Appendix D


Appendix D 1-Invitation to Aquifer Dependent Ecosystem Workshop

Appendix D 2-ADE Workshop

Appendix D 3-Notes from Workshop at WRC

Appendix D 4-Notes from the KNP Workshop

Appendix D1
Invitation to Aquifer Workshop

You are invited to a workshop on

Aquifer Dependent Ecosystems.

You are involved in work related to aquifer dependent ecosystems and we would like you to participate in a discussion on this topic at the CSIR on Wednesday, May 19th at 12.00.

A project funded by the WRC and carried out by the CSIR is developing a framework for the assessment and sustainable management of aquifer dependent ecosystems. These are defined as ecosystems which rely on the presence or discharge of groundwater from aquifers.

Aquifers occur throughout the landscape, but groundwater discharge occurs in discrete areas and often makes unseen contributions to the water balance. It is important that these contributions are recognized if groundwater is to be protected for ecological use and the limits of acceptable impact defined.

Dependent ecosystems include terrestrial areas with relatively shallow water tables, seasonal and ephemeral alluvial systems, aquifer fed wetlands and floodplains. Limited published information exists on aquifer dependency in Southern Africa and we are holding a series of workshops to tap into the knowledge that exists among select groups of scientists and catchment managers.

Please join us to collate our experience in:

  • The nature of aquifer discharge in different eco-hydrological settings;
  • The extent of groundwater dependency;
  • The characteristic structure, function and resilience of ecosystems linked to aquifers;
  • Field methods for monitoring eco-hydrological links to aquifers.

Please respond to Christine Colvin to confirm your attendance. We hope to see you at the CSIR.

Thank you and best wishes,

Christine Colvin and Dave Le Maitre


Tel: +27 21 888 2432

Fax: +27 21 888 2682

PO Box 320, Stellenbosch,

7599, South Africa.

Durban KZN planned participants:

Prof Fred Ellery – UKZN

Donovan Kotze – UKZN

Prof Simon Lorentz - UKZN

Prof Bruce Kelbe – UZL

Ms Nina Snyman - UZL

Dr Pete Goodman (Assistant Director, Biodiversity
Ms Carol Goge (EKZNW Wetland Ecologist)

Mr Ricky Taylor (KZN Wildlife)

Prof Guy Bate (UPE)

Mr Regan Rose – DWAF

Dr Colin Everson – CSIR

Steven Weerts - CSIR

Dr Peter Dye – CSIR

Ms Christine Colvin – CSIR

Dr Dave Le Maitre – CSIR

CSIR W.Cape Specialist Groups

Jeanne Nel – River Conservation Planning (CSIR)

Roy Van Ballegooyen – Freshwater requirements of coastal ecosystems (parallel WRC project)

Lara van Niekerk - Estuaries

Steve Lambret – Marine and Coastal Management