SOMSD Board of Education

Excellence and Equity Committee

Minutes, January 15, 2014


Board members: Bill Gaudelli (chair), MadhuPai, Andrea Wren-Hardin, Johanna Wright (absent)

Administration: Brian Osborne (superintendent), Lydia Furnari (assistant superintendent/curriculum & instruction), Patricia Barker (director of special services)

1.Review of EE Committee Charge @ Midyear

Committee began with a review of the charge and a brief discussion of how the committee operates, directed by the jointly created District goals. This document is available at the BOE website.

2. Gifted and Talented Strategy

The most recent meeting reviewed the opportunities that are available in schools and initiatives that may be added (K-5, 6-8 and 9-12) to existing opportunities. State policy requires a screening for G&T at K and we will do another check at middle school. Teachers will initiate though related arts teachers, administrators, parents and students (self-nominate) may also recommend. The assessments will be conducted by teachers who know them best and this will vary depending on grade level. EE discussed the subjectivity inherent in the process, possibility of having more than one evaluator, multiple entry points (early, middle), the developmental focus that affords students access at different points,thatopportunities are not exclusive but inclusive, and concerns that theprogram may bloatas a result of parental pressures.

3.Update on Articulation of Level Differences in Courses

EE reviewed draft documents (to be shared with entire BOE when redrafted) outlining differences in biology, physics and chemistry with notations on the various levels to determine how the courses will differ. The Committee was satisfied that this level of detail was sufficient and administration will migrate this descriptive style to other courses for public access to documents.

4.Middle School Transformation RI for BOE Update in January

Will include teacher development opportunities, the robust extra-curricular program, structural changes, including an update on level up, how schedule has changed, how it could change in the future and the sense of staff about how current schedule is working. More information related to leveling up, IB changes and how that will shape and raise standards for accreditation was recommended by EE.

5. Middle States Accreditation Preparation

EE received the Excellence by Design protocol that outlines expectations of Middle States and we reviewed the crosswalk of the strategic plan for CHS, Excellence by Design elements and action steps to align elements, which is in keeping with the Middle States protocol.

6. Learning Walk

Jim Memoli provided a detailed memo regarding the learning walk/PD strategy in-district, which he also gave to Policy and Monitoring and will present to full BOElater in the spring semester.

7. Learning Opportunities Survey

Purpose: To discuss possible realignment of resources/course offerings to better fit changing economic climate. Information from this review will inform the development of a Guiding Change Process.

Tabled due to time constraints

7.Develop RI for Grades 3-5 and 6-12 Mathematics Curriculum Revisions

Purpose: To develop an RI for upcoming mathematics revision to be discussed at February BOE meeting.

Tabled due to time constraints.

February 12

March 12

April 9

May 7

June 4