LAB 3 – ELDERS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure

Lab 3 – ELDERS Prototype Test Plan/Procedure

Team Purple

Josh Fetherolf, Team Purple


Janet Brunelle

April 17, 2013

Version 1

Table of Contents

1 Objective

2 References

3 Test Plan

3.1 Testing Approach

3.2 Identification of Tests

3.3 Test Schedule

3.4 Fault Reporting and Data Recording

3.5 Resource Requirements

3.6 Test Environment

3.7 Test Responsibilities



5.1 Test Case Names and Identifiers


List of Figures

Figure 1. Major functional component diagram.

List of Tables

Table 1. ELDERS prototype test cases by category.

Table 2. ELDERS prototype test schedule.

Table 3. ELDERS test case chart.

Table 4. ELDERS traceability matrix.

(This space intentionally left blank.)

1 Objective

Endangered Languages Documentation Extension and Revival System (ELDERS) is a product being developed by the Old Dominion University (ODU) CS411 Purple Group. The purpose is to assist in restoring and expanding endangered languages. When a language becomes extinct, it can have a devastating effect on the culture. Revival systems are commonly made up of a database that includes all the words and definitions that are known and documented, including pronunciations, syllables, sentence structure, and other grammatical tips associated with the words. ELDERS is a web application that users can access to learn about the speaker’s history, language, games, and access a dictionary of words belonging to the language.

The prototype has been designed using the Nottoway Tribe of Virginia, local to the Tidewater area. They have a language that is currently classified as endangered. Any society can use the ELDERS web application to restore their language just as the Nottoway is restoring theirs. There are many tribal members cooperating and assisting with the project to help build the database of words.

The main objectives of the prototype are to prove that that the system is versatile and able to be used anywhere the user requires it. It is educational in its execution so that the user is learning the language correctly. The system is efficient in attaining the maximum desired effect without overwhelming the user with information. Additionally, the system is to be well documented in its sources to provide a useful database. The community of the language will be involved to assist with documentation. In the end, the group would like the system to be free and available to anyone who wants to utilize it.

2 References

Fetherolf, Josh. (2013). Lab 1 – ELDERS Product Description. Yorktown, VA: Author.

Fetherolf, Josh. (2013). Lab 2 – ELDERS Product Description. Yorktown, VA: Author.

The Week Staff (2012, June 22). Google’s next mission: Save dying languages – The

Week. The Week Magazine: Political News and Cartoons, Current Events and Entertainment Online. Retrieved October 8, 2012, from

3 Test Plan

The test plan discusses the tests that will be performed, the schedule of testing, how the tests will be reported, resource requirements, testing requirements, and responsibilities of each team member.

3.1 Testing Approach

The implementation of the ELDERS prototype will be checked by a combination of component and application tests. There are twelve testing categories that, by testing individually, will serve as the test for the web application itself.

Figure 1. Major functional component diagram.

The first testing category will show how access to the application is controlled. The access control tests show that the system can have users create accounts, request tier status, and that the information is modifiable. The second category demonstrates basic login actions. Tests in this category are designed to confirm that usernames and passwords are valid or make changes to their account settings. The third testing category tests the voting algorithms. Council members will have the ability to vote on suggested words, and when enough votes have been obtained, the word will be entered into the database and become documented as belonging to the language. The fourth testing category will determine how the search function works. Aspects of the search function such as returning information or displaying proper sections will be confirmed. The fifth and sixth testing categories related to the non-word educational aspects of the application and establish that the Nottoway’s history and games sections are present. The seventh testing category verifies that users can make suggestions to the database. This component is critical to the application actually expanding the language. The eighth testing category tests the application’s administration of the website. The ninth testing category confirms that the forum is accessible and functioning. The forum allows group members to discuss possible word suggestions, as well as aids in reviving the language by providing an environment for using the endangered language. The tenth testing category relates to the database of ELDERS. The database houses the historical dictionary and the expanded dictionary. The eleventh testing category validates user access to the dictionary and grammatical aspects of the language. The final testing category tests the versatility of the application by confirming viewing on various devices.

All tests are scheduled in a controlled classroom environment using the ODU network and hardware. Test users will be conducting the tests with results being confirmedby observation. Back-end logs will be being monitored to make sure all information is transferred through the system.

3.2 Identification of Tests

Table 1 identifies the twelve test case categories that will be performed with the description of specific components.

