P.O. BOX 4135, QueensburyNY12804

Member’s Name(s) *Full Member or Associate Member? (Check one)

Primary Member($20.00)______Full ___ Associate ___

Secondary Member($10.00)______Full ___ Associate ___

Secondary Member($10.00) ______Full ____Associate ___

*See the back of this application for the description of membership qualifications.

Mailing Address (where newsletters, GLPA correspondences should be mailed).

Address: .

City: .State: .Zip Code: .

GlenLake Address (if different from mailing address)

Address: .

City: .State: .Zip Code: .

Primary Phone:______Secondary Phone:______

Email Address:______

Would you receive newsletters, etc. by email?___ YES___ NO

Or by Postal Mail Service ___ YES ___ NO

Due to costs that will be incurred setting up mass E-Mailing we can only offer one option, not both. If both are marked, you will receive postal mailings only.


$20.00 Dollars for first, primary member

$10.00 Dollars for each additional secondary member within the same household

Primary Member$_____20.00

Secondary Member(s) Total$______

Donation to Lake Maintenance Fund$______

Total $______

Please turn over for committee information, nominations,

and membership information.

I would consider participating on one or more of thecommittees, positions or activities:

Dam Committee _____Environmental Committee _____Nominating Committee _____

Mailings _____Glen Lake Road Clean Up _____Email (Membership) _____

Other Committee Suggestions ______

Please suggest persons to the nominating committee as Officers or Directors.

You may write in your own name.

Name ______Position______

Name ______Position ______

GLPA Constitution

Article 2. Conditions and Qualifications of Membership

Section 1.

Membership shall be obtained by paying a yearly membership fee to be determined by the membership. The term will run from June 1 through May 31.

Section 2.

A Full Membership of the Association shall consist of anyone 18 years of age or older who owns or rents under a twelve-month lease. Ownership is defined as anyone who owns lake front property, has deeded legal right of way to the lake, or owns property within 500 feet of the high water mark. Renters would be defined as anyone who is renting, under a twelve month lease, either lake front property or property within the 500 feet of the high water mark. Full Membership is extended unless a member leaves the Association, sells property within the previously mentioned guidelines, or becomes disqualified by conduct detrimental to the Association as determined by two-thirds majority vote at a regular meeting.

Section 3.

Associate Membership is open to anyone interested in becoming a non-voting member of the GLPA.Associate Members cannot vote nor hold elected or appointed positions as Officers or Directors of the Association.

Section 4.

Only individuals who have obtained Full Memberships will have the ability to vote. Members may be asked to identify themselves by showing their membership cards anytime during the voting process. The Corresponding Secretary will also have a complete record of members in good standing.