Governing Body Meeting Minutes

September 25, 2014



September 25, 2014

9:00 a.m.

Northfield Inn & Suites

Springfield, IL



Megan Jones-Williams, Convener welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited introductions and announcements. Polly highlighted supplemental information in the Governing Body packet.



Arlington Heights Jim Huenink

Aurora Michelle Meyer

Belleville Mindy Stratmann-Sebol, Lindsay Serrano

Bloomington Nicole Kirstein

Carbondale Megan Jones-Williams

Charleston/Mattoon Erin Walters

Chicago, YWCA

Metropolitan Chicago Debbie Perry

Chicago, MLEA Neusa Gaytan, Maritza Reyes

Chicago, RVA Sharmili Majmudar, Sarah Layden

Danville Marcie Sheridan

Decatur Cathy Byers, Melissa Stewart

DeKalb Lisa Jensen

Elgin Carolyn Karp

Galena Anne Heim

Gurnee Adam Robinson, Alexandra Beiriger, Amy Junge

Joliet Donna Plier

Kankakee Tracey Noe, Cheryl Chamberlain

Macomb Diane Mayfield

Peoria Julie Boland, Nancee Brown, Heidi Van Heuklon

Princeton Bruce McVety

Quad Cities Nicole Cisne Durbin

Quincy Megan Duesterhaus, JJ Magliocco

Rockford Maureen Mostacci

Springfield Catherine Walters

Sterling Veronica Henry-Redell

Streator Valerie McCollum

Urbana/Champaign Kerri True-Funk, Erin Sturm

Vandalia Mary Harrington


Hickory Hills


Polly Poskin Bethany Meaker

Carrie Ward Mary Hill

Claudia Castro Susan Faupel

Lindsay Grammer Sean Black

Suzanne Gray


Karin Manning, Illinois Department of Human Services

Rhonda Clancy, Illinois Department of Public Health


Governing Body reviewed June 12 meeting minutes. Neusa Gaytan recommended approval of the June minutes. Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.


Polly highlighted the work of ICASA staff as follows:

1. Welcome Lindsay Grammer, new Accountant at ICASA. Lindsay started her new position on Monday, June 16.

2. Goodbye to Claudia Castro, General Counsel. She will be leaving ICASA on September 30 to take a position as the Executive Director/Chief Counsel of the Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board.

3. Goodbye to Bethany Meaker, Fiscal Director. She will be leaving on October 3 to take a job as Accounting Manager at Special Insurance Services, Inc. in Springfield, IL.

4. Polly and Yvonne prepared an ad and flyer for the General Counsel Position. Yvonne distributed the ad to newspapers, universities and other various organizations.

5. Polly and Sean have been working with the Marsy’s Law Foundation to prepare and conduct press events throughout the state to promote passage of the Constitutional Amendment for the Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights on November 4.

6. Training Institute conducted 20-hour Adult Counselor Training on June 16-18; three webinars on July 9, August 12 and September 9; 40-hour training July 21-25; 30-hour Child Counselor Training Part I, August 25-29; New Director’s Orientation on September 10 and 11 and Anti-Oppression Training on September 24.

7. Carrie, Mary and Lisa have been busy reviewing FY15 applications for funds and providing technical assistance to the centers. Contracts Review Committee met August 26-28 to review applications.

8. Susan and Suzanne presented on ICASA and Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice on PREA at the National Sexual Assault Conference in Pittsburgh in August and the National Victims of Crime Conference in Miami in September.

9. Polly and Claudia also attended NSAC in Pittsburgh. Polly also attended the RPE Director’s meeting and participated in meetings of the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence.

10. Sean prepared and sent out monthly Communiqués.

11. Sean has been working with Illinois Imagines. They recently awarded six grants to centers. They are still waiting on approval from OVW regarding the Empowerment Guide.

12. Polly and Carrie have been assisting with the mediation efforts regarding the Geographic Service Region issue between Gurnee and Arlington Heights.

13. Carrie and Mary conducted a webinar on July 8 regarding service projections.

14. Staff continues to work on the Prevention Education Evaluation Checklist.

15. Carrie, Mary and Lisa prepared contracts for distribution to centers. Lisa has received and processed all contracts.

16. Bethany, Carol and Yvonne prepared and sent all quarterly and semi-annual funding reports.

17. Polly, Sean, Susan and Suzanne G. attended the college summits in Peoria to discuss the campus SaVE Act. Sean, Susan and Suzanne continue to gather resources and information and provide support to campuses and centers.

