Participation form

“TÜV Rheinland in Hong Kong” Photo Competition

To celebrate our sponsorship of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce Free Ride Day, we are organising a photo competition with the topic TÜV Rheinland in Hong Kong. The competition is open to anyone with an interest in photography.

Photos must include the tram with the TÜV Rheinland advertisement message.


1st Prize: HK$1,500

2nd Prize: HK$800

Each participants are entitled for the gift.

Files must be in both JPEG and TIFF format. Please send your photo as an electronic file (at the highest possible resolution) with the following details to by 16June 2014 at the latest.

Title of photo:
Place where the photo was taken:
Name of the artist:
E-mail address:
Telephone number:

For enquiry, please contact Mr Simon Hung (T: 852 21921948 or )

Rules and Regulations

I hereby transfer all rights regardingthe use of my photograph or its publication as part of the photo competition to TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong. TÜV Rheinland reserves the right to use any of the images submitted, without payment, for display and publicity purposes.I declare that all of the images made available to TÜV Rheinland are not subject to third party property rights and that I am the sole owner of all rights associated with the image material. I also declare that I have obtained written permission from all persons pictured and identifiable in the photograph(s) to publish and use the photograph in question.In case of any dispute, TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong reserves the right of final decision.

*By entering the Competition, participant (i) acknowledges and agrees to be bound by these Rules and Regulations









如有查詢,請與洪先生聯絡(電話: 85221921948或電郵: )


參賽作品需為本人原創、合法之攝影作品。參賽者同意每張參賽照片無償授予主辦單位香港德國萊茵技術監護顧問股份有限公司(香港德國萊茵TÜV)。香港德國萊茵TÜV就參賽作品得重製、改、作、發行、散布、出版、公開傳輸、公開播送、公開展示及有為其他一切著作財產權利用行為之權利。.參賽者保 證參賽作品無侵害任何第三人或法人之智慧財產權、隱私權、肖像權及其他權利之情事,因此所生之法律問題,概由參賽者自行負責,與主辦單位無涉。如有任何爭議,香港德國萊茵TÜV保留最終決定權。
