Geometry Expectations

My information

Room: Mathews 6

Phone: 314-995-7450, x. 7512


Periods I do not teach: C (Mrs. Kalcic), D, and G

What you need for class


Notebook or paper on which to take notes or work problems

Folder for keeping handouts and returned papers

Pencil or pen


Protractor, Compass, Straightedge


Homework will be assigned daily. On each assignment, please put your name, the date, the period during which we meet, and the details of the assignment. We will go over most assignments in class. It is up to you to ask questions about problems you do not understand and to correct your own assignments. You must show your work on all problems. Homework will be collected periodically and graded based on a 10-point scale.

Tests and quizzes

Tests will be given at the end of each unit and will be scored out of a possible 100 points. Quizzes may or may not happen during the course of a unit. Quizzes will be scored in the 30 to 60 point range.

Extra Credit

There will be one opportunity for extra credit towards the end of each semester. The possible amount of extra credit will equal one homework assignment. In order to be eligible for the extra credit, you cannot have any missing assignments over the course of the semester.


Grades will be calculated by adding up all the points you have earned during the semester and dividing by the total number of points possible. Grades will be taken on homework, reviews, quizzes, tests, and other projects.

Quiz and Test Corrections

Quiz and test corrections are recommended for every quiz and test handed back. The corrections will not change the grade, but will be completed with the intention of learning from mistakes and attempting to not repeat them. Quiz and test corrections are required for any quiz or test with a score below a 70%. Within two days of receiving a quiz or test with such a score, an appointment must be made with me to go over the quiz or test.

Quick Comments

Quick comments – both complimentary and otherwise – will be sent home during the year. Quick comments will be used to notify parents of quiz and test scores below a 70%. These quick comments will note the state of corrections and the required meeting with me.

Late work

Math Department policy states that for each day a project is late, the grade is reduced by one letter grade. Daily work will not be accepted after the due date.

Make-up work

If you miss a test or quiz you are expected to make up the test or quiz the next day or see me to make other arrangements. Daily homework should be made up on your own time in accordance with the syllabus from that particular unit. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the absence policies in the Upper School Student Handbook.


Cheating, as it will be defined in here, will include looking off of someone else’s paper or your notes or review during a test or quiz and copying off of someone else’s homework. Working together on homework is not cheating! You are encouraged to share ideas and help each other – as long as you do not copy!!

The room

Please take care of our classroom. I have a great deal of school property and personal property in this room. Please respect this and ask before you take or use anything.

Student signature: ______Date: _____

Parent/Guardian signature: ______Date: _____