along with other tender documents from www.balmerlawrie.com and https://balmerlawrie.eproc.in.

The signed copies of the required documents in support of bidder’s credentials are to be send to our Kolkata office on or before the last date of submission.

S. No / Description / Details
1 / Name of Work / Appointment of Transporter for providing containers and transportation of vehicles, and equipment from Delhi and Mumbai to Mumbai port
2 / Tender No / BL/LS/DEL/01/AUG16
3 / Validity Of Offer / 60 days from the date of opening of the Technical bid.
4 / Contract Period / 3 Months
5 / Tender Fee / NIL
6 / EMD / Rs.70,000/-
7 / Downloading / Submission of Tender :
a.  Starts on / 10.08.2016
b.  Closes on / 17.08.2016 at 17.00 Hrs.
8 / Opening of Tenders – Technical Bids / 17.08.2016 at 17:30 hrs



The signed and stamped copies of following documents should be uploaded and the hard copies to be sent as part of the technical/commercial bid submission

a.  Power of Attorney authorizing the person who has signed the tender to act and sign on behalf of the company.

b. Certificate of registration/incorporation in the case of Pvt Ltd/Public Ltd Company /certified copy of / partnership deed in the case of LLP/Partnership firm/ any document under the relevant rules/laws if the firm is a proprietorship firm.

c. Income Tax PAN Number.

d. Service Tax Registration number.

e. Stamped and signed by the authorised person on all pages of the Tender Document.

g. Chartered Accountant’s certificate or Audited / Certified Balance sheet and Profit and Loss account of tenderer’s company for last three years ending 31.03.16.

h. EMD in the form of Pay Order/ Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee for an amount of Rs.70,000/- in favour of Balmer Lawrie and Co. Ltd. payable at Kolkata.

Note:- For MSME and NSIC registered vendors, tender fee and EMD is exempted, however copies of valid registration certificates to be enclosed.


a. If Balmer Lawrie wants to verify all the submitted documents, then the bidder should bring all original documents.

b. Failure on part of the tenderer to report on specified date and time for paper verification may result in rejection of the tender submitted by them without further communication.

c. Tenderer should be in a position to produce all the original documents and/or any other information on dates as intimated or as and when required by Balmer Lawrie.

d. Incomplete Tenders are liable for rejection without any reference to the tenderer and decision of Balmer Lawrie in this respect will be final.

e. If at any stage it transpires that any party submitted false or forged documents may be Blacklisted and the EMD would be forfeited, contract could be cancelled, criminal prosecution or any other action as deemed fit may be initiated.

f. Balmer Lawrie reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

g. Bids of any tenderer may be rejected if a conflict of interest between the bidder and Company (Balmer Lawrie) is detected at any stage.

h. All the bids will be evaluated based on the criteria as mentioned in this NIT. Tenders of those bidders who are not meeting the criteria as specified in the NIT, may not be considered for commercial evaluation.

i. Tenders, if submitted through e-mail or fax, shall be summarily rejected.


The bidder who would be quoting online, shall be required to register on the e-procurement site https://balmerlawrie.eproc.in and submit their bids online.

For registration and online bid submission bidder may contact the following officials at the HELP DESK of M/s C1 India on browsing to the website https://balmerlawrie.eproc.in during business hours (10:00 a.m. to 06:30 p.m.) from Monday to Friday (Excluding holidays of the Company):

Sl. No. / Name / e-mail ID / Contact No.
1. / Tuhin Ghosh / / +91-8981165071
2. / Tirtha Das / / +91-9163254290
3. / Ravi Gaiwal / / +91-022-66865633
4. / Ujjal Mitra / / +91-89866 78058
5. / Rajesh Kumar / / +91-96504 65143

The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his Digital Certificate for submitting the bid electronically on e-procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-procurement platform.

All the bidders who do not have digital certificates need to obtain Digital Certificate (with both Signing and Encryption Components). They may contact help desk of M/s C1 India.

The bidder shall invariably furnish the original DD towards Tender fee and DD/BG towards EMD to the tender inviting authority so as to reach on or before the due date and time of the Tender either personally or through courier or by post and the receipt of the same within the stipulated time shall be the responsibility of bidder. The Company shall not take any responsibility for any delay or non-receipt. If any of the documents furnished by the bidder is found to be false/fabricated/bogus, the bidder is liable for black listing, forfeiture of the EMD, cancellation of work and criminal prosecution.

The bidder has to keep track of any changes by viewing the Addendum / Corrigenda issued by the Tender Inviting Authority on time-to-time basis in the e-Procurement platform. Only at the time of inviting offers, there will be a paper ad. There will be no further paper advertisement on this. Interested parties have to keep referring to the website for further information. The Company calling for tenders shall not be responsible for any claims/problems arising out of this.

The bidder should complete all the processes and steps required for bid submission. The successful bid submission can be ascertained once acknowledgement is given by the system through bid submission number after completing all the process and steps. M/s C1 India or Balmer Lawrie will not be responsible for incomplete bid submission by users. Bidders may also note that the incomplete bids will not be saved by the system and are not available for the Tender Inviting Authority for processing.

The Company (Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.) nor the service provider (M/s C1 India) is responsible for any failure or non-submission of bids due to failure of internet or other connectivity problems or reasons thereof.

The hardcopies as explained above as well as physical bids (in case of bidders not quoting online) should reach the office of Balmer Lawrie at the following address.

Kind Attention – Shri Satish Vashisth

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.

