Dear Sorors:

As we watch the impact of Hurricane Sandy unfold, please continue to pray for the health and safety of those in the path of this devastating storm. These are dangerous time and all emergency instructions should be followed.

States of emergency and evacuation orders have been issued for the following states and Washington DC:

North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jerseyand

New York

Things are constantly changing as the storm evolves, Sorors in these areas should follow the evacuation instructions as issues. The information below is provided to serve as a guide to assist in your preparation for this disaster.

  • Tips for sheltering in place:
  • Have enough food, snacks, water(5 gallons per person), prescription medication *(see note below for refills), and other necessary supplies for a minimum of at least 72 hours…non perishable items are encouraged
  • Blankets, plastic bags and trash bags, hand sanitizers
  • Charge all cell phones and have a back up battery or power supply
  • Have flashlights, batteries, and candles on hand
  • Have comfort kits and items to keep small children occupied, toys, books and games, extra
  • Don’t forget about your pets, carry food and waste containment supplies
  • Have a manual can opener
  • Use battery powered radios and batteries to stay informed should you lose power
  • Contact relatives or someone regarding your location
  • Follow orders if you are asked to evacuate:
  • Keep pets with you if you are asked to evacuate
  • Have picture ID and proof of residency
  • Have insurance information
  • Have cash on hand if possible
  • Have extra clothing and shoes available
  • Have diapers and infant supplies, if applicable
  • Have contact information for family and friends

Keep in mind you may not have mandatory evacuation but you will need to take caution in the event of flooding:

  • Take action immediately:
  • If on high ground, stay inside listen to radio/TV for evacuation routes and instructions.
  • Turn off gas, electricity, and water, if you are able
  • Lock windows and doors.
  • Watch out for washouts, fallen wires, etc.
  • Do not cross flowing water
  • Be prepared for flash flooding

For immediate information regarding shelter locations please logon to the American Red Cross website:

Please see below for additional websites and tools for use:

Hurricane Preparedness

Flooding Preparedness

Power Outage Survival

Winter Storm Safety

American Red Cross

1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767

Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency (FEMA)

1-800-621-FEMA (1800-621-3362)

1-800-462-7585 (TTY)


Locate your local 2-1-1 by dialing 2-1-1

Weather Report

*What to do about your medications during a disaster:

Disaster Planning for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities:

Volunteer Support Agencies

Volunteer Organization in Disaster (VOAD)


“This is a serious storm, but we are going to do what it takes to keep people safe and secure, and make sure the communities affected get the assistance they need. FEMA is working with state and local governments to respond effectively. We all owe a debt of thanks to the first responders who will be dealing with the immediate impact of the storm.

If you live in the storm's path, please listen to state and local authorities about where and how to take shelter and stay safe -- and encourage your friends and family to do the same. If you are asked to evacuate, please take that seriously.

For more information on how to prepare for this storm, visit And if you'd like to find out how to support relief efforts where they're needed most, please visit the Red Cross or your local relief organization: .

Michelle and I are keeping everyone in the affected areas in our thoughts and prayers. Be safe.”

Sorors, we encourage everyone that may be impacted by Hurricane Sandy’s blow to be cautious, safe and to follow the instruction of local emergency management officials. Collegiate sorors should also follow the direction of local and university officials. Keep family members who live outside of your area abreast of your status…and keep your family members close. Most schools and businesses in the major impact areas have already been closed and individuals are being urged to remain inside.

For those in the past of the storm, if asked to evacuate, we urge you to do so. For more information, please contact your local emergency management agency, call 2-1-1, and stay abreast of changing conditions my monitoring updates in your areas. Our prayers for safety and resiliency are with you!

We are praying for the country as we manage this disaster.

Sisterly and sincerely

Linda Richardson Wilson

Linda Richardson Wilson

Chair, Delta Emergency Response Team