The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by the Chairman, Horace Harrod. Present were Board members-James Griffin and Art Henson, Accountant-Stan Clark, Attorney-Carl Horneman, and from Veolia Water – Ed Basquill, Kevin Gibson, and Andrea Matz.
1. Minutes - The minutes from the October 16, 2014 Regular Board Meeting were emailed for review in advance and presented in the meeting packet for approval.
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by James Griffin to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2014 Regular Board Meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
2. Financial Review / Payables Request
William Hollister attended the meeting to present the Audit Report for fiscal year ending 6/30/14. Mr. Hollister reviewed all areas of the report and commented that OCEA’s financial procedures are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and that he did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that could be considered a material weakness.
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by James Griffin to accept the Audit Report for FYE 6/30/14 as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Stan Clark then reviewed the monthly financial report for October 2014 and current payables requested for stormwater.
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by Horace Harrod to approve the stormwater financial report for October 2014 and current payables in the amount of $59,391.11. The motion carried unanimously.
Next, Mr. Clark reviewed the monthly financial report for October 2014 and current payables requested for sewer.
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by Horace Harrod to approve the sewer financial report for October 2014 and current payables in the amount of $526,404.63. The motion carried unanimously.
3. Public Comment 1 – There were no comments from the public.
4. Operations Report –The Operations Report was emailed to the Board prior to the meeting for review and presented in the meeting binder.
- New Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant – Naming/PR and Documents for approval
Jim Hagerty of Hagerty Consulting reviewed each of the following.
o Notice of Award
A motion was made by Horace Harrod and seconded by Art Henson to authorize execution of a Notice of Award to Dugan & Meyers for the construction contract to build a new regional wastewater treatment plant per bid submitted on 12/8/14. The motion carried unanimously.
o Construction Contract Approval
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by James Griffin to approve execution of the construction contract with Dugan & Meyers for the new regional wastewater treatment plant in the amount of $8,672,500. The motion carried unanimously.
o Notice to Proceed (dates on the document were incorrect and will be revised prior to signing)
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by James Griffin to approve execution of the Notice to Proceed to Dugan & Meyers for construction of a new regional wastewater treatment plant. The motion carried unanimously.
o Hagerty Consulting Task Order 12 – Construction Services
Jim Hagerty presented Task Order 12 for approval which includes construction services such as submittal review, preconstruction coordination with the contractor, approval of contractor’s schedule of values, coordination of inspections, etc.
A motion was made by James Griffin and seconded by Horace Harrod to approve execution of Hagerty Consulting Task Order 12 for Construction Services in the amount of $33,100. The motion carried unanimously.
o KIA Draw Request #1
A motion was made by Horace Harrod and seconded by Art Henson to approve the initial KIA Draw Request #1 in the amount of $109,200 for planning expenses paid to date for the new regional wastewater treatment plant. The motion carried unanimously.
o Hagerty Consulting Task Order 8 – Consolidation of previous amendments
Jim Hagerty presented Task Order 8 for approval which consolidates 3 existing task order amendments but does not result in additional funding.
A motion was made by Horace Harrod and seconded by Art Henson to approve Hagerty Consulting Task Order 8. The motion carried unanimously.
o Hagerty Consulting Task Order 13 – Mobile Dewatering Unit
Next, Mr. Hagerty presented a task order for approval to purchase the selected mobile sludge dewatering unit. OCEA representatives have been testing and evaluating units for possible purchase over the last few months.
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by James Griffin to approve Hagerty Consulting Task Order 13 in the amount of $24,650 for a mobile sludge dewatering unit. The motion carried unanimously.
- Structural Inspections/Design Recommendations – BlueStone Engineers
A representative from BlueStone Engineers presented the results of structural tank inspections done at Orchard Grass WWTP, Willow Creek WWTP, and Ash Ave. WWTP.
A motion was made by James Griffin and seconded by Art Henson to proceed with the bidding of recommended improvements to the Ash Ave WWTP and approve the structural tank analysis expense of $10,500 to BlueStone Engineering. The motion carried unanimously.
- Sewer Credit Request due to water leak – 8602 Raintree Ct.
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by James Griffin to approve a sewer fee credit in the amount of $321.64 due to a water leak at 8602 Raintree Ct. The motion carried unanimously.
- Rain Garden Expense Reimbursement – 7305 Floydsburg Road
A motion was made by James Griffin and seconded by Horace Harrod to approve reimbursement of $418.55 to Thomas McShane of 7305 Floydsburg Road for rain garden expenses. The motion carried unanimously.
- Request for Grant to Repair Sewer Line – The property owners at 7316 Sideoats Dr. requested OCEA to repair a small portion of their clay pipe lateral line due to issues starting once OCEA worked on their property to install a cleanout. The Chairman requested that Alex Smither confirm the problem and report back to the Board. Upon inspection, it was determined that the work done by OCEA previously did not involve the area causing issues and the Board did not approve any further work or funding.
- KDOT Supplemental Agreement 1 – Hwy. 393 Realignment Project
Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz, Inc. requested approval of a supplemental agreement for soil test borings and rock soundings required for the project. All expenses are to be reimbursed by KDOT.
A motion was made by James Griffin and seconded by Horace Harrod to approve Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz Supplemental Agreement 1 to add $25,180 to the KDOT Hwy. 393 Realignment Project for a total project cost of $188,512. The motion carried unanimously.
- Industrial Pretreatment Program Acceptance
Kevin Gibson requested approval and acceptance of the Industrial Pretreatment Program designed for OCEA as required by the DOW.
A motion was made by Horace Harrod and seconded by James Griffin to approve and accept the OCEA Industrial Pretreatment Program document and authorized its submission to the Division of Water. The motion carried unanimously.
The group then discussed suggested names for the new regional wastewater treatment plant and came to an agreement that the new plant shall be named South Oldham Regional Facility. Vickie Miller suggested a ground-breaking ceremony and the Board advised her to proceed with planning. Vickie will return at the next meeting with suggested dates in January 2015.
5. Correspondence Review – All incoming and outgoing correspondence since the last Board meeting was emailed prior to the meeting for review and presented in the meeting binder. There was no correspondence requiring action.
6. Public Comment 2 – There were no comments from the public.
Announcement of Next Meeting Date – The Chairman announced the next regular monthly meeting will be held on December 18, 2014 at 2:00 p.m.
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by Horace Harrod to adjourn the regular session at 4:07 p.m. and return for Executive Session after a 10-minute break. The motion carried unanimously.
This session is called pursuant to KRS 61.815 et seq. The closed session concerns exceptions outlined in KRS 61.810(1)(c) allowing for discussion of proposed or pending litigation by a public agency to be conducted in private session.
After Executive Session, the Chairman called the regular meeting back to order at 5:50 p.m.
A motion was made by Horace Harrod and seconded by Art Henson to approve payment of the damage claim for a sewer backup at 1110 Cliffwood Drive in the amount of $9,565. The motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by Art Henson and seconded by James Griffin to authorize the Chairman to execute a Clear Site Certificate for the South Oldham Regional Facility property. The motion carried unanimously.
A motion was made by James Griffin and seconded by Art Henson to adjourn the meeting at 5:57 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Andrea Matz, Veolia Water N.A.