Gr. Floor, 32/33, Kushal Bazaar,

Nehru Place

New Delhi - 110019

Contact No. +91 9818648548

4.  Special Note

a.  Balmer Lawrie will not be responsible for any delay under any circumstances for non-receipt of any documents sent by post as part of response to the tender. Bidders are requested to provide correct “e-Mail address” and “Mobile No.” for receiving updates related to tender from time to time.

b.  The bidder has to keep track of any changes by viewing the Addendum/Corrigendum issued by the Tender Inviting Authority on time-to-time basis in the balmer lawrie website. The Company calling for tenders shall not be responsible for any claims/problems arising out of this.

5.  Filling of Tender Documents

a.  The tenderers are requested to carefully study all the tender documents and tender conditions before quoting their rates.

b.  The tender must be strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions and specifications laid out in the tender.

c.  Any terms and conditions given by the tenderer in their offers will not be binding on Balmer Lawrie.

d.  The sole proprietor or authorised representative shall sign all documents that needs to be uploaded. When the person signing the documents is not the sole proprietor / authorised representative of the company, the Power of Attorney authorizing such person to act and sign on behalf of the company must be scanned and uploaded and produced later on for verification by Balmer Lawrie.


Picking of vehicles from various locations in and around Delhi and Mumbai region in suitable vehicles for transportation of materials detailed in the Packing List (enclosed as Annexure-1,2,3,4)to Mumbai Port.

Providing suitable containers (estimated 25 Nos) at the pickup points in and around Delhi and Mumbai Region for loading of the materials listed in the attached packing list and transportation of the same in suitable vehicles to Mumbai Port.

Completion of customs clearance for Export.

Bidders are required to take note of the following :

1.  Ensure that all materials are handled / transported carefully from the place of pick up till delivery of the cargo at the respective locations at Mumbai Port.

2.  The contractor to provide sea-worthy containers in good condition considering transportation of the materials safely.

3.  The job is inclusive of unloading of the materials at Mumbai Port, payment of Port / Wharfage, completion of Customs clearance of the cargo and any other related work applicable for export of cargo.

4.  All the materials are required to be properly lashed for safe transportation.

5.  The vehicles should have valid documents and the drivers should possess valid driving licence.

6.  Ensure adherence to all the Safety norms.

7.  The bidder should have facility of updating the status of the vehicles en-route.

8.  Marking and Classification of cargo Destination Wise as detailed in the Annexure -1,2,3&4

9.  Proof of Payment of Port , Wharfage , Terminal charges are to be produced for reimbursement

The above list is illustrative and not exhaustive, and the contractor will arrange for suitable vehicle for necessary handling operations.

Deployment of Manpower, Containers, Vehicles, Equipment etc.

The Contractor should ensure that the required containers, transport vehicles, equipment, manpower etc. are placed on time at the respective pickup points.

Workmen deployed by the bidder behave in an orderly manner and shall not create any nuisance inside the premises and adhere to the administrative rules of the respective place of operation.

It is clearly understood that the labour engaged by the Contractor are his own workmen and not employees of the Company. The Contactor will be responsible to comply with the provisions of various labour legislations including all rules and regulations of different Labour Boards.

It will be the duty of the Contractor to engage adequate number of efficient and effective Supervisors at his own cost for carrying out the work.

It will also be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the labour engaged by him do not demand any gratification from the BL customers. If it comes to Company’s notice, the same will be taken up seriously and may lead to cancellation of order.


1.  Eligibility / Pre-qualification Criteria For Techno-Commercial Bid

a)  Payment of Interest Free EMD of Rs. 70, 000/- (Rupees Seventy Thousand only).

b)  Should have minimum average turnover of Rs.35 Lacs during the last 3 years ending March 16. Copy of audited Profit/Loss Account and Balance sheet to be attached.

c)  Experience in Handling Transportation work for a minimum period of [3 years as on 30.03.2016]. Necessary proof by way of Order Copies / Completion Certificate / Experience Certificate issued by clients etc. to be submitted.

d)  Should not have been blacklisted by any PSU / Govt. Department (a self-certification is required). This is subject to verification by Balmer Lawrie and if found to be false, the bidder may be debarred from participating in the tender, or order already placed will be cancelled.

e)  Should have adequate manpower for handling the custom clearance & operation at Mumbai Port.

f)  Should have handled such job earlier – A work order copy should be enclosed.

2.  Submission Of Bids (Offline)

The bids should be submitted in 2[two] separate parts viz.

[A] Technical / Commercial Bid [Unpriced] – in one envelope, sealed and marked as “TECHNICAL /



[B] Price Bid – in one envelope, sealed and marked as “PRICE BID”. For Price Bid, rates are to be submitted

in the given format.

[C] Put both Technical / Commercial Bid and Price Bid in another envelope and mark with the Tender Title,

Tender Number and Due Date, seal and send to the address mentioned under “BID SUBMISSION”`

3. Tender Opening (Offline)

[A] Unpriced [Technical-Commercial] Bid Opening.

Technical / Commercial Bids will be opened as per the Tender Calendar and interested bidders can be present.

[B] Price Bid Opening

Price bid will be opened for those bidders who qualify in Technical/ Commercial Bids`

4. Rates/ Taxes and Duties

The bidder should quote exclusive of statutory taxes and quote the leviable Service Tax separately

5  Acceptance of offers

5.1  Balmer Lawrie reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part or reject any tender or all tenders or place order for any quantity, less than or more than the tendered quantity, without assigning any reason thereof.