Category / Description / Test Case / Test Case Description
1 / Access Control / 1.1 / View access tiers and tier permissions
1.2 / Request higher tier status
1.3 / Create new access tier
1.4 / Change default account tier
1.5 / Edit account tiers
2 / User Accounts / 2.1 / Create new user
2.2 / Alert user if username already exists
2.3 / Verify password requirements
2.4 / Login as existing account
2.5 / Login with incorrect information
2.6 / Reset account password
2.7 / Change notification settings
3 / Voting / 3.1 / Council to vote on suggested word(s)
3.2 / Threshold must be met on voted word
3.3 / Restrict only one vote per council member
3.4 / User change vote
3.5 / Words that have reached threshold mark as approved
3.6 / Able to add new word to dictionary
3.7 / Approved words have a voting system
3.8 / Prompt to vote on word
4 / Searching / 4.1 / Search Nottoway words in English
4.2 / Alert of failed search
4.3 / Suggest and show suggestions of failed search
4.4 / Edit suggested words
4.5 / Search Nottoway words in Nottoway
4.6 / Alert of failed search
4.7 / Nottoway filtered by letter
5 / History / 5.1 / History of the Nottoway viewable
6 / Games / 6.1 / Access onsite games
6.2 / Add a Nottoway game
7 / Suggestions / 7.1 / Suggested words by users
7.2 / Prompt to suggest word if no suggested word exists
7.3 / User input of suggested word
7.4 / User submission of suggested word
8 / Administration / 8.1 / Edit website settings
8.2 / Edit website permissions
9 / Forum / 9.1 / Access Forum
9.2 / Create access controlled sub forums
10 / Database / 10.1 / View the Nottoway database
10.2 / Backup the database
10.3 / Create a MySQL user
10.4 / Assign users sufficient database privilieges
10.5 / View the ALPHABET table schema
10.6 / View the HISTORICAL_DICTIONARY table schema
10.7 / View the EXPANDED_DICTIONARY table schema
10.8 / View the NUM_VOTES table schema
10.9 / Prove password encryption
11 / Language / 11.1 / Access syllabry chart
11.2 / Browse dictionary
11.3 / Browse grammar
12 / Versatility / 12.1 / Can be viewed on mobile devices
12.2 / Can be functional for all major web browsers

Table 1. ELDERS prototype test cases by category.

3.3 Test Schedule

The ELDERS group has been given 45 minutes to setup and explain the prototype. The first five minutes will be used to setup our test area; following will be going through the test cases shown in Table 2.

Start Time (Minutes) / Duration (Minutes) / Test Objective / Category / Dependencies / Comments
5 / 6 / Prove access tier functionality / 1 / none / none
11 / 6 / Show functional user accounts / 2 / none / none
17 / 5 / Demonstrate the voting system / 3 / none / none
22 / 5 / Dazzle with amazing searching / 4 / none / none
27 / 5 / Blow minds with excellent history linkage, word suggesting, and administration, lets not forget the handy dandy forum / 5, 6, 7, and 8 / none / none
32 / 8 / Run through the Database functionality / 9 / none / none
40 / 5 / Finish up with language content, versatility of the app and maintaining the webapp / 10, 11, and 12 / none / none

Table 2. ELDERS prototype test schedule.

3.4 Fault Reporting and Data Recording

There will be a test recorder to observe each test and record the results with a pass or fail as well record any necessary comments. The test recorder will have the pre-printed test cases and will mark the tests with a pass or fail. If a test fails, the test recorder will document the conditions surrounding the test and any error messages. The database will be monitored to assure that a test has actually passed. This is to make sure the front-end of ELDERS is cooperating with the back-end.

3.5 Resource Requirements

The ELDERS prototype demonstration will require that the virtual machine be working and running on the ODU server. The test user will be seated at the desktop that is displaying ELDERS on to the projection screen. The test user will access the ELDERS webapp and test the test cases. The database monitor will be on a laptop that can access the database that lies on the ODU servers virtually.

3.6 Test Environment

The prototype demonstration will be held in the conference room in Dragas Hall. The designated test user(s) will be on the computer that is at the end of the rectangle table. The database monitor will be located next to the test user(s) with the laptop. The test user(s) and database monitor will test network connectivity before the starting of the prototype presentation. The presenters will be at the front of the room near the projector screen. The test recorder will be sitting away from the presenter, but close to the test user(s) to make sure all test cases are recorded and documented.

3.7 Test Responsibilities

In the ELDERS prototype presentation, there will be two presenters, two test users, a database monitor, and a test recorder. The primary speakers will be Tatiana Livingston and George Calhoun, who will work together in presenting the prototype. They both act as backup for any presenter who may be unable to attend. They will also provide an introduction and narrative of each test case. Ben Cortina and Josh Fetherolf will be test users as well as operating the computer. Taking turns, each test user will execute the test case, explain what they are doing as well as show the expected results. Terry Stilwell will be the database monitor, responsible for displaying and explaining changes to the database when applicable. Robert Matson is the test recorder. He will keep the testing on track and will record what has been done and the result. He will also record what needs to be done should any errors occur.

