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Winter Camp 2016

17 September 2015

Dear Parents,

Winter Camp this year will be at Hebden Hey Scout Centre, near Hebden Bridge, staying at the Hebden Hey Hostel (inside, not outside !). Although Winter Camp is traditionally only for a weekend, it is intended that we make full use of the time we have to take in a number of different activities offered within the Scout Centre, such as indoor caving, a climbing & abseiling wall, a traverse wall and an obstacle course, as well 37 acres of woodland to explore, hopefully this time without the wild animal traps and CCTV cameras. We will also have access to the Hardcastle Crags National Trust site, which is directly adjacent to the Scout Centre and offers activities within Gibson Mill and also an orienteering course around a further 400 acres of woodland. As with all first class scouting accommodation, there will also be a camp fire area, so hopefully we’ll be able to throw in a camp fire for good luck and to keep the dampness of the West Yorkshire countryside at bay.

Scouts will need to meet at Holgate Methodist Church at 4.30pm on Friday 15th January 2016 and we will aim to be back for 4pm on Sunday 17th January 2016. We will be travelling by minibus.

The cost of the camp will be £40 per scout. We realise this is expensive for a weekend camp but this does include transport and indoor accommodation.

If your Scout would like to attend the camp, please return the attached reply slip and non-refundable payment of £40 by Friday 23rd October 2015. Places are limited to the capacity of the hostel and also the split of boys and girls and will therefore be given on a first come first served basis to suit this.

If you feel you may have difficulties in meeting this cost, please do come and see me or Emily (Severus) and we will do our best to ensure all Scouts who wish to do so can enjoy the camp.

Yours in Scouting,

David Townend

Assistant Scout Leader

Winter Camp 2016 – please return by Friday 23rd October 2015

I give permission for my child ______to attend Winter Camp 2016 @ Hebden Hey Scout Centre.

Please give details of any disability, condition or needs which may be affected by the activities on this camp: ______

Does your Scout have any dietary needs?


I enclose a non-refundable payment of £40. (Please make cheques payable to 1st Holgate Scout Group.)

Signature: ______

Relationship to Scout: ______