18. Support staff has been stellar this summer.


Governing Body reviewed the ICASA bylaws amendment distributed in Governing Body packets. This amendment requires a second vote on the language change indicating purpose of Executive Committee meetings as follows:

Executive Committee shall not be convened for no any reason that would circumvent the authority of the Governing Body. The Executive Committee shall be composed of elected officers, chairs of committees, two at-large members and the Executive Director, who shall be a non-voting member. No center may have more than two representatives serving on Executive Committee. While Executive Committee meetings shall be open to all members of the Governing Body, only Executive Committee members shall participate in the decision-making process.

Governing Body approved the bylaws amendment by consensus.



Diane Rogers, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator and Alana Casey, Victim Advocate Coordinator at the Illinois National Guard presented on collaboration efforts to assist enlisted soldiers and airman that are victims of sexual assault.

The ING has trained Sexual Harassment Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) Specialists; victims can go to them to disclose assaults. SHARP Specialists respond to victims and provide follow up services. The ING requests that each ICASA center sign a Memorandum of Understanding; Diane distributed copies for signature. She requested that center representatives from PCASA (Springfield) and Growing Strong (Decatur) attend an in person meeting with ING representatives acknowledging joint efforts to serve victims.

Diane invited center representatives to visit Camp Lincoln and meet with Diane; she would also like to visit rape crisis centers.

Diane answered questions from Governing Body representatives regarding the MOUs. She agreed to return to the Governing Body meeting later this afternoon to collect signed agreements. If anyone needs to take the MOU back to their respective centers before signing, it’s fine to scan and e-mail the signed MOU to Diane by Tuesday, September 30, 2014 in time for inclusion in the President’s Report.


Amanda Kozar, Regional Outreach Coordinator, Get Covered Illinois presented information regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA). She encouraged centers to notify rape crisis center clientele of the ACA and provide them with information regarding coverage. Amanda can connect interested parties with the local navigator in their respective areas to review available options. Open enrollment time period is November 15-February 15. Covered parties cannot be turned away or charged more as a result of domestic and/or sexual violence experiences. There are a variety of coverage options with no co-pays.

Amanda has materials in English and Spanish and agreed to share extra copies with centers. Centers can contact Amanda with any questions. Get Covered Illinois has navigator coverage throughout the state.

IV. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE – Megan Jones-Williams

Megan highlighted work of ICASA’s Executive Committee since the last Governing Body meeting. On September 17, Executive Committee reviewed FY14 rollover/lapse funds and determined distribution of available funds between Administration/Training/ Communications and Subcontracts budgets. Executive Committee also distributed increased FY15 Special Tax Revenue funds between Administration/Training/ Communications and Subcontracts budgets. No Governing Body action is required.


Mary highlighted the work of Contracts Review Committee since the last Governing Body meeting. Meeting minutes from June 19 and July 17 include no recommendations.

Meeting minutes from August 26-28 and September 24 include recommendations regarding FY15 funding. Mary noted per ICASA’s conflict of interest policy, center representatives must leave the room when recommendations regarding their respective centers are presented.


Contracts Review Committee recommends approval of five applications with no further revisions needed:

Chicago RVA Rockford

Elgin Urbana


Governing Body approved the recommendations by consensus.


The Committee recommends approval of 21applications with no further revisions needed:

Arlington Heights Gurnee

Aurora Hickory Hills

Belleville Joliet

Bloomington Macomb

Carbondale Quad Cities

Charleston Quincy

Chicago Mujeres Springfield

Danville Sterling

Decatur Streator

DeKalb Vandalia


Catherine Walters chaired the Governing Body meeting during review of Carbondale’s applications for funds.

Governing Body approved the recommendations by consensus.


The Committee recommends approval of the following 3 centers’ applications pending receipt of additional revisions:

Chicago SVSS



Governing Body approved the recommendations by consensus.


Contracts Review Committee requests Governing Body authorization to make affirmative funding decisions regarding pending applications. Any negative funding decisions will be reviewed by the Governing Body on December 4.

Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.


Contracts Review Committee reviewed rollover/lapse funds from FY14 available for allocation to centers in FY15.