Category ID / Description / Test Case ID / Test Case Description / Objective
1 / Access Control / 1.1 / View access tiers and tier permissions / Show that access tiers and permissions are implemented.
1.2 / Request higher tier status / Show a user may request a higher tier status.
1.3 / Create new access tier / Demonstrate process of creating a new access tier.
1.4 / Change default account tier / Verify that the default tier may be changed.
1.5 / Edit account tiers / Show that the permissions for an access tier may be edited.
1.6 / Verify Access checks / Show that all access checks are in place.
2 / User Accounts / 2.1 / Create new user / Prove that an account can be created.
2.2 / Alert user if username already exists / Show that username redundancy is prevented
2.3 / Verify password requirements / Verify that the password restrictions are in place.
2.4 / Login as existing account / Demonstrate that registered users are able to log in.
2.5 / Login with incorrect information / Show that invalid logins call an error.
2.6 / Reset account password / Verify that a password may be reset.
2.7 / Change notification settings / Demonstrate that a user may change their notification preferences.
3 / Voting / 3.1 / Council to vote on suggested word(s) / To expand the Nottoway Language
3.2 / Restrict only one vote per council member / Ensure that the Council can only make one vote on a suggested word.
3.3 / User change vote / Change vote due to common error.
3.4 / Words that have reached threshold mark as approved / When the majority of votes are in the words favor.
3.5 / Able to add new word to dictionary / Expand the dictionary upon “approved” words.
4 / Searching / 4.1 / Search Nottoway words in English / To test whether searching by English returns the correct information.
4.2 / Alert of failed search / To notify the user that the word searched is not in the database.
4.3 / Suggest and show suggestions of failed search / To suggest alternatives for a returned fail search
4.4 / Edit words that are suggested / To give Council an opportunity to change suggested words
4.5 / Search Nottoway words in Nottoway / To test whether searching by Nottoway returns the correct information.
4.6 / Alert of failed search / To test whether users receive a notification when they search for a Nottoway word that doesn’t exist.
4.7 / Nottoway filtered by letter / To test that the word filter functions correctly.
5 / History / 5.1 / History of the Nottoway viewable / To test that the Nottoway history is displayed.
6 / Suggestions / 6.1 / Suggested words by users / To test a list of suggested words by users
6.2 / Prompt to suggest word if no suggested word exists / To notify the suggested word if the word does not exist
6.3 / User input of suggested word / To test that a suggested word can be inputted
6.4 / User submission of suggested word / To test that a suggest word can be submitted
7 / Administration / 7.1 / Edit website settings / To test that the settings on the website have been changed by the administrator
7.2 / Edit website permissions / To test the website's permission level
8 / Forum / 8.1 / Access Forum / To test that the Forum is displayed.
8.1 / Create access controlled sub forums / To test that a user’s forum account is the same as their ELDERS account.
9 / Database / 9.1 / View the Nottoway database / Viewing the database proves that it exists.
9.2 / Backup the database / Prove that the DB is being backed up.
9.3 / Create a MySQL user / Users must exist in order to access the DB.
9.4 / Assign users sufficient database privileges / Make sure that user’s privileges are set.
9.5 / View the ALPHABET table schema / Make sure that the ALPHABET table has the expected columns.
9.6 / View the HISTORICAL_DICTIONARY table schema / Make sure that the table has the right columns.
9.7 / View the EXPANDED_DICTIONARY table schema / Make sure that the table has the right columns.
9.8 / View the NUM_VOTES table schema / Make sure that the table has the right columns.
9.9 / Prove password encryption / Make sure that the passwords are encrypted in the DB.
10 / Language / 10.1 / Access syllabary chart / To test that the Syllabary is displayed.
10.2 / Browse grammar / Verify the user can access the Nottoway grammar.
11 / Versatility / 11.1 / Can be viewed on mobile devices / Confirming the ability for ELDERS to be viewed on a mobile device.
11.2 / Can be functional for all major web browsers / Confirming that ELDERS can be used correctly through different web browsers that are commonly used.
12 / Maintenance / 12.1 / Check for software update / Show that there is a means to update software used by ELDERS

Table 3. ELDERS test case chart.


In the ELDERS prototype presentation, there will be two presenters, two test users, a database monitor, and a test recorder. The primary speakers will be Tatiana Livingston and George Calhoun, who will work together in presenting the prototype. One of the two presenters will take the other’s job if he/she is unable to attend. They will also provide an introduction and narrative of each test case. Ben Cortina and Josh Fetherolf will be test users as well as operating the computer. Taking turns, each test user will execute the test case, explain what they are doing as well as show the expected results. Terry Stilwell will be the database monitor, responsible for displaying and explaining changes to the database when applicable. Robert Matson is the test recorder. He will keep the testing on track and will record what has been done and the result. He will also record what needs to be done should any errors occur.


A detailed set of test cases has been prepared for testing ELDERS. Each test has been designed to ensure that the ELDERS prototype meets its requirements. These tests will be described in Section 5.1.