Vocabulary for: The Anti Anxiety Society by Julia Cook

Target word / Story context / Student friendly definition
Page 14 / “Sounds like you need to become a member of the Anti Anxiety Society.” / a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
Page 14 / “Sounds like you need to become a member of the Anti Anxiety Society.” / an organization or club formed for a particular purpose or activity
Page 18 / “Using your get to brain is the key to opening the door to good test preparation.” / to get ready
Page 25 / “Do the easy questions first to build up your confidence.” / belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities
random (adjective)
Page 26 / Check a random 5. / something chosen without any plan or order
official (noun)
Page 29 / But now I am an officialmember of the ATA Society. / a person who holds a position in a group or organization (such as in a government)

Word Associations:

Which word goes with someone that has concern or fear over something? anxiety

Which word describes a person who holds an important position? official

Which word would you be if you had trust in yourself? confidence

Which word goes with choosing whatever you want to do without planning? random

Which word describes a person that has done something to get ready? preparation

Which word would you be a synonym for club or group? society

Have you ever…? Turn and Talk… :

Describe a time when you have felt anxiety.

Describe why someonemight bea member of a society.

Describe a time when you have met someone who is anofficial.

Describe a time when you have done somethingrandom.

Describe a time when you have made greatpreparation for something.

Describe a time when you have seen confidence in a person.

Which Would/Who Would?

Who would you ratherrandomly have fun with …. your parents? or a friend?

Which would you rather have made preparation for….A big test? or a vacation?

What official would you rather meet …the President of the USA? or Alexandria’s police chief?

When would you rather have confidence in yourself …as ateammate? Ortaking your MCA test?

Engage in Conversation about Word Meanings:

Name a time when you might want to join a society.

When might you want tomakepreparation for something?

When might you have a lot of confidence?

When might you want to be an officialmember of a group?

Describe a time you randomly did something unusual or fun.

When do you feel anxiety?

Vocabulary Test The Anti Anxiety Society by Julia Cook Name ______#

Match the vocabulary word to its meaning.

  1. ___anxietya. beliefinoneselfandone'spowersorabilities
  2. ___officialb. an organization or club formed for a particular purpose or


  1. ___ societyc. to get ready
  1. ___randomd. a person who holds a position in a group or organization
  1. ___preparatione. a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
  1. ___confidencef. Something chosen without any plan or order

Write a word from the word list above in the correct sentence.

  1. He felt ______over having to take the Sun, Moon and Stars test because he hadn’t studied enough.
  1. It took much ______to get the classroom ready for the first day of school.
  1. She enjoyed belonging to the Save the Animals ______,because she loved being around others who wanted to help animals.
  1. They had ______in their team’s ability to win the meet, because they had practiced hard and worked together.
  1. Circle the letter of the best sentence for the word random:
  2. He random hard on the spelling test.
  3. The teacher picked a random student to be the line leader.
  4. Describe a timewhen you have been full of confidence:


