Minutes of Oak Tree Surgery PPG meeting 21st July 2015

Previous minutes

Deemed accurate

Matters arising

Medicines to Africa - JS has made enquiries about medicines to Africa. The company who sends drugs out to Africa is Inter-care for which she had brought in the relevant forms. JS has also spoken to the pharmacy and will start attending the pharmacy in August to sort drugs once enough returns have built up.

WHO set the guidelines on which drugs are able to be re-used. There has to be a certain length of sell by date and unfortunately many of the returned drugs are those used in the elderly. There is not such a demand for these drugs because of the lower age at which people die in Africa. It may be that a high percentage of drugs still have to be destroyed.

  • Would it be possible to join up with other pharmacies?
  • How are we going to make patients aware of what Jill is doing so they can bring in unused medication?

Font Size - LD has spoken with printers and they are not able to change the font size on prescriptions.

Meeting Time - This will be discussed at the next meeting when Dr Gilbert and other PPG members are present.

MJOG - There have been some issues with the automated call service from the surgery. Patients have been contacted to make appointments for their annual review which they have already attended. The automated call also doesn’t state the name of the surgery and there are concerns this could be seen as a spam phone call.

LD commented that this was a new service and there would be some issues to iron out. It had already been noted that the reason some patients were getting automated calls to attend reviews was because clinical staff were omitting to complete a tick box which meant the computer system was reading this as though the patient still needed to attend. The necessary staff have been informed.

Action: LD will look into why the automated system does not include the name of the surgery.

Patient Newsletter - The newsletter has been sent out with NHS England confirmation of the new childhood vaccination schedule. Of note most GP Practices issue quarterly newsletters to their patients.

Feedback from PPG Umbrella Group

Dr Richard Laugharne (Consultant Psychiatrist) was unable to attend the meeting but will attend in November. If anyone has any questions in relation to mental health could they send them to Penny so she can feed them into the Umbrella group.

Paula Bland gave an update on ‘Living Well’. They want to involve all parties in discussions with the aim of treating all patients as individuals and not just the disease. They hope to continue to use PPG’s to disseminate information to the wider public.

How can we disseminate information?

  • Coffee morning
  • Flu Clinic
  • Surgery newsletter
  • TV screen in waiting room
  • Surgery website

It was noted that the PPG does not get mentioned in every newsletter but it is advertised on the Waiting Room TV screen, on the Practice Website, on email responses to prescription requests and information included in new patient registration packs. The newsletter is currently emailed to about 2000 patients.

Information we may wish to see disseminated may include changes to health services nationally and locally, letting people know how changes will affect them and giving them an opportunity to feed back. There are also services already available locally but the public are not aware of them. As a PPG we want patients to be aware of us and make use of us.


Three PPG members attended the PPG Student Involvement Conference at Plymouth University on the 16th July. The conference was a positive experience. Interesting to hear from other PPG’s, how they are run and what others see as the purpose of PPG’s. PPG’s should be a ‘critical friend’ of the surgery. Kim Young said having nursing students joining PPG’s was a first and now the pilot is complete she hopes that it will continue with more students becoming involved.

Ideas were put forward for projects that our student nurse could become involved in and included:

  • How to we involve the 13-25 age group
  • Talking to young people about sexual health
  • Breaking down age barriers – linking older generation with younger generation
  • Health awareness event – myths and facts, healthy eating
  • Coffee morning
  • School visits to give talks on different health related topics

It was decided that prior to organising something on a larger scale we would hold a Coffee Morning on the 25th September to support Macmillan's World Biggest Coffee morning. Those who wished to help arrange this to meet on Thursday 30th July.

Action: GR to send off for Macmillan support pack

Action: LD to find out if the room will be available on the 25th September

Kernow Clinical Commisioning Group

Kernow CCG will be attending the next PPG meeting to discuss commissioning. If we have any questions can LD have them beforehand so that they can be passed on to Kernow CCG so they can have time to prepare the answers. LD has extended an invite to members of other PPG’s to attend to make the most of the opportunity, this was received gratefully. Kernow CCG will be given an hour at the next PPG meeting.

Action: If PPG members have further questions to ask at the next meeting can these be passed onto LD.

New Staff Members

Susan Beale, Practice Nurse has joined the Practice (replacing Ruth Eggins, Practice Nurse)

Vicky Flowers, Practice Nurse – Starting in August (replacing Louise Fraser, Practice Nurse)

Any Other Business

PP attended Healthwatch in Saltash. It is hoped we will be able to work more collaboratively with them. Minutes from the PPG umbrella Group will be sent to Healthwatch. As a patient voice we are a valuable resource.

Next Meeting of PPG: 23rd September at 1.00 pm.

This is the meeting when Paula Bland and Anita Cornelius from Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group will be attending to discuss how services are commissioned.

Members from Rosedean Surgery PPG and Pensilva Health Centre PPG will be attending.