Integrated Science


Mrs. Sara Hamlin, Instructor Period: 4th Room: 136

Required Materials:

Textbook:Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe

Notebook: 2” 3-ring binder is required for this class.

Writing Utensil:Blue or black ink, pencil

**Book Replacement Cost: $72.97

If this book is lost or severely damaged, you will be charged $72.97 to replace the book. Any other damage to the book will result in some charge according to the assessment sheet.

Course Description:

Integrated science is designed to give students an introduction to the processes that have molded the Earth into the planet we know. Students will participate in examining the geology of Earth, Space and the Environment. Topics include Nature of Science, Space , Geology and Earth Structures, Earth’s Atmosphere and Hydrosphere: Weather, Climate, and Environmental issues facing life today.

Course Outline:

Scientific Method/ Introduction to Earth Sciences 1 week

Biosphere/ Ecology 2 weeks

Earth Layers/Plate Tectonics/Geochemical cycles 2 weeks

Weathering and Erosion/ Rock cycle/

Fossils/ Types of Dating 2weeks

Weather and Climate 2 weeks

Environmental Conservation 1 week

Calculation of Grades:Grading Scale:

25%Daily 90-100A

  • Labs80-89B
  • Participation70-79C
  • In class assignments69-65D
  • Notebook64-0F


40%Tests and Quizzes

20%Final Exam


Science Department Make-up/Late Work Policy:

School policy will be followed. Students will have 3 days to make up work with an excused absence or 3 days after parent contact.Otherwise, students may submit late work until the grade cutoff for progress reports or final exam for 50% of the original grade. The ability to turn in late work resets every 4 weeks; meaning if the work is not made up prior to the progress report or the final exam cut-off, a permanent zero is entered into the grade book

Extra Help

I am your teacher and I am here to HELP you!!!! I am available most days before or after school. Please come and see me in advance so that I can make appropriate arrangements. I may need to write you a note to come to my room. I am here for you and I will help you.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

1.Be Prompt and Prepared: Students need to be in their seats by the time the tardy bell stops ringing. Bring all required materials to class EVERY DAY.

2.Participate Actively: You cannot learn if you are not engaged in the activities. You will often be working with a partner or group and your input and role is necessary to complete the tasks.

3.Stay on Task: Not only must you be active to learn, you must stay focused on whatever task has been assigned. This also involves listening and following all instructions as they are given. You will be busy every minute you are in this class; there is no “down time”.

4.Be Respectful of Yourself and Others: Anything that may degrade or embarrass another person has no place in this classroom. When having table or class discussions, only one person should speak at a time and all students should be given a chance to contribute. It is okay to make mistakes—that is how we learn.

Disruptive/Inappropriate Behavior

The rules for this class are very clear. If you choose to break a rule, you may receive one or more of the following consequences:

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Revised Seating Arrangement
  3. Student/Teacher Conference
  4. Parent/Guardian Contact
  5. Teacher Assigned Detention
  6. Office Referral

Rewards for Appropriate Behavior

I will also reward students for following classroom expectations. These will include:

  1. Bonus points
  2. Phone Call home
  3. Positive CATS referral

Classroom Procedures

Listed below are several procedures I have in this classroom. In order to be successful in this class, it is important that you follow these procedures at all times. This syllabus is to be kept in your notebook for a reference throughout the trimester.

Signal for Attention

1.Teacher raises hand

2.Focus on teacher

3.Signal others

Starting and Ending Class

  1. Class will begin when the daily agenda is presented. Each week you will start an agenda page on notebook paper. This agenda sheet will be submitted at the end of the week for a participation grade. Each day is worth 20 points.
  2. When the agenda is presented each day, you will write the learning target(s) for the day. You will also prepare an answer to a bell ringer while attendance is being recorded.Class will end with a reflection of the day’s learning. This is also recorded on the agenda.


Maintaining a notebook is critical to your success during Integrated Science. The notebook will be checked/graded twice during the trimester. You will need five dividers labeled: Snapshots; Notes; Assessments; Labs; Activities.


  1. All tardies will be written up and submitted to the office. This is an ACHS school-wide policy.

Leaving the Room

  1. Students are given six (6) passes at the beginning of the trimester.
  2. You must turn in one pass each time you use the clipboard: nurse, office, and restroom.
  3. Use them wisely because once you are out of passes, you are out of chances to leave the room.
  4. Hall pass privileges can be taken away for not following class expectations, rules and/ or procedures
  5. Left over hall passes at the end of the trimester will result n extra credit.

After an Absence

  1. It is your responsibility to see me for your work when you are absent and it is your responsibility to make up that work. I will not remind you.
  2. Check the tray for your block for any handouts with your name that you missed.You have 3 days to make up work from an EXCUSED absence.
  3. If you miss a lab, you cannot make that up. You will be given an alternate assignment. This is usually a 3-5 page report on the topic of the lab.
  4. If you have any questions about an assignment, please ask me before or after class.

Laboratory Guidelines and Rules:

  1. Do not eat, drink, store food or apply cosmetics
  2. No horseplay, goofing off or other careless behavior
  3. Restrain long hair, loose clothing and/or dangling jewelry
  4. Wear closed toed shoes on lab days
  5. Safety goggles are required in all experiments in which solutions are used
  6. Never leave a heat source unattended
  7. Decontaminate work surfaces before and after each lab using a supplied disinfectant
  8. Keep all liquids away from the edge of the table
  9. Report all spills or accidents immediately to your teacher
  10. Use mechanical pipettes; never use mouth pipetting
  11. Never work alone in the lab
  12. Wash hands before and after lab exercises using soap and warm water
  13. Never mistreat live specimen

Failure to abide by the above Laboratory Guidelines and Rules will result in the following consequences: It is imperative that you follow the lab guidelines to assure the safety of you and your classmates. I reserve the right to remove any student acting in an unsafe manner. This will result in a zero for the lab grade and disciplinary action.

Integrated Science Course Agreement Contract

Student Section:

I, ______(print student name), agree that Mrs. Hamlin thoroughly covered this syllabus in class. In addition I have read this syllabus and reviewed it with my parents/guardians. I understand the requirements for Integrated Scienceand I understand the consequences of not following the requirements of this class.

Student’s SignatureDate

Student Email

Parent Section:

I have read the above syllabus and my child has explained the policies and procedures for the class. I understand the requirements for the above described course and understand the consequences if my child does not following the requirements.

Parent/Guardian SignatureDateDaytime Phone #

Parent E-mail address(es)