Higher Studies Regulations and Appendices

جامعة البحرين
عمادة الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي / / University of Bahrain
Deanship of Graduate Studies
And scientific Research

Thesis Referee Form

Student ID:Click here to enter text. / Student Name:Click here to enter text.
College:Choose an item. / Department:Choose an item.
Program:Choose an item.
Thesis Title:
Click here to enter text.


Thesis is acceptable. /
Thesis is acceptable, subject to some revisions as noted in the report. /
Thesis is rejected, as noted in the report. /

Examiner Name: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Signature: Click here to enter text.

Attachment: Detailed Report

1 / Approved at the University Council 6th meeting, 2013
In accordance with Decision No. 736/2013 dated 14/3/2013
Modified by University Council Decision No. 2043/2013 dated 20/11/2013.

Higher Studies Regulations and Appendices

Attachments(1 of Choose an item.)

Student ID: Click here to enter text. / Student Name:Click here to enter text.
College:Choose an item. / Department:Choose an item.
Program:Choose an item.
Thesis Title:
Click here to enter text.

Continued: ☐

Examiner Name: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Signature: Click here to enter text.

1 / Approved at the University Council 6th meeting, 2013
In accordance with Decision No. 736/2013 dated 14/3/2013
Modified by University Council Decision No. 2043/2013 dated 20/11/2013.

Higher Studies Regulations and Appendices

Attachments(2 of Choose an item.)

Student ID: Click here to enter text. / Student Name:Click here to enter text.
College:Choose an item. / Department:Choose an item.
Program:Choose an item.
Thesis Title:
Click here to enter text.

Continued: ☒

Examiner Name: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Signature: Click here to enter text.

Attachments(3 of Choose an item.)

Student ID: Click here to enter text. / Student Name:Click here to enter text.
College:Choose an item. / Department:Choose an item.
Program:Choose an item.
Thesis Title:
Click here to enter text.

Continued: ☐

Examiner Name: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Signature: Click here to enter text.

1 / Approved at the University Council 6th meeting, 2013
In accordance with Decision No. 736/2013 dated 14/3/2013
Modified by University Council Decision No. 2043/2013 dated 20/11/2013.

Higher Studies Regulations and Appendices

Attachments(4of 4)

Student ID: Click here to enter text. / Student Name:Click here to enter text.
College:Choose an item. / Department:Choose an item.
Program:Choose an item.
Thesis Title:
Click here to enter text.

Continued: ☒

Examiner Name: Click here to enter text.

Date: Click here to enter a date.

Signature: Click here to enter text.

1 / Approved at the University Council 6th meeting, 2013
In accordance with Decision No. 736/2013 dated 14/3/2013
Modified by University Council Decision No. 2043/2013 dated 20/11/2013.