

My FANZCA notes

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Duggal, A.K et al (2006) “Clinical Approach to Altered Serum Sodium Levels”JIACM 7(2):91-103


- common problem in ICU (30% of patients have a Na < 134mmol/L)

- independent predictor of mortality in ICU

- goals = to determine:

(1) severity

(2) type

(3) treat cause

(4)prevent complications


Na+ < 135mmol/L

Mild 125-134

Moderate 120-124

Severe <120


Hypoosmolar/Hypotonic -> hypovolaemic, euvolaemic and hypervolaemic




- causes = solute depletion or solute dilution


- loss of H2O and Na from the ECF -> increased ADH secretion -> decreased free H2O excretion and H2O retention -> hyponatraemia

- renal or extra-renal causes


- diuretics

- osmotic diuresis (glucose, mannitol)

- bicarbonaturia (RTA)

- salt wasting nephropathy

- mineralocorticoids deficiencies

- ketones


- upper GI: vomiting

- middle GI: pancreatitis, bowel obstruction

- lower GI: diarrhoea, bowel preparation

- other losses: sweat, bleeding

- the way to sort out whether it is a renal or extra-renal source = to do a urinary Na+

- if urinary Na+ < 10mmoL/L -> extra-renal (as kidney appropriately attempting to hold onto Na+)

- if urinary Na+ > 20mmol/L -> renal (as if clinically hypovolaemic then this is an inappropriate response)


- causes = SIADH (most common), psychogenic polydipsia, hypotonic IVF therapy, adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism

- any disease state causing hypoosmolality can present with a normal state of hydration

- clinical examination of volume status is not sensitive

- more sensitive = a normal or low urea and an elevated urinary Na+

See SIADH document for further information

Causes of SIADH(PAM tHe COD)


ADH secretion (ectopic)


Hormone deficiency

CNS disease




- increase in total body Na+ and H2O -> however, total body H2O is out of proportion to Na+

- clinically evident oedema or ascites

- causes: CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism,pregnancy, TURP/hysteroscopy syndrome


- known as “pseudohyponatraemia”

- plasma osmolality can be measured directly in the laboratory using a osmometer or by the formula: calculated osmolarity = (2xNa+) + glucose + urea

- serum is made up of 93% H2O and 7% non-aqueous factors including lipids and proteins

- normally the nonaqueous components do not effect the tonicity but in states of marked hyperproteinaemia or hyperlipidaemia (elevated chylomicrons or triglycerides) -> this ratio is changed artifactually decreasing the apparent concentration of Na+ in serum.


- translocational hyponatraemia

- osmotically active particles in the plasma induces movement of H2O from ICF -> ECF -> decreasing serum Na+ even though the serum osmolality remains elevated.

- agents that cause this: glucose, mannitol, sorbitol, radiocontrast

- for each 1mmol/L rise in blood glucose the serum sodium will decrease by 0.3mmol/L

*** Advanced renal disease = an important cause of a normal or high serum osmolality

- hyponatraemia from the inability to excrete H2O -> lowers osmolality but because of high urea this acts to normalise osmolality or can make it high.

- however, urea is an ineffective osmole (as it freely crosses cell membranes) -> therefore does not cause H2O to moved out of cells.

- you need to correct serum osmolality for the effect of urea: Corrected serum osmolality = measure osmolality – [urea]


- speed of onset more important than level

- most patients won’t be symptomatic until Na+ < 125mmol/L

- fluid intake/output

- nausea

- vomiting

- neuropsychiatric symptoms

- muscular weakness

- headache

- lethargy

- psychosis

- raised ICP

- seizures

- coma

- medications!

- ROS to find precipitant and organ dysfunction

- co-morbidities: adrenal disease, liver disease


- cause!

- volume status

- neurological complications (increased ICP, lateralizing signs)


- diagnostic

- U+E (Na+, glucose, renal function)

- plasma osmolality

- plasma proteins and lipids

- urinary Na+

- sodium deficit = 0.6 x weight in kg x [Na desired - Na measured]


- treat cause

- ideally correct slowly to avoid central pontine myelinolysis

- quantify duration, severity and type

- treatment is dependent on cause

(1) fluid restriction (< 800mL/day)

(2) diuretics

(3) isotonic saline (in true volume depletion)

(4) oral Na+ tablets

(5) hypertonic saline (3%):

-> rapid reversal – 100mL (raises Na+ by 2-3mmol/L) Q 10 min until seizures stops

-> less rapid – 1mL/kg/hr of LBW

- can use desmopressin or dextrose if inadvertent rapid correction takes place

Acute (<48hrs) andsymptomatic

- seizing and coma

- raise by 1-5mmol/L/hr until symptoms resolve or Na+ 125-130mmol/L

- hypertonic saline (3%) 1-2ml/kg/hr

- frusemide 20mg IV

Chronic symptomatic (>48 hrs or unknown duration)

- calculate Na+ deficit

- correct Na+ by 10mmol/L/day

- frusemide 20mg IV

- N/S

- fluid restrict

- repeat Na+ every 2 hours

- high risk patients = young premenopausal woman

Asymptomaticfrom SIADH

- fluid restrict

- frusemide 20-40mg/day

- NaCl tablets 3-18g/day

- urea 30g/day

- demclocycline 600-1200mg/day

- current trials underway looking @ AVP V2 receptor antagonists


Serum osmolality: 272-295mOsm/kg water (panic values = 240 and 320!)

Urine osmolality: from 50-1400mOsm/kg water (average 500-800) – after an overnight fast urine osmolality should be 3 times the plasma osmolality

Urinary Na+ - 15 to 250 mmol/L

Jeremy Fernando (2011)