Sept/OctoberStudent lunchtime conservation talks: allotments, Worcestershire Wildlife Trust,
City/student recycling awareness training and visits
Film Show ‘Just do it’ Joint Councillor Student/
Conservation society litter pick Travel surveys
Story Telling festival
Adverts for GIPA’s / Nov
GI Launch
Recruit student GIPA’s
SSO w/shop
Articles in SET newsletter / Dec
Student focus groups testing
Student xmas veg boxes / Jan / Feb
Go Green Week
Fairtrade Fortnight / March
GI auditing / April
SSO results / May
GI awards ceremony
Activity / Objective / Action Date / Measure of Success / Progress of Project / Partners/ person responsible / Completion Date
Online Activity
All user email
- Regular updates included with weekly all staff email.
Sustainability webpages
- Site under continuous development
Needed to reconstruct the SD page with more user friendly interface, actively promote the page on F/book and twitter, also promote on external sources. But the ultimate goal is to have it linked with SOLE page, so student can access it without interruption / Web team/KB / Ongoing
Environmental pop-ups
- Investigate the possibility of environmental hints and tips to appear on staff PCs following login, with particular emphasis on energy and waste.
Twitter account
f/book account
Katy Worcester-sustainability / 131 followers
268 tweets Nov 2011
172 Facebook friends Nov 2011 / Use material in green impact w/book KB to make appointment with ILS IT Manager to discuss
(Stickers with brief message and SD F/book address)
Priority to action on uploading information, link with Sustainability Webpage, link with other popular FB pages, e.g. SU/ILS, seeking for more attentions, and possible change of Name? / ILS – CG
KB+ Coordinator
KB / Ongoing
Student Activity
- Student Switch Off. To reduce amount of power used in student halls
- Recycling in halls and student accommodation.
- Sustainability Events Calendar
- People and Planet Group
Go Green week / Oct
Nov 6-11 / Good range of activities, inclusion of community groups, and wide range of students involved. / Work plan for SU sustainability officer in draft
Contact Kari from SU for more detail on Fashion show in the Go green Week, Primary date is 10/02/12 / SU Sustainability officer+ People and Planet Group
Staff Activity
- Green Impact.3rd year of competition.
Including GIPA student volunteers / Various institutes and service departments / July 12
3 year programme
Campus Activity
- Building specific energy/recycling information
Display on the Plasma TV across all Department? / July 2012
- Motiv8t and Bike Loan
Produce stand for promoting it on every Wednesday all day
Posters for the launch of Bike loan scheme / Various department / TBC
- Sustainable Food.
Veg Box / Aramark, Facilities/SET
- Campus Tours. Student Ambassadors T-shirts to carry environmental message. Brief Student Ambassadors to include campus sustainability and environmental initiatives in their tour packs.
Check C&D’s training menu for the information been included / Check student feedback from Ambassadors that information is clear and useful. Check feedback from attendees / C&D
- The Green Debate (Question Time style)
Gregory or, political editor, Patrick Burns. / Date to be agreed / Providing a platform for them to have their views on tackling Climate Change heard by the Vice Chancellor, local councillors and regional MPs. Debate to be chaired by Worcester News political reporter, Jack Blanchard, BBC Midlands Today Science and Environment correspondent, David / KB
- Annual Environmental Lecture
Local Community
- Staff and students
Third Party
- Sponsorships
- Third party endorsements
Collaboration with them while promote the university’s Green profile / All
- Green Gowns
- Green League
- Green Apple
- Sustainability West Midlands- Green Leaders
Prepared October 2011
Review Jan 2012