Women's Day events around the world get people talking

ByAssociated Press, adapted by Newsela staff


PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — Some women missed work and joined protests on Wednesday. It was a part of International Women's Day events around the world.It was called theDay Without a Woman protest. No one had yet counted how many women did not go to work.The idea of the protest was to show how much work women do every day.

Some Signs Say Trump Is Scary

A crowd of about 1,000 people met in New York City. They marched near Trump Tower. They were mostly women. The marchers wore red clothes and waved signs. Some of the signs were about President Donald Trump. He owns the Trump Tower building. "Trump is terrifying," said Adina Ferber. She took a day off from her job to go to the protest. Trump and his leaders do not respect women,she said.As part of the Day Without a Woman protest, women were asked not to shop. It was to show women's buying power.

U.S. Women Get An Idea

Protests were also planned in Washington, D.C., and other big cities. Some companies said they would close or give women the day off.Schools in some cities canceled classes. Teachers and other workers had said they would be out.Last month, theDay Without an Immigrant protest was held.That is where the idea for the U.S. women's event came from.In Italy, women held a big march. A German airline had women pilots flying from several cities on special flights.Women also held protests in Japan and Spain.

"I Wanted To Make My Voice Heard"

Some people said maybe the strike was not a good idea.They said that many women cannot miss work.The march leaders asked those who could not miss work to wear red. Red clothing was to show support.Monique LaFonta Leone works in Colorado. She had to go to work.So she wore a red shirt. She also gave money to a women's group."I have bills to pay, but I wanted to make my voice heard."Leone said women make a difference every day.

Who Makes More Money?

Trump got on the Twitter website. He asked people to honor women around the world.Almost half of U.S. workers are women. In some jobs, more workers are women than men. Some of those are teachers and nurses.American women earn less money than men. When a man makes $1, a woman makes just 80 cents.People say thatis not fair.


1 What was the MAIN reason why women were protesting on International Women's Day?

(A) to wear red clothes to work

(B) to stop women from shopping

(C) to close schools in some cities

(D) to show how much work women do

2 Read the section "U.S. Women Get An Idea." Which sentence from the section explains WHERE people got the idea for the Day Without aWoman protest?

(A) Some companies said they would close or give women the day off.

(B) Teachers and other workers had said they would be out.

(C) Last month, the Day Without an Immigrant protest was held.

(D) A German airline had women pilots flying from several cities on specialflights.

3 Read the section "I Wanted To Make My Voice Heard." Why do people think it is important to wear red and give money to women's groups?

(A) They do not think work is important.

(B) They think the strike is a bad idea.

(C) They want to show their support.

(D) They do not want to miss work.

4 Read the section "Who Makes More Money?" Which paragraph gives examples of jobs with more women workers?