SCAP paper 10/14


Section 1 – Proposal details

Proposed Course Title (not a University award)
Modes of Attendance / Part-time  Full-time 
Distance Learning  Work-based Learning 
Other (please specify) 
Proposal Development Team
This would be expected to comprise of key members of the subsequent teaching team with a designated chair / Short-course Coordinator:
Proposal Development Team:
Initiating Department[s]:
Responsible Faculty[ies]: / Confirmation required that ALL Faculties have been consulted. Each Faculty Dean/Associate Dean orSub-Dean (QE) to sign that this has been actioned. (see stage 2 signatures)
Location of Delivery: / University of Bedfordshire: BedfordPolhill campus
Luton Park Square campus
If other delivery site please provide details:
Name of Proposed
External Examiner if known:
Give details of any prospective partners:
Projected Student Numbers (to be authorised by Planning Team)
Steady State: / Home: Overseas: ………..
Proposed date of operation
Credit total of course
What applications will be made for additional resources?
Costs (£) / 2009/10 / 20010/11 / 2011/12 / 2012/13 / Source
Academic Staffing
Support Staff
Technical & Other Staff
Total (£)
Rationale: (Please attach no more than two A4 sides)
  • Market research supporting the proposal and target market should be provided.
  • Provide details how course can be differentiated from competitors
  • How does the course fit with existing plans of the School[s]/Department[s]/Faculties[ies] and institutional plans (including Research plans). How does it specifically fit the aims of Cre8 and the Education Strategy and its relation to the University’s portfolio of courses.
  • Availability of human and physical resources
  • Relevant external guidance – QAA’s Academic Infrastructure and subject benchmarking, subject specialism, professional, statutory and regulatory bodies and employers.

Section 2 – Signatures

Signature / Print name / Date

Stage 1 signatures

Approved by Head of Department
(a joint proposal from two departments or with a collaborative partner requires signatures from both Heads)

Stage 2 signatures

Supported and approved by Dean
(a joint proposal from two departments, requires signatures from both Deans)
Approved by Faculty TQSC
Signed by Faculty Sub Dean(s) QE
Consultation taken place with Dean/Associate Dean/Sub-Deans (QE) from ALL faculties:
Forward to Quality Directorate for addition to the University Approvals Schedule and the course list [Working Prospectus List] – copy will be returned to Faculty Sub Dean (QE) following signature from SCAP Chair

Stage 3 signatures

Considered by SCAP Chair
Proposed meeting for SCAP approval / Signed SCAP Chair

Stage 4 signatures

SITS updated and formal approval issued to Faculty, Admissions and Marketing by Quality Directorate

Signed ……………………………………………………………..

(Short course coordinator)

Documentation submitted to Quality Directorate on ……………………………………

Please send documentation to;

Quality Directorate

Fairview House – K202/203

Park Square