Consultation Objectives

To enable Governing Bodies to decide whether to proceed with the proposal to create the Newham Schools Community Trust (working title) having consulted with stakeholders

  • To present to stakeholders clear information on the proposal to establish the Newham Schools Community Trust
  • To gather stakeholder feedback on the proposal and understand the level of stakeholder interest, support and objection

Consultation Audiences, Activities and Timings

  • Consultation to run from Thursday February 5th until Wednesday, March 25thth (7 weeks)
  • Consultation programme to be coordinated between the three schools for consistency but three separate consultations to be run by the respective Governing Bodies

# / Audience / Key activities / Key timings
1. / Governing Bodies /
  1. Governing Body to vote on whether to consult
  2. Governing Body to consider consultation report and vote whether to proceed with proposal
  3. Governing Body to publish final consultation report
  1. Feb 4th (Gateway #2 - COMPLETE)
  2. w/c April 20th(Gateway #3)
  3. w/c April 27th

2. / Staff /
  1. Letter sent to all staff at start of consultation
  2. Consultation FAQs sent to all staff
  3. Consultation meetings for all staff
Wednesday, Feb 25th 3.30pm Lister
Thursday, Feb 26th 3.30pm Sarah Bonnell
Friday, Feb 27th 3.30pm Rokeby
  1. 1st consultation update
  2. Consultation workshops for all staff - Heads to run ‘open house’ sessions
  3. Final consultation update
  4. Questionnaires sent to staff
  5. Final date for receipt of questionnaires
  1. Feb 5th
  2. By Feb 12th
  3. w/c Feb 23rd
  4. By March 3rd
  5. w/c March 9th
  6. By March 13th
  7. March 16th
  8. 7. By March 25th

3. / Unions /
  1. Letter sent to unions and professional associations to launch consultation
  2. Representatives to be invited to attend staff consultation meetings
  3. Consultation meeting with representatives
  4. Follow up response to issues raised by representatives
  5. Deadline for formal response from unions and professional associations
  1. Feb 12th
  2. w/c Feb 23rd )see above)
  3. Friday, March 6th 3.30pm
  4. By March 13th
  5. By March 25th

4. / Parents and carers /
  1. Letter sent to all parents at start of Academy consultation
  2. Consultation leaflet sent to parents/carers
  3. Consultation meetings for parents and carers
Tuesday, March 3rd 6.00pm Lister
Wednesday, March 4thRokeby
Thursday, March 5th Sarah Bonnell
  1. Consultation update
  2. Questionnaire sent to parents and carers
  3. Final date for receipt of questionnaires
  1. Feb 5th
  2. w/c Feb 23rd
  3. w/c March 2nd
  4. By March 13th
  5. March 16th
  6. By March 25th

5. / Students /
  1. TBC
/ 1. TBC
6. / MP, Local Councillors and Community Leaders /
  1. Letter to be sent to MP, Local Councillors
  2. Final date for receipt of formal responses
  1. By Feb 12th
  2. w/c March 2nd
  3. By March 25th

7. / Headteachers of local schools /
  1. Letter with invitation to have one-to-one conversation about the proposal
  2. Final date for receipt of formal responses
  1. Feb 12th
  2. By March 25th