/ BM-102
Buyer Application

Buyer Registration

BUYERSHOULD COMPLETE AND SUBMIT APPLICATION PACKAGE CONTAINING ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. If you do not submitthe complete application package(application form and supporting documents),your application will not be reviewed.

Detailed instructions for completing the documents and forms that make up the application package are provided in the sections below. Please read the guidelines carefully todetermine which forms and documents are needed.

PART 1: Fill out this Application Form

PART 2: Application Package

1. Copy of Passport

2. Copy of Business Certification

3. Proof of employment

4. Certificate for sales

5. Certificate of exportation and importation management (or verification of trade with Korea) (*Certificate of trade)

6. Letter of Guarantee(for invitation letter)

Applicants are responsible for gathering of all relevant materials and supporting documents and submitting them to the Green Energy Expo 2018by Feb 20th,2018

Form #1
1. Company Introduction
>Please write down here your company introduction
2. Main work or products of your company
>Please write down here
Form #2

A. Company Information(Please fill out it in English only)

Company / Year Established
E-mail / Tel
Website / Fax
Address / No. of Employees
Annual Sales
(2016) / Annual Procurement
Nature of Business / PVWind PowerFuel Cell ESS / Battery
Renewable (Solar Thermal HydrogenHydraulic Power Geothermal
Marine Waste IGCC Environmental-FriendlyLED Others( ))
Imp. Exp. Agent Service Company Trade Org. Government Others ( )
Current Vendor(s) in Korea / If you don`t have vendors in Korea, Please write down as “NONE”
Proposed date of visit to Korea: 2018 / 04 / ~ 2018 / 04 / (year/month/date)
Product(s) to purchase / Description

B. Buyer Information(If you want to register more from your company, please copy the table below)

Mr Ms
First Name: / : / Last Name:
Name (to appear on Badge) / :
Company / :
Job Title / : / Direct Tel :
Email / : / Mobile:
Please check here only if you need an invitation letter for yourvisa to enter Korea. Kindly note that a copy (original) of Invitation Letter detailing purpose of visit will be sent to you for your application.
* Please note that we only provide"Invitation letter" that is one of your visa documents. The organizer is not involved with any process of issuing visa. And these “CERTIFICATE” or “LETTER of INVITATION” is NOT guaranteed of your entrance through Korea immigration and issuing Visa from Korea embassy.
Last Name/Family Name:
(as in Passport) / First Name:
(as in Passport)
Passport no: / Expiry date:
Nationality: / Date of birth:

Jisu Choi Coordinator, Green Energy Expo Secretariat

Tel: +82-53-601-5373 / Fax: +82-53-601-5372 / E-mail: /
Form #3