1.  VAWA Prevention

Contracts Review Committee recommends equal distribution of $13,144 VAWA Prevention rollover/lapse funds among all 29 ICASA member centers. Currently, the amount available per center is $453.

Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.

2.  VOCA

Contracts Review Committee recommends equal distribution of $178,224 VOCA rollover/lapse funds among all 29 ICASA member centers. Currently, the amount available per center is $6,145.

Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.

3.  VAWA Satellite

Contracts Review Committee recommends proportionate distribution of $20,433 VAWA Satellite rollover funds to centers with VAWA Satellite allocations, excluding Chicago Mujeres Latinas en Accion & DeKalb which use VAWA Satellite funds to support services in their main offices.

Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.

4.  Allocation Survey & Timeline

Pending Governing Body approval of proposed allocation plans, Contracts Review Committee asked ICASA staff to survey centers regarding whether each will apply for all available funds. Centers that choose to request less than all available funds will be eligible to apply for their requested amounts; remaining funds will be redistributed to centers that request additional funds.

The Committee established the allocation timeline for distribution of FY15 one-time funds as follows:

September 25 Governing Body review/approve allocation plans

September 25 Survey Centers regarding funding requests; adjust available amounts

October 8 Issue Applications

October 29 Applications Due

November 12 Preliminary Revisions Due

November 20 Contracts Review Committee Review

December 1 Contract Start Date (pending Governing Body approval December 4)


Contracts Review Committee recommends that ICASA invite VOICES to apply as an ICASA Program Development Grantee to provide sexual assault services in Stephenson County. Program Development Grantee funds will be VOCA funds currently allocated directly to the center from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority and any additional funding (as yet to be determined) set aside by ICASA.

The Committee established the following Program Development Grantee application timeline:

September 25, 2014 Governing Body review potential PDG applicant

March 30, 2015 Issue Program Development Grantee Application

April/May 2015 (TBA) Fiscal/Programmatic Site Visit

May 6, 2015 Application Due

April/May 2014 (TBA) Interview with Contracts Review/Program Committee representatives

May 21, 2015 Contracts Review Committee Review

June 11, 2015 Governing Body Review

July 1, 2015 PDG Contract Start Date (pending Governing Body approval)

VOICES has requested technical assistance from ICASA to ensure the center meets ICASA standards. Carrie will share sample forms and technical assistance materials and contact the center regarding ICASA training opportunities.

Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.


Finance Committee recommends that Kerri True-Funk continue as Finance Committee Chair in FY15. Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.

Finance Committee recommended the June 2014 financial statements be filed for audit. Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.

Finance Committee recommended the August 2014 financial statements be filed for audit. Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.

Finance Committee recommends approval of the FY15 ICASA

Administration, Training and Communications budget with noted revisions to the administrative narrative. Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.

Finance Committee recommends the Governing Body change the Wells Fargo contacts to Polly Poskin and Lindsay Grammer. Governing Body approved the recommendation by consensus.


Jim reviewed meeting minutes for Program Committee and Prevention Planning Committee meetings both held on September 4, 2014.

Jim highlighted items from Prevention Planning Committee regarding ICASA’s continued review of prevention education programs. The Committee continues to collect information regarding prevention programs. We should have more specific information after Dr. Paul Schewe conducts his review of data and reports back to the Prevention Planning/Program Committees in November.

Neusa asked whether ICASA is considering evidence-based programming. Jim said there is a lack of clarity and availability regarding evidence based Sean said the NSVRC recently shared information regarding evidence-based programs. Sean shared the information over ICASA’s listserv. Prevention Planning & Program Committees will review this information as well.

Program Committee requests Governing Body authorization to revise ICASA’s brochures, website, outreach materials, etc. to more clearly identify satellite/off-site offices. Erin said she would have a vested interest in this issue. Polly said guiding principles should be based on how the victim would seek services, not based on how funds are administered. Governing Body members discussed printed materials, versus the website, etc. Sean said we try to update brochures at the same time as much as possible, but we want to avoid significant waste; a multi-year replacement approach may work better. Erin asked about posting training materials on website. Claudia suggested an insert with updated information to help reduce waste. Sarah agrees that it’s important to list centers and location; using an asterisk to denote main office may only be relevant to ICASA. She said we should list office locations and available services. Sean said brochures typically list hotline number, not services provided. Adam said information seems more fluid; suggests we include link to the ICASA website. Sean said we typically include centers’ website information when available.