CP Syllabus

Mrs. McKelvey


The goals of this class are as follows:

-Learn the rules that govern the way the world works and how things interact with each other.

-Learn how to use numbers to describe the physical world and predict future interactions.

-Learn how to approach difficult/unfamiliar problems

-Learn self reliance for unfamiliar situation and personal responsibility.

-Prepare for college by developing both academic and organizational skills

Due to the nature of physics, mathematical skills are important. As a prerequisite, you should either be in Alg 3/Trig or you should have completed math analysis. If not, the math will provide a serious hindrance to your success in this class. Additionally, you will need a scientific calculator with trig functions. Most students use graphing calculators.



-Usually a combination of a few multiple choice, one or two short answer, and problems.

-Tests are usually two periods. Usually, these will be taken during a double lab period however tests will be split between two days if scheduling becomes a problem.

-Usually tests are about 40% of the grade for the quarter.

-Lots of partial credit is given for the problems and short answer.


-Lab groups are your choice unless there are problems in which case lab groups will be assigned.

-Usually, there will be a lab packet to fill in and hand in.

-Sometimes you will each hand in a packet; sometimes I will only need one per group. You will know prior to performing the lab.

-Labs last anywhere from 2-6 periods and will sometimes require more than one day.

-Lab equipment left out will result in half credit removed from grade.

-In order to participate in a lab, the lab safety contract must be signed by your parents and returned.

-Once a quarter, we will have a formal lab report.

-Labs are about 30-40% of the quarter grade.


-One per quarter

-May be worked on in groups or individual

-About 10-20% of grade

75 points

-You must fill 75 points worth of stuff each quarter. You will have approximately 150 from which to select the assignments you want to do to fill your 75 point requirement.

-You may do as many assignments as needed to fill up the points. If you do not receive full credit on an assignment, you may do additional assignments to make up the difference.

-You can get up to 85 points out of 75 points

-You will not receive 75 point assignments back until the quarter has ended. If you would like to check your totals periodically throughout the quarter, you may check with me.

-Point opportunities will come from reviews of Novas and articles, take home labs, mini projects, research questions, and logic puzzles.

Academic Policies

Makeups/Due dates

-Labs and tests that are missed due to absence can be made up at any time during the quarter. They are due 2:25pm the last day of the quarter.

-Formal labs are due on the date given whether you are present or not. If you are absent on the due date, you may email me the paper up until 2:25 on the due date (you may not email me the paper if you are present on the due date unless you use a favor). Any emailed after that or handed in the last day are considered late.

-Formal labs lose 20% per day they are late.

-75 points are due 2 days before the last day of the quarter at 2:25.

-Makeup tests are different than the test taken on time.

-You can make up during study halls when I am available, or after school.

-You must make up everything.

-You are responsible for determining what you make up. Until made up, assignments have a grade of a zero which is calculated your percentage and will be reported on your midquarter report.


-Each student is given 2 favors per year. Used favors are kept by me and will be referred to if there is a question.

-Favors may be used for the reasons listed on the favors sheet. If something is not included, you may ask if a favor can be used for that purpose.

-Favors cannot be used to hand in things after the end of the quarter.

-Favors cannot be given from one student to another. I will be keeping a record of how many you used.


-URL forthcoming

-Website has all homework assignments and all worksheets and handouts will be posted. If you lose something I give you, you will need to print out another.

-All powerpoints go onto the eboard towards the end of the chapter.

-Due dates will be posted on the calendar.


-Not graded

-Homework is essential to success in the class unless you are brilliant. You must do the homework, not just copy the solutions and try to memorize them. The benefit to the process lies in practicing the process.

-We will usually have time in class to start assignments in groups.

-Rather than tons of little assignments, we will have 1 large assignment per chapter (usually one every 3 weeks or so). Start early. At the end of every lesson, I will highlight the problems applicable to that lesson.

-Don’t feel the need to do every problem. Do what you need to do to be prepared.


-Cheating on papers (exact copies or the same order with rephrased sentences) results in a zero the first time and a zero and a write up every time thereafter.

-Both parties will receive a zero, so do not “show” your paper to anyone.

-If you are caught looking at someone else’s test, you will receive a zero.

-If cheating is found after tests have been handed in, both students will be called in for a conference. If neither admits to cheating, both students will receive a zero until it can be determined who cheated. Students will be sent to the principal if the cheater cannot be determined.

Other policies

-Bathroom and water fountain can use the permanent pass. Permission is required during lecture. If you are going during a lab or such, let me know you are going so I don’t mark you absent.

-Check with me if you think you are missing grades. I will not remind you.

-You or your parents may call or email with questions. I get back to people via email much faster than with phone calls.

-Do not talk after tests.


Favors may be used for the following: adding 10 points (not percentage points) to your grade, handing in 75 points material between 2:25 and 3:30 on the due date and have it counted on time, emailing your formal lab report to me on the due date by midnight and having it count as on time, handing in a project on the day its due between 2:25-3 and having it count as on time,