Year 9 Infectious diseases Trial Test 2015

Name: ______Class: ______Date: ______

Instructions: Write answers in the right-hand column. Score: ______/ 50 marks

Section A—Multiple choice (12marks)

1  / Influenza is caused by
A bacteria B parasites
C viruses D fungi / 1
2  / Which of the following is an infectious disease?
A obesity B Ebola C colourblindness D diabetes / 1
3  /
Calculate the percentage of deaths caused by infectious diseases worldwide and in low-income countries and then identify the correct statement.
A  Infectious diseases cause twice as many deaths in low-income countries compared to the rest of the world.
B  Less than a quarter of the deaths worldwide are caused by infectious diseases.
C  45% of deaths in low-income countries are caused by infectious diseases.
D  85% of deaths in the world have a cause other than an infectious disease. / 1
4  / Which of the following organisms is usually the largest?
A virus B fluke C protozoan D bacterium / 1
5  / A communicable (contagious) human disease is one that:
A is infectious and is easily transmitted from person to person
B is inherited
C is caused by an environmental factor
D affects large numbers of people in a given population. / 1
6  / An antibody is:
A a drug produced to treat bacterial infections
B a special chemical produced by the body in response to the presence of a foreign substance
C a foreign substance that causes the body to produce antigens
D a type of white blood cell that can destroy some pathogens. / 1
7  / Which of the following is a natural method of disease control used by the human body?
A producing antibiotics by body cells
B immunisation by inoculation with a vaccine containing live organisms
C immunisation by inoculation with a vaccine containing antibodies
D action of white blood cells in the body / 1
8  / The sketch below shows a person with symptoms of a common disease. Which of the following diseases is the person likely to be suffering from?
A ringworm B influenza
C measles D food poisoning / 1
9  / Malaria is caused by:
A parasitic protozoan B parasitic worm
C bacteria D mosquito bite. / 1
10  / Which of the following is not true of HIV?
A HIV can be passed from person to person via blood.
B HIV does not survive well outside the body.
C HIV destroys lymphocyte (white blood) cells.
D HIV is bacterium causing AIDS. / 1
11  / Which of the following is a symptom of a disease?
A bacteria B blood test C fever D epidemic / 1
12  / Which of the following diseases is not caused by a virus?
A AIDS B chickenpox C measles D ringworm / 1
13  / Four paper discs were soaked in antibiotics. The discs were placed on a plate with a large number of colonies of bacteria. The aim of the experiment was to test the effectiveness of the antibiotics. After three days the plate was examined. The results are shown above.
Identify the antibiotic that was most effective in killing the bacteria.
A  A
B  B
C  C

Section B—Written answers (45 marks)

1  / What are three basic requirements for good health? / 3
2  / What are infectious diseases? Give 2 examples. / 4
3  / Using the disease you have selected for your PowerPoint Project, explain what is meant by each of the following terms when describing a disease.
a the pathogen
b a symptom
c how is the pathogen transmitted
d a method to prevent such an infection / 8
4  / State whether each of the following statements is true or not true. Use examples to support your answers.
a All bacteria are harmful and cause disease.
b All infectious diseases are caused by microscopic parasites. / 6
5  / Give 3 examples of first line of defence in our body. / 3
6  / Explain two differences between bacteria and viruses. / 4
7  / Rank the following organisms in order of size from smallest to largest.
protozoan tapeworm
virus bacterium / 2
8  / Briefly explain why a person is unlikely to suffer from measles as an adult if they had measles as a child. / 4
9  / Why is it difficult to produce immunity to the common cold? / 3
10  / There are 2 main types of White blood cells in the body?
a)  Phagocytes
b)  Lymphocytes
What are their different roles in protecting our body from infection? / 4
11  / What are the difference between Antibodies and Antibiotics? / 4